The SAT adversity score is a number that the College Board calculates from information it has about different aspects of an SAT test taker's life about the disadvantages they've faced.
This score is visible to colleges and institutional score report recipients only; if you're a test-taker and you look at your SAT scores in your College Board account, you won't see this information.
此分数仅对大学和机构成绩报告收件人可见;如果您是考生并且在College Board账户中查看您的SAT成绩,您将看不到这些信息。
The College Board announced changes to its "adversity index" --- even before it was used.
College Board在使用前宣布改变“逆境指数” 。
New system will be based on two standards -- neighborhood and high school -- and will be available to all.
新系统将基于两个标准 “街区和高中”,并将向所有人提供该指数。
The changes continue the College Board's effort to provide colleges with more information about the high schools attended by students who take the SAT. With more colleges dropping the SAT as an admissions requirement, the College Board is under pressure to show that it is aware of worries that the test favors those who are better off.
这些变化延续了College Board的努力,为大学提供有关SAT考生高中的更多信息。随着越来越多的大学放弃使用SAT作为入学要求,大学理事会面临压力,并且意识到那些对测试有利于经济条件好的群体的担忧。
When the adversity index was originally announced -- after years of pilots -- in May, it received considerable criticism.
虽然经过多年的试点 ,当逆境指数最初五月份宣布,它仍受到了相当多的批评。
The changes are:
▶The system will be called Landscape.
▶While the previous system provided one score summarizing information about the student's high school and neighborhood, the new system will provide separate scores on neighborhood and high school. (The College Board released its methodology for the two scores.)
▶The scores will be available to students, not just to the colleges to which they are applying.变化是:
▶虽然之前的系统提供了一个总结有关学生的高中和社区信息的分数,但新系统将提供关于邻里和高中的单独分数。 (大学理事会发布了两种分数的方法论。)
The measures will be added to the SAT next year and will not replace anything currently on the test.
Robert Schaeffer, the public education director of FairTest, the National Center for Fair & Open Testing, and a long-standing critic of the College Board, said, "It's good that the College Board listened to the widespread criticism of their original plan and canceled efforts to assign a simplistic adversity score to each applicant.
FairTest的公共教育主管,国家公平和公开测试中心的Robert Schaeffer,以及大学理事会的长期评论家说:“大学理事会听取了他们原计划的广泛批评,并取消了为每个申请人分配一个简单的逆境分数,这很好。
But, because the Landscape formula is based on overall averages from a student's high school and neighborhood, it still does not tell admissions offices much about the obstacles any given individual faced. And most of the data being repackaged by the College Board was previously available from high school profile reports and other sources."
It is unknown what share of colleges will seriously use Landscape.
calculate v. 计算
visible adj. 可见
requirement n. 需求
adversity n. 逆境
index n. 指数
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