Marshall Society Essay Competition马歇尔学会经济论文学术活动是剑桥大学经济学会Marshall Society马歇尔学会举办,针对全球A-Level,IB以及与之同等资质课程的学生,为这些学生提供了一个展现自己有逻辑有说服力的论文展示的平台。重点强调合理解释经济理论以及相对的论点,并借鉴相关的现实证据。建议参赛者应尽量把文章写得简明扼要:字数要求为1500字。
参赛作品需通过电子邮件附件提交至请确保其附件为Microsoft Word或PDF文件,并标题为“姓名”)。该电子邮件应包含您的全名,学校,出生日期以及您从教师或导师那里获得的任何帮助声明。
Since World War Two, countries have reduced trade barriers and have tended to move towards free trade. Should the world follow a similar path with respect to immigration and open all borders?自第二次世界大战以来,各国减少了贸易壁垒,并倾向于走向自由贸易。世界是否应该在移民问题上走类似的道路,开放所有边界?
Is it in the United States’ interest to isolate and sanction the Chinese economy, or should it continue its previous policy of greater co-operation and trade?美国是应该孤立和制裁中国经济,还是应该继续其当前的加强合作和贸易政策?
Climate change is widely considered to be greatest threat facing the human race in the modern era. However, the economic costs of tackling it are significant, with lost growth contributing to greater poverty and potentially human mortality, particularly in the developing world. With these costs in mind, discuss whether it is worth taking drastic global action to stop climate change.气候变化被广泛认为是现代人类面临的最大威胁。然而,解决这一问题的经济代价是巨大的,失去增长将导致更大的贫困和潜在的人类死亡,特别是在发展中国家。考虑到这些代价,讨论是否值得采取激烈的全球行动来阻止气候变化。
A command economy can never be successful at allocating scarce resources. Discuss.计划经济不可能成功地分配稀缺资源。请讨论。
In a time of crisis and shortage should essentials, such as toilet paper, be subject to price controls to prevent price gouging? 在危机和短缺时期,卫生纸等必需品是否应该实行价格管制,以防止哄抬价格?
‘It occurred to me one day that Sparta, though among the most thinly populated of states, was evidently the most powerful and most celebrated city in Greece; and I fell to wondering how this could have happened. But when I considered the institutions of the Spartans, I wondered no longer’ – Xenophon in Constitution of the Lacedaemonians“有一天我突然想到,斯巴达虽然是人口最稀少的州之一,但显然是希腊最强大、最有名的城市;我开始怀疑这是怎么发生的。但当我考虑斯巴达人的制度时,我不再想知道“色诺芬”在《拉契丹人宪法》中的地位
Pick one event, period, or country in history and argue whether its institutions can account for its success or failure in promoting economic development.选择历史上的一个事件、时期或国家,讨论其制度能否解释其促进经济发展的成败。
另外,选出的优胜论文都将有机会发布在2019-2020版的Marshal Society的杂志The Dismal Scientist上,如有疑问可以邮件
文件需以Microsoft Word或PDF格式,且以Last Name姓,First Name名的形式命名
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