“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Primary school students (aged 5-10) should do no more than 30 minutes of homework per night because they already get enough instructions at school during the day.”
【思路】 “够了”。因为:
1、 我在讨论什么(论题)。
2、 我在这个论题中的立场是什么。
Although homework is necessary as it is to make sure that child students revisit things taught in the class, the load should be within a small amount. The proposition that the amount should not exceed 30 minutes of work is logical and adoptable.First, a child’s mind is unable to deal with homework that takes a long time.
Children usually have short attention spans. If the assignments require a long span of focus, children will get absent-minded and, as a result, learn nothing. In addition, although children may be forced to concentrate and manage to do so, they will get tired, and fatigue does not promote learning and instead inhibits it.
Homework is not to make children suffer but to encourage children to experience what they learn. If the load is heavy and the time is lengthy, child students’ interest in learning and patience will wear thin and eventually wear off. For instance,
when I was in the elementary school, the math teacher always assigned too much homework to the students. As a matter of fact, the large amounts were not useful in strengthening my numeracy skills but counterproductive. Doing the work was like a torture, and with my interest in the subject lost soon, I failed in math. In fact, I have since been weak in counting and calculating
There is no denying that homework is necessary because child students need to reflect on their learning—the successes and deficiencies—during the day. However, the amount must be reasonable and small, and the length of 30 minutes may be just fine.
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