Sometimes, it takes serious preparation to host a fun event.
This week at Shanghai American School is orientation week. It’s the time of year when we welcome new families to the school, with some children moving from Elementary to Middle School, or from Middle to High School. Sure, there’s laughter and icebreakers that foster new friendships. But behind it all is months of preparation, to ensure our students are well-supported from day one.
In High School, SAS participates in Link Crew, a US-based leadership and orientation program which trains juniors and seniors to guide and aid incoming freshmen students. To become a Link Leader, students on our Pudong campus were selected from a pool of 75 applicants and each received extensive training over spring. The training helps ensure our Link Leaders can provide positive, calming, and supportive guidance to our freshman class.
上海美国学校的高中部从美国引进了一个领导力培养与入学适应计划,即Link Crew计划,旨在训练中高年级的学生引导和协助刚入学的新生。我们已经从浦东校区的75名申请学生中选出了该计划的领队,而且所有的领队都在春季期间接受了全方位的培训,旨在确保他们能够沉着冷静地为新生班级提供积极有效的指导。
At its core, orientation is meant to welcome new students and help them settle in but here at SAS it’s about so much more. There are coffee chats, cultural liaison groups, a parent-led fair and community BBQ.
As much preparation as orientation takes, we don’t see it as hard work. We see it as a first step in an inspiring journey.We do it for the students and families so that they can have the most amazing start to their new school year and hit the ground running.
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Founded in 1912, Shanghai American School (SAS) is the largest and most established international school in China. In short, it's the kind of school you wish you would've attended when you were a kid.
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