HCER|HUEA -International Essay Competition国际论文学术活动是由Harvard College Economics Review (HCER)以及Harvard Undergraduate Economics Association (HUEA)联合举办,向高中生开放,是展示写作水平的绝佳机会,也是展示一篇说服力强、辩论力强的论文的绝佳机会。HUEA强调运用经济理论和现实案例,构建具有说服力的论据。同时HUEA也是向高校展示在共同应用和UCAS个人陈述方面的高水平写作技能的绝佳机会。
参赛者提交的论文将由HUEA和HCER的董事会进行评判,前15名的论文将由哈佛大学教授和2016年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者Oliver Hart进行评判选出。
Q1: Behavioral economists have demonstrated that the ability to choose from several options can produce sub-optimal decisions. Under what conditions do people make bad decisions when there are too many options? What are the behavioral implications?行为经济学家已经证明,从多个选项中进行选择可以产生决策。在有太多选择的情况下,人们在什么条件下做出错误的决定?是什么影响了行为?
Q2: International trade has been subject to trade barriers, which include tariffs, licenses, and quotas. These trade barriers are a lightning rod for macroeconomic debate. What is the effect of these trade barriers? Is there a good case for having them?国际贸易受到贸易壁垒的影响,包括关税,许可证和配额。这些贸易壁垒是宏观经济辩论的避雷针。这些贸易壁垒的影响是什么?它们是否有好的影响?
Q3: It is hypothesized that with the advancement of artificial intelligence and robotics techniques, manual labor and other blue-collar jobs may mostly be eliminated from the economy. What are the economic implications of this shift in the United States and to what extent will labor flexibility and quantity be reduced?据推测,随着人工智能和机器人技术的进步,体力劳动和其他蓝领工作可能从经济中消除。这种转变在美国的经济影响是什么?劳动力的灵活性和数量在多大程度上会降低?
Q4: As more economists discuss the possibility of an upcoming recession in light of indicators like the yield curve inversion, what can central banks world wide and fiscal policy leaders do if a recession does occur?越来越多的经济学家根据收益率曲线反转等指标讨论着即将到来的经济衰退的可能性,如果经济衰退确实发生,全球中央银行和财政政策领导者能做些什么呢?
HUEA将在网上公布前15名提交者的最终名单,并由2016年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者Oliver Hart裁决。前十五名参赛者的论文将被出版(经作者许可)。
Grace Laver,达师学术英语教师,布朗校报社论版编辑,布朗社区一所重点小学的校内英文和数学 辅导项目主负责人,同时指导8名布朗大学大一新生的学业和 校园生活,布朗大学教育研究和文学艺术双专业本科 高中校内杂志主编。获奖战绩:1、Scholastic Writing Awards National Gold Medal in Critical Essay(2015)学乐写作奖--论文类全国金牌(2015) 2、Scholastic Writing Awards Regional Gold Key in Flash Fiction(2016) 学乐写作奖一一超短篇小说地区金奖(2016) 3、Scholastic Writing Awards Regional Silver Key in Poetry(2017) 学乐写作奖ー一诗歌地区银奖(2017) 4、Scholastic Writing Awards Regional Gold Key in Short Story(2018) 学乐写作奖--短故事地区金奖(2018) 5、Scholastic Writing Awards Regional Giold Key in Science Fiction/Fantasy(2019) 学乐写作奖--科幻/奇幻小说地区金奖(2019) 6、st Place in St Teresa of Avila Essay Writing Competition(2013 7、圣女大德兰写作竟赛第一名(2013) National Merit Commended Student(2015) 8、美国优秀学生奖学金(2015)(全国入选率0.57%)
Katarina,达师学术英语英语老师,布朗大学英语文学艺术专业,担任多年写作中心导师,Young Writers Workshop导师,The Mirror, St. Francis`s文学杂志主编,荣获 Susquehanna University`s 创意写作最高奖学金,受邀参加 The Kenyon Review`s 青年作家研讨会。
Haley Richardson,达师学术英语英语老师,美国知名文理学院心理学专业,硕士克莱顿州立大学公共管理专业,美国大学优等生荣誉学会成员,大学写作中心多年写作教学经验。
Jamie L. Mcclure,达师学术英语英语老师,美国知名文理学院英语文学和创意写 作专业,爱丁堡龙比亚大学和贝桑松大学(法国)交换经历,本科时期获得多项奖学金,曾在韩国完成两年的ESL授课教研,熟悉亚洲学生需求,大学写作中心多年写作教学经验。
Lucy Kaufman,达师学术英语老师,布朗大学英语文学和古典文学双专业,精通古希腊语,在2018年全国希腊语考试中获得高荣誉,布朗剧院董事会成员,学乐写作奖-诗歌银奖2016),学乐写作奖---幽默银奖(2017),数年诗歌、小说、剧本和学术写作辅导经验。
刘晟怡恰 Sybil,达师学术英语教师 达师学术英语学术活动主管,7年以上英文国家学习生活经历,长期在学术中心任职,热爱探究语言的可能性,探究各类艺术间的联系与不同,Agnes Scott College(ASC)毕业,主修艺术,辅修英文文学,曾在牛津大学交换、学习20世纪英国文学、现代戏剧、人类语言学。
Liam Elwood,graduated from Tufts University.He is a consistent honor roll student pursuing a major in international relations. He is passionate about learning and teaching since high school, which rendered him high GPA, high AP scores and various School-wide awards. For over two years he has used this passion to teach English to many Chinese students and helped them achieve awards in various competitions. His curriculum has been based on creating a helpful environment to familiarize students with the intricacies of English as well as boost their confidence in real-world applications of language, which makes his pedagogy popular among students. His programs have assisted my students to succeed in crucial college interviews and become confident in their ability to write essays at the college level.
Kenny 老师,美籍,西北大学本科全奖获得者。3年修完本科两个主学位和两个辅修学位。在商业咨询领域颇具天赋,大三获德勤旧金山办公室全职Offer,本科期间成立自己的SAT/ACT辅导公司,5+年的国际课程辅导经验 ,主授literature和writing类课程,成功辅导多位美籍和中籍学生入读常春藤名校。
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