This year, the AP Macroeconomics students studied Economic Inequality, a major issue facing the world. We focused on this issue this year because we are very fortunate here at THIS, with vast opportunities many others do not have access to. The goal for the year was not just to learn about inequality, but to do something about it. Throughout the year, through research into the issue of inequality, to learning about organizations that work to combat inequality, to making plans and finally taking action to address it, students strived to make a difference. I am very proud of the work they did and the compassion they showed to others not as fortunate as them.
——AP宏观经济学老师Jeremiah Salomon
作为清华附中国际部的AP宏观经济学学生,我们在学年期间探讨研究了贫富差距问题,并在学期末采取了行动,以减轻贫富差距在中国偏远地区的负面影响:缺乏生活饮用水源。 通过一次全校范围的筹款活动(其包括《小美人鱼》的慈善舞蹈表演,电竞慈善比赛,以及数次食品和饮料的公益售卖),我们为WE Villages慈善机构总计募集了22022元。
We, the AP Macroeconomics students of THIS, have explored the issue of economic inequality over the course of the school year and took action in the last month of school to combat one effect of inequality in rural China - lack of clean water. Through a school-wide fundraiser that included a donate-to-watch Little Mermaid dance medley, a donate-to-play video game tournament, and several food and drink sales, we managed to raise a total of 22,022 yuan towards the WE Villages charity.
首先,我们做了全面的有关经济不平等的背景调查,其中包括它的起源,影响,以及有它衍生的政策等。为了使整个研究能够更加严谨和全面,我们以小组为单位,从民众,国家,世界三个视角着手探究经济不平等的呈现出的现象与特性。通过研究我们发现有许多因素影响着经济不平等,(例如政策等)。然而,我们发现,所有因素中最需要解决的问题是继承的财富。有些人生来就是贫穷的,落后于别人的,而其他人在起跑线上便领先了一大截。这也就导致了那些本身落后的人相比于富裕的家庭,少了很多能够成功的机会。To begin with, we did comprehensive research on the background information of Economic Inequality including its origin, impacts, and policies. To make this a more holistic research, we separated into groups and did research on inequality globally, civically, and nationally. Through our research, we realized that there are various factors that determined inequality such as government policies. However, the biggest challenge is to deal with generational wealth. Those whose families have wealth have many more opportunities for success compared to those who come from poorer families and areas.
我们在学校的集会上做了一个模拟社会各个阶层人士的活动以展示我们所做的研究的结果来讲述我们在这个过程中所学到的东西并引起学生们对于经济不平等问题的重视。在同学们作为某个特定职业参与这个活动时,我们会给社会增加一些大事件,而那些大事件会或多或少地影响到这些人,不管是好的还是坏的方面。通过不断地对这些人的影响,我们让同学们意识到社会上大多数人都是不能左右自己人生轨迹的,这也让他们明白经济上的差距就是机会的差距,是阶级的差距。当人们的经济水平不够时,除了祈祷,他们什么也做不了。In order to showcase our research, we did an event at an assembly in school to teach students about the things we learned and aimed to raise awareness of economic inequality to the student group. We did a simulation where each volunteer represented a member in a social class. Throughout the simulation, we dropped out different events and news that would affect their status quo. The main goal is to let them realize that economic inequality is a real issue and people often have few choices when dealing with this issue.
柠檬汁义卖活动是由AP宏观经济的Bang Kyeong Ho和阮逸凡两位同学一手操办的。他们在五月二十四号中午,学校THIS在新体育馆举办Pep Rally的当天,用55个柠檬准备了将近100杯柠檬汁,售卖群体对准了进进出出Pep Rally的学生(学生们可以随意取走柠檬水并捐他们认为合适的数目给我们,一块钱,十块钱,5角钱都可以)。从早上到中午,他们的努力为我们的项目增添了400.44元。
The lemonade sale was planned by Elijah Bang and Yifan Ruan from the AP Macroeconomics class. It was run during the lunch of May 24th, 2019, targeting the audiences walking out of the Pep Rally session held in the newly built gym of THIS. Two students spent an afternoon and morning juicing 55 lemons, making lemon juice for approximately 90-100 cups of lemonade. Most transactions were made throughout the WeChat Pay, made total profit of 400.44 RMB.
