UC Berkeley
The professors are amazing, intelligent, thoughtful, caring and always interesting. I have many courses to choose from and am so inspired by the material that I learn during the semesters that it's hard to say goodbye! The registration process is easy enough to understand. Workload in my classes is heavy. As an English major there is constant reading and you may have to work harder for an A when you have a graduate student instructor grading your papers. I often read and study at home because I learn better isolated/with no noise, but there are so many options for students to choose from on campus.这里的教授都很棒,充满智慧,关爱学生,也一直幽默风趣。每个学期都有很多多样的课程可以选择,我也从中受到了很多启发,甚至学期结束会有一些不舍。选课的过程很容易也很简单。不过我的很多课程工作量都不小,作为一个英语专业的人,总要面对大量的阅读,尤其是当你的老师是一位研究生的时候,更要倍加努力才能在paper上拿到A。我经常在家里阅读学习,因为在这种安静的环境中我能更投入学习,但是在校园里也有很多供不同需求可以学习的场所。
There are many reasons why Berkeley is the number one public university in the world.伯克利能被誉为世界上第一的公立大学还是有原因的。Berkeley-Haas is one of the best business school and the faculty and facilities live up to the school's reputation.伯克利的Haas商学院是最好的商学院之一,那里的教师和配套设施也都是很高水准的。
It is a great campus maybe a little dirty on the streets but it gives the genuine look of things这里的校园很棒,虽然有一些街道有一点脏,但是这也是人们生活的印记啊。There are plenty of activities to do in San Francisco with some nice shopping areas and museums.在附近的旧金山可以有做很多有趣的活动,很棒的购物中心还有很多博物馆。
I love living in Berkeley. I'm only 20 minutes away with the BART to get to one of the most vibrant cities in the country. Directly in Berkeley there is plenty to do and amazing ethnic food. Lots of hikes and shopping.我喜欢住在伯克利的感觉,20分钟搭乘BART就能到全美最有活力的城市了,不过在伯克利本地也有很多有趣的事情,还有很棒的美食,可以登山也可以逛街。
This also gets repetitive after a while and off campus dining is usually more expensive.学校食堂的食物时间久了会重复,不过学校外的食物都会有点贵。Dining halls are pretty good in terms of healthy options, but everything gets boring and repetitive after a while.学校食堂的食物从健康角度来说还是不错的,但是过了一段时间还是会重复,会让人吃腻。
There is something for everyone, from Julie's Cafe and Blondie's Pizza on Southside to Urban Turbann and La Val's Pizzeria on Northside.在这里每个人都能找到适合自己的美食,无论是南边的Julie’s Café和Blondie’s Pizza,还是北边的Urban Turbann和La Val’s Pizzeria。
Although the Campus constantly requires students to take sexual assault awareness exams, the rate of crime near and on campus should not be as high as it is.虽然学校经常要求学生提高对性侵事件的关注度,校园附近的犯罪率还是有点高了Crime happens constantly but police are always on the alert. The campus makes many safety accommodations for the students like BearWalk.犯罪事件会发生,但是警察们的反应还是非常快的,学校也采取了很多保障学生安全的措施,比如BearWalk的服务。
There has been a rise in the amount of notifications we get for reported sexual assault. The school provides resources to keep students safe at night, like the night safety shuttle and BearWalk.最近我们受到的关于性侵事件的通知有所增多,不过学校也提供了很多保障学生安全的措施,尤其在晚上,比如晚上的安全巴士,还有BearWalk的服务。
Your dorming experience is really what you make of it. The Units can become a little cramped as time goes on, but Clark Kerr is a great alternative.你在宿舍生活的体验取决于你住在哪里,Units住起来会逐渐变得有点乱,但是Clark Kerr就是不错的代替。I personally do not like the neighborhood. Neighborhood is kinda ghetto and i have heard cars get jacked a lot, even in the school parking lot. I would rather live off campus is much cheaper and cleaner.我个人不是很喜欢校园这里的街区,有点贫民区的感觉,我听说过开车被抢的事件,甚至发生在学校的停车场,所以我宁愿住在校外,而且校外还便宜,也更干净。
