年份 | 2018 |
学校 | Friedensschule Munster |
国家/州 | Germany |
Designing and Building a Continuously Spinning but Controllable Flying Object
Classic rotorcrafts, such as helicopters, work due to complex mechanics and especially the interaction between the main and the tail rotor. Small and light microcontrollers are widely available today. Using them, concepts for rotorcrafts normally uncontrollable by human pilots alone can finally be mastered. This can be achieved by combining aerodynamics and modern hard- and software. In my project I evaluated how to design and build such a not yet documented and unconventional flying object from scratch.
The roflCopter is a rotorcraft working like a helicopter's main rotor taken as a single flying object on its own. This leads to a continuously spinning flying disk and therefore several challenges in designing, building and especially controlling the copter and its electronics.
To spin, two motors with propellers installed at the end of a rod mounted perpendicular to two rotorblades drive the rotor up to 850rpm in average. Two servo motors tilt the rotorblades to change the angle of attack during flight and thereby altering the lift respectively. Aileron-like flaps at each rotorblade tip are pulled down by actuators in 2-3ms. They alter the lift force of each rotorblade to tilt the whole copter and make it steerable in any direction.
The final goal is to build a copter which has the agility of a model helicopter but is still mechanically simple. It could be used in various applications in which great agility is needed but other drones would fail. Examples are indoor 3D mapping, cave exploring, factory inspection or SAR applications.
英特尔国际科学与工程大奖赛,简称 "ISEF",由美国 Society for Science and the Public(科学和公共服务协会)主办,英特尔公司冠名赞助,是全球规模最大、等级最高的中学生的科研科创赛事。ISEF 的学术活动学科包括了所有数学、自然科学、工程的全部领域和部分社会科学。ISEF 素有全球青少年科学学术活动的“世界杯”之美誉,旨在鼓励学生团队协作,开拓创新,长期专一深入地研究自己感兴趣的课题。
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Studies that focus on the science and engineering that involve movement or structure. The movement can be by the apparatus or the movement can affect the apparatus.
Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering (AER): Studies involving the design of aircraft and space vehicles and the direction of the technical phases of their manufacture and operation.
Civil Engineering (CIV): Studies that involve the planning, designing, construction, and maintenance of structures and public works, such as bridges or dams, roads, water supply, sewer, flood control and, traffic.
Computational Mechanics (COM): A study that applies the discipline and techniques of computer science and mathematics to solve large and complex problems in Engineering Mechanics.
Control Theory (CON): The study of dynamical systems, including controllers, systems, and sensors that are influenced by inputs.
Ground Vehicle Systems (VEH): The design of ground vehicles and the direction of the technical phases of their manufacture and operation.
Industrial Engineering-Processing (IND): Studies of efficient production of industrial goods as affected by elements such as plant and procedural design, the management of materials and energy, and the integration of workers within the overall system. The industrial engineer designs methods, not machinery.
Mechanical Engineering (MEC): Studies that involve the generation and application of heat and mechanical power and the design, production, and use of machines and tools.
Naval Systems (NAV): Studies of the design of ships and the direction of the technical phases of their manufacture and operation.
Other (OTH): Studies that cannot be assigned to one of the above subcategories. If the project involves multiple subcategories, the principal subcategory should be chosen instead of Other.
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