The drink sale was one of the activities we held in order to reach our goal of raising 10,000 RMB. Alice Gong and Michelle Zhou took charge of this activity. May 21st, 23rd, and 24th were days they sold drinks. In total, they sold 67 cups of drinks within three days and earned 1,212 RMB. All the money they made was donated to We Charity.
People donated through participating in an online game tournament. Each person donated 15 RMB to play. Throughout the whole process, 40 people have donated their money and showed their kindness, helping us to gain 300 RMB after reducing the money in the jackpot.
舞蹈表演-小美人鱼也是我们筹款活动中的一个。这个节目是由我校舞蹈社的同学们由安徒生童话改编的。从这次演出中获得的收益直接进入了一个叫We village的组织,主要帮助中国农村地区修建水井。“她的整个心都是为了人类的生命和不朽的灵魂。”我们都心愿也像小美人的一样,全心全意致力于为贫困地区的人们提供一个更干净的饮水亭和更好的生活条件。One of the activities we held is the public dance performance---The Little Mermaid. This dance show is originally created by our dance club students based on Anderson's fairytale and displayed by various of types of dance. The ticket profits gained from this performance directly go to an organization named We Village which is mainly helping the water wells in the rural China regions.
"Her entire heart for a human life and an immortal soul."
Our entire hearts for providing them with a cleaner water booth and a better living condition.
Please visit our website to see an overview of our project:
The following are some students reflections of the project through interviews and reflections.
虽然是仅仅从我们班里的13个学生开始,但是最后我们却让数以百计的人了解到了这个贫富差距的社会问题,并且借助他们的募捐为社会做出了一点贡献。只要肯做出改变,一切都不算晚。你需要的,只是敢于指出问题的勇气。Though we started with only 13 people in our class, we ended up with hundreds of people acknowledging the issue and making an impact with their donations. It is never too late to make a change. All you need is to have the courage to speak for it.——Cary Cao
This service learning project on economic inequality has planted a seed in my heart of compassion. I am all the more certain that I want to continue this work as a change-maker in society and live to positively influence those around me and others in need of help.
——Celine Lee
Throughout my high school career, I’ve seen more and more aspects of China that were not apparent to me before. Living in China, one would think that you would know about the issues that were rampant. However, because we live in Beijing, we truly know almost nothing about the hardships experienced by the children in Yunnan subject to domestic abuse and drug abuse, the human trafficking of women and children, or the deprivation of healthcare, food, and water in rural areas, hidden away from a city-dweller’s eyes.
——Yifan Ruan
This is by far the most real-life related project that I’ve done in this school and I’ve been here for more than 5 years now. While I always felt that the economic and social differences in our world are detestable, I never knew how to solve this problem. Since I thought it was an issue that only adults in the top 1 percent could solve, I didn’t even bother in looking at ways I could help. That is until this year when we started the Economic Inequality project in AP Macroeconomics our most ambitious project yet.
——Leonardo Fu
就像我无数次提到那样,公益捐助we village这个项目是我高中生涯最有意义最为自豪的成就之一。通过联系社会组织,举行电子游戏锦标赛,主持《小美人鱼》表演,我学习,体验,成长,让我意识到这个社会是多么需要正义善良的人。最重要的是,通过这次公益筹款活动项目,我收获了爱,学会关爱社会上需要帮助的人,友爱家人同学,以及献爱给这个社会。
I've said so much things about this project, how I've contacted the organization, how I've made the tournament and how I've been the host for the little mermaid show. All of these things made me grow, ability-wise, making me a more capable and kinder person. It's project that I'm proud of the most during my high school life. It development my love for poor, for family, for strangers, classmates, and most importantly, for my community.
——Peter Zhang
作者Written&图片Pictures| Macroeconomics Class.
视频video&网站Website|Winnie Xiao
编辑Edited| Linda Gao
审核Audited| Jeremiah Salomon, Toni Dong, Lan Yi, Wenping Li
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