The building structures of most of the units are pretty average and plain with the exception of Foothill. I believe what I like most about the Units is the friendliness of the students. The food served at the dining halls is pretty tasty but a lot of students complain about a few not so tasty dishes that pop up once in a while.大部分Units宿舍的楼都一般,除了Foothill,不过我喜欢住在Units因为这里的学生都很友好。附近食堂的食物还不错,虽然也有一些学生会抱怨偶尔出现的难吃的菜。
Berkeley has a big, beautiful campus with world-renowned programs in STEM, the Arts & Humanities, and Business. It's ivy-league quality but in a down-to-earth, wildly liberating California environment. Highly recommend for anyone serious about working in Silicon Valley OR who's passionate about social justice, the environment, animal welfare. Also has an AMAZING, massive English lit program with incredibly Ivy League-educated professors (as well as a Cambridge and Oxford). It's VERY easy to switch majors and very possible to switch degrees as well. It's a very open and flexible place, but if you're a staunch right-wing conservative, you will have a hard time. Do your research on the specific major(s) you're considering and see what the professors/programs focus on. There's no Creative Writing major and Film is focused exclusively on film history/theory (few opportunities for screenwriting/production.伯克利有一个美丽宏伟的校园,全世界著名的STEM,人文艺术以及商科等学科。在这里,常青藤的质量和开放不受束缚的加州思想并存,如果你对硅谷的工作感兴趣,或是关心社会政治法制,环境动物保护等等,你都会发现这里是你的不二之选。这里的英语文学项目也非常优秀,有很多常青藤或是牛津剑桥毕业的教授。除此之外,换专业换学位都很方便。这里虽然是很开放的地方,但是你要是太右派保守,你可能还真不会好过。我建议来这里之前好好做一下关于你要选的专业的调查,有些事情可能没有那么明显,比如这里没有写作艺术的专业,电影专业也注重理论,没怎么有实践拍摄的机会。
Berkeley is a prestigious university. The professors make it their priority to help students succeed. However, Berkeley should be more culturally diverse.伯克利是一所声望极高的学校,这里的教授的第一目标都是帮助他们的学生取得成功,不过,我觉得这里还是有点缺乏文化多样性。
I think overall UC Berkeley is a very good school academically. There's plenty of ways to get involved and boost your resume outside of classes too. The biggest issue is the amount of crime. I come from Northern Ireland where we had the Troubles for over thirty years and it is one hundred times safer than Berkeley. If even a mugging occurred in NI it would be on the news. Here it's an every day thing and it is terrifying. The campus could do far more than they're doing.学术上来看,伯克利是一所十分优秀的学校,这里有各种各样可以参与的机会,在课堂外也能学到很多东西。但是这里也有一个大问题,就是安全问题。我是从北爱尔兰来的,那里的社会矛盾存在了三十年了,都比伯克利安全一百倍,在北爱尔兰发生抢劫都要上新闻报道,而在这里犯罪事件已经成了家常便饭,我真的觉得学校能在这点上做的更好一些。
I don't party in Berkeley because I don't smoke, do drugs, or drink and although not everyone pressures others to do so, it made me feel a little out of place-- I do like to club, chill, dance, etc. but the surroundings can be too in your face (for me). Frats and co- ops throw the biggest parties. They're alright. The party scene isn't huge here, but it's present.我不怎么参加party,因为我既不抽烟,也不吸毒,也不喝酒,即便也没人会逼迫你做这些事情,但是在party上还是会觉得有点格格不入,我还是更喜欢去夜店玩一玩跳跳舞之类的。但是周遭的事情你又难免会看见,兄弟会姐妹会和co-ops都会开大的party,但是其实也还好,这里的party都没有那么盛大,但是也确实能感受到他们的存在。
