Research Proposal
Lot of scholars recognized the economic contribution of human capital, and in fact countless countries widely applied various strategies including immigration and education improvement to enhance the local human capital competitiveness and therefore incent economic growth. Some economic analysts mentioned that the health input, longer life span and education facilities all contributed to a national accumulated human capital. The positive relationship between human capital enhancement and economic growth can be obviously observed from comparing residence educational level and economic growth. Based on current academic result, this research wished to observe such relationship in both a developed country (Australia) and a developing country (China), and therefore confirmed the links between two factors as well as determined the degree of influence.
Here are some academic papers that applied in my research paper:
Bleakley, H., 2010. Health, Human Capital, and Development. Annu Rev Econom, 2010 Spe 2. pp.283-310.
Lepak, D., & Snell, S., 1999. The Human Resource Architecture: Toward a Theory of Human Capital Allocation and Development. Academy of Management Review, 24, 31-48.
Oh, I., Blau, G., Han, J. H. and Kim, s., 2015. Human Capital Factors Affecting Human Resource (HR) Managers’ Commitment to HR and the Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Value on HR.
As the above mentioned, this research aimed to analyze how human capital accumulation would help the economy growth from long term aspect. In addition, the author wished to compare data from China and Australia to confirm the growth style and degree influences on such relationship. The research main work would like to observe the human capital variable influence on economy, and as a result, the author would like to find whether the human capital accumulation can help the economy growth in a long term.
The research hypothesis would be
H1. "The human capital accumulation can help the economy growth in long term"
H2. "The human capital accumulation cannot help the economy growth in long term"
More specifically, the author wished to find factors in human accumulation that influenced the economy growth.
The author preferred to adopt first hand data to conduct this research. The major method would be survey style: online questionnaires (200 sample size) & interviews (50 sample size) to HR managers in China and Australia.
The questionnaires would like to focus on the human capital contribution to the corporate operations. Each question aimed to test each variable of human capital effectiveness that affect the company gross income, and the volunteers can evaluate the importance of each variable, and make marks. Each question provided five options to measure the degree of variable importance from 1 to 5 points. The participants can only pick one option of each question, and they cannot skip any questions. Only a completed questionnaire paper is received to ensure the accuracy and reliability of this research. The author wished to post the questionnaire in a public survey website, and shared the links on some local social websites and forums. The interested volunteers may enter the questionnaire page by the link provided. The responses can be collected by the statistical software and regarded as the base of this research. In further, the author wished to analyze the data and determine the significance of variables.
Because of the online questionnaire, the responses might be irresponsible and unreliable. To improve this research, the author wished to carry out field research to acquire more reliable information from interview. During the research period, the author wished to go to some office blocks, and make some short interviews during the lunch time. The interview sample size assumed to be 50, and due to the geographical restrictions, the interviews might be only carried out in Australia.
The author wished to use the mean method to evaluate the research result, and therefore to find out how and which part of human capital would affect the output mostly. The result would be presented in the research, and in further the author wished to explain why this would be important and present reasons acquired through interviews or academic supports.
This dissertation would be composed by several parts shown as follows:
1. Introduction about 200 words – a brief of my research topic and hypothesis
2. Literature Review about 4000 words – a deep literature review based on human capital concepts, and some widely discussed & recognized factors of human capital that contributed to economy.
3. Methodology about 3000 words – the questionnaire paper and how the author delivered this questionnaire; the interview questions included in this part as well.
4. Research Presentation about 2000 words – collected data
5. Data Analysis about 2500 words – the mean of those human capital variables, and the order of variables.
6. Discussion about 3500 words – based on the previous data analysis,
7. Conclusion about 300 words –the true hypothesis and evaluation of this research
1. Preparing the Research Topic & Writing part 1 – 1 week
2. Literature Review & Writing part 2&3 – 2 weeks
3. Design & Deliver Questionnaire – 4 weeks
4. Data Analysis & Writing part 4-6 – 2 weeks
5. Review and finish the dissertation – 1 week
1. Preparing the Research Topic & Writing part 1
2. Literature Review & Writing part 2&3
3. Design & Deliver Questionnaire
4. Data Analysis & Writing part 4-6
5. Review and finish the dissertation
The phase 2 & 4 might be busy as there would be a lot of academic works to do, and the phase 3 would be less busy as the website might collect the information by itself. I think I might prepare some review works at the phase 3 at the same time. In addition, I prepared another one week to deal with some situations that I hadn’t thought about. To be frank, I felt strong time pressure with this task, and I wished that I could finish my research in time.
6. Predicted Result Research Limitations
It is obvious that the hypothesis 1 would be testified mostly; however in this research, the author wished to learn more than this result, more specifically the author wished to find the human capital in details. It is hard to say which parts were important now, but it was believed to see that the in different country, the works of human capital variable would be different. The skill level rather than the educational background, the health condition of an employee, and the personality might be the important factor of a human capital in this research.
Based on the fact that this research heavily relied on the observations from those who worked in office, and the data might be different from the country official statics;hence the personal views might be varied between two countries; however, the author might focus on the similarity between two different areas, and find explanations.
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