Over the past week, 15 new faculty members were welcomed by the THIS family. Well-designed activities helped both Chinese and foreign new teachers acquire a better understanding of THIS and adapt quickly to their new roles.
欢迎仪式 Greetings
12日上午的欢迎仪式拉开了新教师培训周的序幕。清华附中国际部副校长李文平,学术副校长Maxine Klimasara,校长助理、招生办主任依兰,以及全体中外籍新教师参加了欢迎仪式。致辞中,李校长向新教师的加入表示欢迎,并介绍了清华大学、清华附中以及清华附中国际部的历史、使命和愿景。她鼓励年轻教师在工作中勤学善问,带着热爱和责任开展教育教学工作。Maxine副校长向大家介绍了清华附中国际部的教育价值观和教学理念,充分强调了“合作、参与、探索、多元与清华精神”的核心价值观。
A welcome ceremony was held on Monday where Vice Principal Li, Academic Vice Principal Ms. Klimasara and Director of Admission Ms. Yi were present. Principal Li introduced the history of THIS and explained the relationship between Tsinghua University, Tsinghua High School and Tsinghua International School, while Principal Ms. Klimasara introduced the school's core values, teaching methods and the organizational structures.
欢迎早餐Welcome Breakfast
13日清晨,清华附中国际部家委会的代表早早来到学校,为新入职的教职工准备欢迎早餐。种类丰富的中西式早餐饱含着家长们的满满诚意,新教师们在享用早餐的同时,与家长代表畅聊工作和生活。再次感谢家委会对THIS工作的支持!The representatives of Parent Council prepared a substantial breakfast for new teachers on Tuesday morning.Thanks again for their support and hospitality!
After breakfast, Principals Li and Klimasara introduced important Chinese laws and regulations for foreign teachers to help them better adapt to Chinese society.
At the same time, new Chinese teachers were guided to visit Tsinghua campus.
校长座谈会Principal Speeches
On the morning of August 14, Principal Shi explained the importance of communicationin in our multi-cultural environment and encouraged both Chinese and foreign teachers to take advantage of Professional Development opportunities to learn from each other. Moreover, Principal Shi advocated that students in THIS should be taught to understand, appreciate and disseminate Chinese culture.
“Being part of Tsinghua High School is the uniqueness of Tsinghua International School,”Principal Li said. Action speaks louder than words, teachers of THIS should keep up Tsinghua High School's good traditions. Principal Li also emphasized the opportunity and challenge brought by cultural integration.
这一周时间里,新老师们参加了丰富的活动、讲座和研讨会。课程主任Caroline Scott向新教师培训如何使用教学管理系统;信息技术主任Alla Alali进行了学校邮箱及PowerSchool的使用培训;小学部主任Britni Padilla深入浅出介绍了小学教学法之一--响应式课堂;行政副主任董文博带领新教师体验中学“部落”教学方法;中文组白文婷老师和李京京老师向年轻教师分享了教学经验并进行备课指导。新教师进一步地熟悉了清华附中国际部的教学理念、规章制度、各个年级主要的教学方法和国际部网络系统、邮箱系统、教育教学管理系统的使用等,在深入了解国际部教育价值观的同时,进一步扩大了自身的知识储备,提升了专业技能。
Over the last week, new faculty members were offered a variety of workshops taught by and for faculty members. Curriculum Director Caroline Scott explained the usage of a teaching management system. Technology director Alla Alali gave a comprehensive training on school Email and PowerSchool, while Primary Director Britni Padilla introduced the responsive classroom to primary teachers. The Associate Director of Administration Wenbo Dong held the Tribes workshop and Ms. Bai and Ms. Li of the Chinese Department shared their working experiences with the new Chinese teachers.
In the middle of July, seven newly recruited Chinese teachers for THIS, together with 376 teachers from 15 campuses, participated in the 2019 Tsinghua University High School Orientation. This is the largest orientation with the widest scopeand largest scale in Tsinghua Fuzhong history. The four-day orientation covered four sessions, including general training, teaching skills training, research ability training andteam activities.
New teachers seemed to benefit from these two orientations and now are ready to start the new school year.
赵心妍 - 升学指导
I was impressed to see many teachers working to improve their teaching ability, and enhance their relationships with students. After listening Ms. Li’s experience, I can feel her passion, persistence and dedication to education, which are essential to being an outstanding teacher. As a college counselor, I need to put myself in students’ shoes to better consider their needs and interests.
Veronica Tzuying Duong -Primary ESL
I knew a little bit about responsive classroom before the training. For example,teachers need to use positive language when they talk to students, and direct students rather than yelling at them to stop doing something. Britni gave me more practical ideas, she introduced something called ‘energizer’, which is a way to take a break. But instead of sitting around, she suggested us to do activities that make students more excited and get to know each other more quickly. She also mentioned the stages of child development and taught us how to communicate more effectively with our students. I am excited to meet my new students!
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