新学期的第一天虽然秋雨连绵,走进协和校园,迎面遇上的却是大队委员们热情的微笑与温暖的双手。他们主动帮助一年级的弟弟妹妹们拎书包,“大手牵小手”送上贴心问候,陪伴他们迈入小学生涯的崭新篇章。When entering our SUIS Hongqiao campus on the first day of the new semester, our Young Pioneers were greeting every SUIS kid with their warmest smiles and offering help to carry the school bags of their Grade 1 schoolmates. Starting their brilliant primary school life together.
在龙楼与狮楼的门厅里,“垃圾分类PK赛”正在如火如荼地进行中。经过一个假期的耳濡目染,几乎每个小朋友都对垃圾分类的方式了如指掌。加油,协和环保小卫士们!美丽的校园需要你们的双手来守护!In the foyer of the Dragon and Lion building, a PK game on Garbage Sorting is in full swing. After a summer holiday, almost every child knows well enough how to sort garbage. Go Green SUISers! You are the guards for our eco environment.
暑期的风景令人流连,新学期的征途更多姿多彩。经过两个月的休养生息,朝气蓬勃的协和学子已全身心做好准备迎接挑战。在开学典礼上,中外校长向全校师生表示热烈欢迎,鼓励同学们在新学年定下属于自己的小目标,努力学习,认真思考,行动起来,做出改变,成为更棒的自己。Our students are already well prepared for the new school semester after a two-month refreshment. At the opening ceremony, our principals from local and international stream extended a warm welcome to all our teachers and students, encouraging students to set goals, study hard, think critically, take actions, make changes and become the best of themselves.
四年级的学长学姐为弟弟妹妹准备了一份特殊的见面礼——他们亲手制作了创意书签,并在上面一笔一划写下了新学期的祝福,希望一年级新生们也和自己一样,在协和校园里度过美好而难忘的时光。A special gift was prepared for our new Grade One students by the Grade Four schoolmates –handmade bookmarks with blessings and wishes they wrote on, hoping that the first-year SUISers would enjoy their wonderful and memorable time here just like they have been.
‘Garbage is a resource that has been misplaced’. In addition to the serious implementation of the garbage sorting plan, we can also start with the little things. After watching the video on how to sort garbage in the school campus, student representatives of the International Stream took the stage to propose the collection of recyclable materials and reduced use of disposable items so as to raise eco-environmental awareness and make our Earth a better place for living.
在本届开学典礼上,上学期取得突出表现的学习之星、进步之星、优秀大队长、优秀执勤中队等个人和集体也喜获表彰,是你们昨天的努力成就了今日的硕果累累,祝贺你们!At the opening ceremony, individuals and groups who achieved outstanding performance in the last semester also received ‘High Achievement Award’, ‘Most Improved Award’, ‘The Best Class monitor’ and ‘The Best Class on Duty’. Congratulations!