作为深国交G2年级国际考的考试科目,IGCSE ENGLISH LANGUAGE A这个科目,如那河畔的伊人一般,身形姣好却无法触及,隔岸相望,令许多深国交学子寝食难安,夜不能寐。
IGCSE ENGLISH LANGUAGE A难就难在,同学们不熟悉考试的形式。它主要包含两个方面:文学赏析+英文写作。文学赏析English Literature文学赏析可以分为两个部分:小说类文章赏析 Fiction非小说类文章赏析 Non-Fiction
The first thing I must have was a light and I groped my way back across to my bed, reached over it and got my hand to the torch at last, took a step back, stumbled over the dog who was at my heels and dropped the torch. It went spinning away across the floor and fell somewhere by the window with a crash and the faint sound of breaking glass. I cursed but managed, by crawling about on my hands and knees, to find it again and to press the switch. No light came on. The torch had broken.The first thing I must have was a light and I groped my way back across to my bed, reached over it and got my hand to the torch at last, took a step back, stumbled over the dog who was at my heels and dropped the torch. It went spinning away across the floor and fell somewhere by the window with a crash and the faint sound of breaking glass. I cursed but managed, by crawling about on my hands and knees, to find it again and to press the switch. No light came on. The torch had broken.
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“我必须做的第一件事就是找寻一丝光亮。摸索着,我回到了床边,伸出手试图找到手电筒。就在碰到它的一瞬间,我下意识地往后退了一步,却被一直趴在地上的狗绊了一跤,手电也随之掉落。沿着地板,它越滚越远。伴随着一声巨响和微弱的破碎声,它从窗户旁边的某个地方掉了下去。我一边咒骂着,一边却不得不一路爬着找到了它。按下开关,没有光亮。手电坏了。”觉得很容易看懂?那么紧接着题目就来了:How does the writer create an atmosphere of fear and suspense in the extract?(请知道问题答案的同学在后台留言,V酱会送出神秘礼物哦~)综上所述,读懂文章只是万里长征的第一步,同学们要具备一定的文学赏析能力才能在考试中斩获理想的分数,而这是需要较长时间的培养才能具备的能力。
英文写作English Writing
英文写作又有两个考试要求:Imaginative Writing(以“意外的访客”为题写一篇文章)事务性写作(演讲稿、正式信件、杂志报纸、评论)受制于学校中的班型设置,很多时候同学们完成了写作练习,但是老师们并没有足够的时间去仔细批改每一位同学的习作。久而久之,同学们会觉得练习的动力不足,自己也很难通过同学之间的互相批改提升写作能力。对于写作部分,精改+精讲才是提升写作最有效的方法。综上所述,同学们需要长期的培养以及大量的阅读来提升文学分析能力。小班授课,能够针对性的批改和讲评,同学跟老师也能零距离沟通,轻松提升写作能力。
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