年份 | 2019 |
学科 | 嵌入系统 Embedded Systems |
国家/州 | Germany |
Particulate Raindrop Analysis for More Accurate Storm Forecasts
Global warming represents one of the most apparent threats to humanity by increasing the destructive force of natural phenomenons such as hurricanes dramatically. Due to its almost inevitable progression, methods for accurate storm forecasting are in urgent demand. The objective of this project was to come up with a measuring technique for storms allowing for a superior spatial resolution and a short-term prediction of the storm’s further progression. An entirely self-developed measuring instrument consisting of a membrane which oscillates upon the impact of water droplets to enable a determination of their individual sizes was built for this purpose. Calibrating the measurement device involved novel techniques from interdisciplinary fields such as digital signal processing, advanced analog electronics, fluid dynamics, software programming and digital image processing. The ability of the demonstrated calibration method to autonomously generate calibration curves yielded results with uncertainties of about 2.2 millionth of a liter per droplet after about 2000 artificial raindrops were created for calibration purposes. After the integration of this measuring principle into a wirelessly interconnected, self-sufficient prototype, 15 of those have been distributed in a radius of about 40 kilometers. The aggregation of data in a self-developed cloud processing system allows me to precisely determine the further progression of a storm about half an hour in advance, which means that the aim of the project has been accomplished completely. For this reason, an expansion of the project to a global scale holds a decisive potential for the benefit of humanity.
高中生科研 英特尔 Intel ISEF
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英特尔国际科学与工程大奖赛,简称 "ISEF",由美国 Society for Science and the Public(科学和公共服务协会)主办,英特尔公司冠名赞助,是全球规模最大、等级最高的中学生的科研科创赛事。ISEF 的学术活动学科包括了所有数学、自然科学、工程的全部领域和部分社会科学。ISEF 素有全球青少年科学学术活动的“世界杯”之美誉,旨在鼓励学生团队协作,开拓创新,长期专一深入地研究自己感兴趣的课题。
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Studies involving electrical systems in which information is conveyed via signals and waveforms for purposes of enhancing communications, control and/or sensing.
Circuits (CIR): The study, analysis, and design of electronic circuits and their components, including testing.
Internet of Things (IOT): The inter-networking of physical devices embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and network connectivity to enable objects to collect/exhcange data and/or rovide control. Such devices are to be connected with the internet and/or the cloud.
Microcontrollers (MIC): The study and engineering of microcontrollers and their use to control other devices.
Networking and Data Communications (NET): The study of systems that transmit any combination of voice, video, and/or data among users.
Optics (OPT): The use of visible or infrared light instead of signals sent over wires. The study and development of optical devices and systems devoted to practical applications such as computation.
Sensors (SEN): The study and design of devices that transmit an electrical response to an external device.
Signal Processing (SIG): The extraction of signals from noise and their conversion into a representation for modeling and analysis.
Other (OTH): Studies that cannot be assigned to one of the above subcategories. If the project involves multiple subcategories, the principal subcategory should be chosen instead of Other.
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