1. Compounds A and B are isomeric alkenes.
(a)(i) Name compound A.
第一步选主链,主链的选择原则是选含官能团(functional group)在内的最长的碳链为主链,本题中包含双键(double bond)在内的最长碳链有3个碳且含有双键所以他是一个propene。
第二步定编号,编号原则是官能团(functional group)和取代基(substituent group) 位次最小(官能团优先排序)。所以应从左边的碳开始排序,在二号碳的位置有一个甲基所以是2- methyl,双键起始于第一个碳所以是1-ene
所以,这道题的答案是 2-methylprop-1-ene
(ii) Give the molecular formula of compound B.
(iii) Explain why A and B are isomers.
【答案】:A and B have the same molecular formula but different structural formula
(iv) Draw the geometric isomer of compound B.
(geometric isomer)。
(v) Explain why compound B has a geometric isomer but compound A does not.
【答案】: There are two different groups bonded to each of the carbon atoms of the double bond in compound B
【分析】:只有双键碳两边连接的是不同的官能团时双键碳才有几何异构体(geometric isomer)。
(b) Compound C is an isomer of compounds A and B. Some reactions of compound C
are shown below.
(i) Name the reagent(s) required for reaction 1.
【分析】:烯烃的加成(addition ) 反应,双键断裂与卤素加成生成卤代烃(halohydrocarbon)。
(ii) Name the reagent(s) required for reaction 2.
【答案】: Bromine water
(iii) Draw the displayed formula of compound D.
【分析】:烯烃在KMnO4 and dilute H2SO4条件下会发生加成反应生成邻二醇。
(C) Compound C also reacts with hydrogen chloride.
(i) Classify the type and mechanism of this reaction.
【答案】:Electropic Addition
2 . The table below shows the experimental and calculated values for the lattice energy of sodium chloride and silver chloride.
Compound | Lattice Energy / kJ mol−1 | |
Experimental | Calculated | |
sodium chloride | −780 | −770 |
silver chloride | −905 | −833 |
(i) Write the equation for the lattice energy of sodium chloride. Include state symbols.
【答案】:Na+(g) + Cl (g) → NaCl(s)
【分析】:晶格能(lattice energy) 也可以说是破坏1mol晶体,使它变成完全分离的气态自由离子所需要消耗的能量。
(ii) Name the energy cycle used to calculate lattice energies from experimental data.
【答案】:Born-Haber (cycle)
【分析】:送分题,很明显答案是 Born-Haber (cycle)
(iii) Explain fully why the experimental and calculated values for the lattice energy of sodium chloride are similar, whereas those for silver chloride differ significantly.
【答案】:Sodium chloride is purely ionic, Silver chloride is partly covalent,
so small(er) electronegativity difference between Ag and Cl.
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