SCI论文中描述XRD结果之 Part 1.XRD谱图作为定性分析手段
实例一:The diffraction peaks of both BiOI and ZnO were sharp and intense, indicating their highly crystalline nature. No impurity peaks were observed, confirming the high purity of the two products.
(Ref.: Jiang, J. et al., J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115, 20555 –20564)
句式模板: The diffraction peaks (of __) were sharp and intense, indicating their highly crystalline nature.No impurity peaks were observed, confirming the high purity of the products.
实例二:The X-ray powder diffraction pattern of an electrodeposited catalyst shows broad amorphous features and no peaks indicative of crystalline phases other than the peaks associated with the ITO layer.
(Ref.: Kanan, M. and Nocera, D., Science, 2008, 321,1072-1075)
句式模板:The X-ray powder diffraction pattern of __ shows broad amorphous features and no peaks indicative of crystalline phases.
变型:The diffraction pattern of __ has only a very broad peak, indicating the presence of fully amorphous __. This can be ascribed to ...(说明原因)
实例三:No characteristic diffraction peaks of Ni(OH)2 are observed because of its lower loading content and weak crystallization, on the other hand, also implying the good dispersion of the very small Ni(OH)2clusters on the TiO2 surface.
(Yu, J. J. Phys. Chem. C 2011,115, 4953–4958)
句式模板:No characteristic diffraction peaks of __ are observed because of its lower loading content and weak crystallization, on the other hand, also implying the good dispersion of the very small __ clusters on the __ surface.