Postdoctoral Position
·Location: Philadelphia,Pennsylvania (US)
·ApplicationDeadline: Open Until Filled
Job Description
A Postdoctoral Fellow position is immediately available in the laboratoryof Dr. Sumant Puri, Assistant Professor and co-director of the Oral MicrobiomeResearch Laboratory at Temple University.
The research focus of this NIH-funded study is to understand the role ofhost iron levels in modulating Candida albicans pathogenesis and host’s innateand mucosal immune response against oral and gut commensal pathogens.
Duties/Responsibilities: The fellow will be responsible for experimentsdesigned and carried out under the supervision of the PI; and participate indata analysis and manuscript preparation, along with routine lab maintenance.
Required experience:
Experience in mice handling related to animal modelsof infection is a must, along with basic and advanced microbiology techniques,including MIC/MBC/time-kill assays, fungal/bacterial cultures, and biofilmassays; as well as experience with real time PCR, Western blotting,immunofluorescence techniques, flow cytometry, and extensive microscopy,including confocal. Experience in working with the yeast C. albicans is highlypreferred and knowledge of transcriptomics will be considered an asset.
Please send your CV, a cover letter, and contact information for threereferences to Dr. Sumant Puri (Assistant Professor) at
Postdoctoral Positions
·Columbia University
·Location: New York(US)
·ApplicationDeadline: Open Until Filled
Job Description
Postdoctoral positions are available in the laboratory of Sankar Ghosh, Departmentof Microbiology and Immunology at Columbia University Irving Medical Center,New York. We are looking for highly motivated candidates with a background incellular or molecular immunology to join our team. A number of excitingprojects are available in the areas of cancer immunology and the regulation ofinflammatory signaling (please see for a description ofprojects and a list of notable publications). The candidate should haverecently obtained a Ph.D. in a relevant field (e.g. immunology, cancer biology,cell signaling or gene regulation). Expertise in flow cytometry andbioinformatic analysis is desirable.
Application Information
· Hopkins UniversitySchool of Medicine
· Location: Baltimore,MD
· ApplicationDeadline: Open Until Filled
Job Description
A postdoctoral fellow position is available immediately at the JohnsHopkins University School of Medicine. We are looking for a highly motivated individual to study mechanisms andtherapy of vascular and neuronal disease processes in the retina, includingneuroinflammation, angiogenesis, neurodegeneration, and neurovascularcross-talk. Research will include mousemodels of retinal vascular disease, including diabetic retinopathy.
The ideal candidate will be able to work independently to develop anddrive his/her research project, as well as work in a team-basedenvironment. Candidates should have aPhD degree in the biological sciences or biomedical research. Candidates with a strong background inbiochemical, molecular, and/or cell biology are encouraged to apply.
Send C.V. and names of three references to: Dr. E. Duh, Johns Hopkins University Schoolof Medicine, 400 N. Broadway, Smith 3011, Baltimore, MD 21231. E-mail:
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