Another season of learning beyond the gates is wrapping up at SAS, with China Alive and TheEleven all now behind us. Ask any middle or high school student and you’re certain to find that stories and challenges and memories of these times abound. There were wild, adventurous moments of riding camels, rafting, and making movies, and also daily connections found in cooking together, learning a new art, or biking around through a new culture.
随着上海美国学校又一期校外学习季的圆满结束,也宣告了China Alive和TheEleven项目也暂时告一段落。若你们在此时采访初中部或高中部的任何一名学生,一定会发现有关这段时光的故事、挑战和回忆比比皆是。这其中既有骑乘骆驼、水上漂流和拍摄电影等疯狂的冒险时刻,也有在一起做饭、学习新技艺或在新的文化氛围里骑车兜风等过程中体验到的日常生活感受。
Some of the moments and places that touched our lives made an appearance last week in the halls of our Pudong campus.
Before this year’s China Alive trip, the grade 7 team looked for student volunteers to be part of a photo crew. Before heading out on their respective trips, these students learned some basics of photography, from composition and perspective to depth and storytelling.
在开始今年的China Alive之行前,7年级组找到了一些学生志愿者组成了摄影组。在踏上各自的旅程前,这些学生们学习了从构图和角度到景深和故事性等基础摄影知识。
They were then tasked with documenting their weeks out in the wider lands of China, training their eyes to look at things a little differently, to find beauty in new ways.
Back at SAS, the learning continued with visits from the high school photography teacher. Ms. Tara Neff gave feedback, and also selected some winning photos.
回到上海美国学校后,学生在专程前来的高中摄影老师的指导下继续学习。Tara Neff老师提供了反馈意见,并选出了若干获奖照片。
These images were then on display in a photo auction on Main Street at our Pudong campus. The money raised goes back to supporting the local service projects that students visited during their time on China Alive.
上周,这些照片在浦东校区主街的拍卖会上进行了展出。拍卖获得的资金将用于学生在China Alive项目期间的地方服务项目。
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