波斯顿学院为例,MSF的先修课要求如下(MSF FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME PREREQUISITES):The following prerequisites must be completed prior to beginning the BC MSF program. These courses must be taken at an accredited 4-year, not-for-profit, college or university. Courses to satisfy the prerequisites may be taken online.(*在线课程也接受)Students must earn a grade of “B” or better in order to meet the requirement. Most students with an MBA or an undergraduate degree in business meet the prerequisites.(*MBA学生或者商科背景的学生一般具备这样的先修课要求)
Students should have completed a course focused on the development and use of accounting information to evaluate the status and performance of business enterprises. Specifically, students should have a thorough grounding in the income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows. The course should cover reporting of information for use by persons and institutions outside the enterprise as well as the use of accounting information in managerial decision making.(需要有基础的会计知识,并且运用会计知识帮助做公司的一些决策)
Students should have completed an introductory course in Calculus covering a brief review of polynomials, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions, followed by discussion of limits, derivatives, and applications of differential calculus to real-world problem areas. The course concludes with an introduction to integration.(微积分的入门课程,需要了解多项式,三角函数,指数函数,对数函数等简单问题等·)
Students should have completed an introductory course in Finance that covers projected financial statements, the time value of money, capital budgeting, financial leverage, security valuation, risk/return, working capital management, and international finance. The course should also cover financial statistical analysis and tools of planning and control.(金融管理课程涉及:金融统计分析,规划和控制)
统计学Students should have completed a course focusing on the analytical tools of statistics that are applicable to management practice. The course should include descriptive statistics and probability and progress to inferential statistics relative to central tendency and dispersion. In addition to basic concepts of estimation and hypothesis testing, the course should include coverage of topics such as analysis of variance, regression, probability, hypothesis testing, Z-scores, P-values, the standard normal distribution, OLS regression, t-statistics, and Chi-square distributions.
The MSF Program also requires that students have a basic understanding of economics. Students must complete undergraduate- or graduate-level course work in microeconomics and macroeconomics before the MSF degree will be conferred. This coursework is not required to start the program.
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