Executive Principal of THIS, Ms. Li Wenping delivered an opening speech. She looked back on the last school year when a variety of activities were organized by primary school and great progress was achieved by primary students. At the beginning of the new school year, Ms. Li expressed three expectations for every primary student: to study diligently and eagerly, to be self-disciplined and to cherish their own time. On thesecondaryopening ceremony,Ms. Lihighly praised the distinguished accomplishments that THIS family have made in the past year. She stated that one of the overarching missions of THIS is to foster creative, critical thinkers who are rooted in China and prepared to lead in the global community, and that the school will promote the educational feature of ‘combining the best of the East and the West’. As an international school locatein Tsinghua University, Ms. Li encouraged students to inherit and carry forward the Tsinghua spirit. Ms. Li also looked back to those days when all the faculty members and students celebrated the 10th anniversary of THIS with joy, excitement and honor.
Wenping Li
Executive Principal of THIS
Caroline Scott在致辞中介绍了国际部的课程安排以及设置目标。她坚信课程始终是清华附中国际部的核心所在,并表示将与各学科老师一道,不断探索“学什么”“怎么学”,努力实现国际部善于合作,多元化文化氛围,勤于探索,乐于参与,中英文双母语教学及清华精神的教育理念及核心价值。
BritiniLeigh Padilla
Primary Director
中学部主任Jeffrey Joyce的致辞依旧幽默且充满力量。他反思时间的流逝,年龄的增长以及它们留下的最珍贵的财富——智慧。他认为沉淀智慧的过程如同徐徐行驶的火车,需要持续的反思、深刻的对话和丰富的阅历。Jeffrey勉励在座的年轻人,不畏时间,勤学慎独,一起踏上寻找智慧的旅程。
"The wise have transcended their experiences and come to a deeper and broader understanding of what those experiences mean. They don’t have single tracked minds and aren’t quick to choose sides. They weigh out the possible outcomes of actions and words to make sure that they are appropriate to any given situation - they ask questions before launching into answers. They listen before they speak. They are sure of both what they know and what they don’t- and are open to expressing both."
Jeff Joyce
Secondary School Director
"Take full advantage of what THIS can offer, learn, practice, exile and discover our full potentials!"
G5 Sonia Mo
Student Representative
学生代表Celine Lee的演讲坦诚且自信,她通过两段实习经历,坦露自己“初入职场”的心得和感悟,明白只有更加努力才能有底气选择自己想要的生活。“欢迎回到学校”对她而言,也不再意味着“失望”,而是意味着 “兴奋”。
"The next time you feel like suffocating from school work, BREATH, take a step back, see that you want to learn now so that you can choose the life you want in your own futures."
国际部学术校长Maxine Klimasara女士总结发言。她向小学部全体学生及家长阐述了国际部的5个核心价值观及其重要性,勉励学生将核心价值观践行到生活的每个细节。在中学部开学典礼的发言中,Maxine女士重申“清华精神”的特质,她希望学生敢于尝试、接受风险;培养韧性、永不放弃。
"As long as I have been at THIS or for that matter have been alive, I can honestly say that seldom a day goes by that I don’t learn something new."
Maxine Klimasara
Academic Principal of THIS
The Arts Department
体育 PE
数学 Math
英语课程 ELS
中文 Chinese
学生服务 Student Services
科学 Science
English/Language Arts
To help new students and parents better adapt to the new environment, Principal Li hold the parents meeting and students orientation in the library after opening ceremony.
This opening ceremony is the 11th one of THIS,
which means THIS is forging ahead to the second decade,with success and honor.
Everyone presenthas become the pioneer andwitness ofthe next decade of THIS.
Let's work hard together!
作者Written|Hanyin Song
图片Pictures|Hanyin Song,Annelise Guo, Adela Bai, Ethan Shen, Leni Gao, Leon Chang
编辑Edited| Hanyin Song
审核Audited| Jeff Joyce, Toni Dong, Lan Yi, Wenping Li