There are lots of great night options for transportation, which is really important for everyone, but especially useful if you're new to the area. Berkeley has a safety shuttle AND BearWalk where people will actually walk you to your destination. Plus, there's always the bus system and BART atop of Uber/ Lyft/ etc. There are a couple of chill bars (sports and regular/ classy) in Berkeley and SF is nearby so there's that outlet of fun if you don't mind a little commute.晚上出行的话交通方面有很多不错的选项,这对于每个人来说都很重要,尤其时对附近不熟悉的人来说。学校会提供安全的巴士,和BearWalk服务,就是会有专人陪你走到你的目的地。此外,你也可以选择公交,BART或者Uber,Lyft等等。伯克利市有一些不错的酒吧,当然旧金山就在附近,所以只要你不介意距离还是有很多好玩的地方的。
There are parties that allow students to meet new people and take a break from hours of studying. The diverse parties add to the friendly social atmosphere at Cal and they stimulate students' social life.这里有一些让学生们在学习之余放松心情认识朋友的party,此外,party的多样性让这里的社交氛围变得更加友好,也促进了学生们互相交往。One of the student organizations that I'm involved with regularly holds dinners on Friday nights, as well as Taco Tuesdays, holiday parties, and end-of-the-year banquets. The hosts are very nice, their events usually draw large crowds, and they have a nice family atmosphere.我参与的一个学生组织会经常组织周五晚饭聚餐,还有周二Taco日,节假日的party和期末大餐。这些活动都挺不错的,会吸引很多学生参加,很有一种大家庭的感觉。
Berkeley is one of the schools that has an actual frat row. On friday nights you will always see some kind of action happening. Saturday/Sundays you will also see some activities involving students- usually pool parties. On the other hand, SF is a greta place to hang out with friends if you're looking for great clubs伯克利有兄弟会姐妹会的房子街区,每个周五晚上你都能看到一些在开的party,周六周日也会有,而且经常会是游泳池party。此外,旧金山也是跟朋友出去玩不错的选择,毕竟那里有很多不错的夜店。
I believe athletics and sports are a huge part of our school's highlights. Students are extremely spirited and devoted Golden Bears. From what I hear, our athletic facilities are generally in great quality.体育运动在这里是一个焦点,学生们都极其有集体荣誉感,而且就我所了解的来说,这里的体育运动设施还是非常不错的No one is school treats someone different for the fact someone is greek. I have never seen or heard any discrimination against greek and non-greeks是否是兄弟会姐妹会的成员不会改变任何学生之间的相处模式,我从未听说过因此产生的歧视。
I'm not in a fraternity or sorority but many throw parties. However, there are different types; some are social frats/sororities, while others are professional ones.我没有参与兄弟会姐妹会,但是他们都会举办party所以多少有点了解。这里有一些不同的类型,有一些偏社交,有一些偏专业。Don't know much about the Greek system myself, but friends who are in it seem to love it.我个人不是特别了解兄弟会姐妹会,但是我有朋友在参与,他们似乎都很喜欢那里的生活。
There's a lot of school spirit and support for all of our teams. There are tons of resources available for athletes. We send more students to the Olympics than any other school.这里的集体荣誉感很高,大家都很支持校队的比赛,运动员们也有各种可以利用的资源。从这里走出去的奥运会运动员比其他学校都要多。
The value of a degree from Berkeley is quite high. Berkeley is a highly prestigious institution and is known for its achievements as a research campus. Just attending Berkeley will offer you a huge network of opportunities, as long as you work for it.从这里拿出去的学位含金量很高,这里的名声都来自于在各个领域研究上的成就,单单一个伯克利的名字就能给你带来很多机会,只要你付出努力便一定会收获很多。
If you go to Cal, you are guaranteed a job.如果你来这里,那么你就一定会找到工作There are many resources available to help you find jobs and internships.在这里你能找到很多帮助你找工作及实习的资源。
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