The 2006 American Mathematics Competition-12 (AMC-12) B exam included the following question:
An object in the plane moves from one lattice point to another. At each step, the object may move one unit up, down, left, or right. If the object starts at the origin and takes a 10-step path, how many different points can be the final point?
可以有人会说这不就是猜吗,太牵强了吧。那好,我们可以继续从特例入手,是否可以用到课本教材中常用的分析方法呢。点数的变化,从4开始,依次是9, 16, 25, 36...考虑点数之间的相互关系,用递推的方法也是可以得出最终的规律。这个方法,我们在学习数列,等差数列时经常用到。
但是上述两个方法都没有讨论问题中的点是怎么找到的。第一种方法从两三个简单的特例入手,发现了规律,在数学上,先看出了规律,在证明的话,我们可以使用课本中讲的Mathematical induction,数学归纳法来证明下。
我们还是继续从特例入手分析,从(0,0)到(1,0)需要的最小步数是1,如果去了又回,出现往返,那步数就多了。因此原点到(x, y)所需的最小步数为(|x|+|y|),因此我们可以找到一个步数n的下边界,这个下边界和终点的坐标有一定的关系。这个式子就是通过n步路径可到达的任何点必须满足L2(n)的第一个条件。
Let L2(n) be the set of lattice points (x, y) in the plane that satisfy |x|+|y|<n and x+y=n(mod2).
The original problem, then, asks us to compute how many points are in the set L2(10). We wish to prove that L2(n) contains (n+l)2 points. Clearly, |L2(1)|=4(where |L2(1)| represents the number of elements in L2(l)), since the points are {(1, 0),(-1, 0), (0, 1), and (0, -1)}. We can likewise verify
that |L2(2)|=9 by listing all 9 points:
L2(2) = {(0, 0), (2, 0), (-2, 0), (0, 2), (0, -2),(1,1),(1,-1),(-1,1),(-1,-1)}
Assume that for k<n, |L2(n)|=(n+l)2.
Now, L2(k+1) is the set of integer solutions to |x|+|y|<k+1 and x+y=k+1(mod2). Note that the points included in L2(k) will not be solutions for the (k+1) case, because they have the wrong parity (even or odd). For instance, the point (k, 0) is in the set L2(k) but not in the set L2(k+1). To proceed by induction, we will need to find a relationship between the (k+l)st case and previous cases. We observe that L2(K-1)⊆L2(K+1).
The points in L2(k+1) that were not already in L2(k-1) are the points whose minimum distance from the origin is exactly k+1, that is
L2(k+1)= L2(k-1)∪{(x,y)||x|+|y|=k+1}
We will count how many points are in the set {(x,y)||x|+|y|=k+1} and call this set G2(k+1). First, let us consider the points in quadrant I satisfying the given conditions. These are {(1, k),(2, k-1), (3, k-2),...,(k,1)}. Since there are k points in quadrant I, by the symmetry of the absolute value function, we conclude that there are 4k points not lying on the axes that satisfy the condition. There are 4 points on the axes that we also need to include: (0, k+1), (0, -k-1), (k+1, 0), and (-k-1, 0). This gives us a total of 4k+4 points in the set.
Now, by the inductive hypothesis, |L2(k-1)|=k2. We have
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