有些同学可能听过这样一种说法:英文里,并列连词(Coordinating conjunctions)是不能出现在句子开头的。说的简单一点,就是But/And/So不能在句首出现,应该替换为However/Additionally/Therefore。因为连词要前后连接2套主谓宾,如果在句首是连词,无法满足连接2套主谓宾的要求。但是,我们又会发现,在GRE和TOEFL阅读中,But和And在句首出现的情况并不少见。
今天我们用TOEFL Official Guide中的Writer’s Handbook for English Language Learners一章的内容,为大家回答“写作中,But/And/So用在句首到底对不对?”
① 并列连词在句子中(In the middle of a sentence)可以有效地将思想连接在一起。(在句中,but/and/so没有问题。)
② 但是,在学术写作中,尽量避免将它们用在句首(Try to avoid using them to begin sentences)。(在句首,But/And/So尽量不要使用。)
【段落1】Baseball is the great American sport. And, it is thought of as a summer pasttime. So as soon as the weather turns warm, all the neighborhood kids find a field to toss a ball around. And soon they form teams and play each other.
【段落2】Baseball, the great American sport, is thought of as a summer pasttime. As soon as the weather turns warm, all the neighborhood kids find a field to toss a ball around. Soon, they form teams and play each other.
These researchers also claim that improvements of memory overnight can be explained by the mere passage of time, rather than attributed to sleep. But recent studies of memory performance after sleep — including one demonstrating that sleep stabilizes declarative memories from future interference caused by mental activity during wakefulness — make this claim unsustainable. Certainly there are memory consolidation processes that occur across periods of wakefulness, some of which neither depend on nor are enhanced by sleep.
① 我们在写作的时候,尽量避免But/And/So在句首使用。
② 如果But/And/So前面的句子短,我们可以改成小写的“but”, “and”和“so”。
③ 如果But/And/So前面的句子长,我们可以用However,Additionally和Therefore来替换。
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