很多排名靠前的学校都会采取“国际生+地区”这种双重纬度来审核申请,考虑到美高学生集中于加州、纽约州等几个留学生密集区域,很难讲这部分地区的美高学生会比国内的高中生有优势,倒是留学生相对稀少地区的优秀学生容易在这种划分标准下出彩。 比如芝加哥大学,对于美高的中国公民来说,虽然审阅申请的时候会把你放在美高的“池子”里来评估,并且遵循和美国公民一样的申请流程,但是如果你申请了助学金,我们还是会考虑到你不是美国公民的身份的(言下之意,如果你申请了助学金,还是有可能损伤到你的录取几率的哦)。
✔1. Princeton UniversityWe evaluate all students within the context of their school setting. When we read your application, we will read it along with any other students from your school who have applied. This allows for us to have a better understanding of each school context. You will be asked to self-report your citizenship on the Common Application, which will not affect how your application is read.
✔2. Columbia U
Columbia’s admissions application process is largely the same for all students regardless of their citizenship or country of residence. But If you are applying for financial aid, different financial aid applications are required for international students.
✔3. Duke University
We read applications by where a student attends high school. However below is some information that will be helpful as you will also be considered an international student.
We categorize all applications from students attending schools outside the United States as international, even those from students who are US citizens.
We categorize all applications from students who are not US citizens or US Lawful Permanent Residents as international, even those from students who are attending schools in the US.
✔4. Cornell University
If you are not a US citizen or hold a green card, you are considered an international student. The application and requirements are the same for all students. We read applications based on where you currently attend school, rather than by your citizenship status. Your application will be read with others from the school you attend and those from the same state (U.S.) or country.
✔5. College of William & Mary
It is great to hear of your interest in William & Mary! All Chinese citizens attending high school in the United States are considered international students, but will be read in the context of their United States high school. I hope this helps. If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
✔6. Vanderbilt University
So it's not like we have two piles of applications, domestic and international. Because of this, my answer may seem a bit confusing, so please feel free to ask questions if it doesn't make sense. Your file will be evaluated by the admission counselor responsible for the area of the high school you will graduate from. So let's say you do four years of high school at the Lawrenceville School in NJ and plan to graduate from there [example], I would be the one evaluating your application since I have all schools in NJ. However, lets say, you attend Lawrenceville for three years, and go to Shanghai World Foreign Language School to graduate, Julie Chapman would evaluate you application since that is one of her schools. In both situations the context of your school environment(s) will be taken into consideration.
✔7. New York University
While you would be considered an international student, we review applications by high schools, so your application would be reviewed in the context of the school you currently attend
还是有少部分学校将美高学生当作本土学生来处理,如果按照这个原则,中国学生的直接竞争者就是在读高中区域的所有学生,包括美国学生和其他外籍学生,名单如下。✔1. YaleSince applications are read by region, international versus domestic status is determined by where you went to secondary school, rather than by residency or citizenship status.
✔2. Georgia Tech
Applications are read within the context from which you are applying. For example, if you are from Panama but living in Illinois, your application will be read with those from Illinois. Likewise, if you are from Illinois but living in France, your application will be read with those from France.
✔3. USC (分in-state和out-of-state)
An applicant is considered a bona fide California resident – for admissions purposes – if he or she has attended a California high school for at least three years and graduated from a California high school or if the applicant's parent or legal guardian is a permanent resident of California (if the applicant is under 18).
✔4. Northeastern University
If you are currently attending high school in the US, you will be recognized as a domestic student. Please note that we will still consider your Chinese citizenship.
✔5. Southern Methodist University
SMU defines an International Student as any student who graduates high school abroad.
哈佛表示:因为所有的申请人都需要遵循一样的申请流程且都有资格申请我们的助学资金,所以我们不需要区别这些申请人。无论你是来自美高的外国公民还是在其他国家上高中的美国公民,我们都一视同仁。同时也表示不会针对国籍和高中所在地而对申请人设置“限额”(quotas),并再次强调是否申请助学金不会影响申请人的录取几率。 ▲哈佛官网截图:不区分国际生与非国际生的原因
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