家园友好合作、积极交流,合力共同促进孩子的健康、快乐成长,中外籍教师应有对等的责任,应履行同样的义务。以下短篇文章来自金苹果国际美语幼稚园三位外籍教师,希望不同文化背景下的教育智慧,能给家长们不一样的思考。 Gina ComeauGina Comeau has been teaching in Canada and international schools for over 15 years. Her greatest teachers have been Dr.Seuss and her 8-year-old son. Her perfect day at school includes laughing, music and going home dirty.在加拿大的公立学校和国际学校执教超过十五年。她认为对自己帮助最大的老师是苏斯博士(儿童文学作家、教育学家)和自己八岁的儿子。她在学校里的完美日子总是伴随着欢笑和音乐,然后再以一身脏地回家结束。
The Power of No说“不”的力量
Saying no to your child can sometimes make parents nervous.
Some may think that the child’s request is a small one, so why not give in?
Or that they are so young, the child should be happy, or even worried that if I say no,
I will be embarrassed in public by my child’s reaction.
Parenting is tricky, but one fact that is always constant is - the adults in a child’s life must be the leaders,
and must stay in control of any situation.
There are limits in life. My dream is to eat ice cream each day, everyday,
but that is not feasible, for health and cost.
There are consequences to choices, and children need to learn this.
So let’s reflect. If I give in to my child on everything, what is that teaching him/her? That the world will give them what they wish each day? That they don’t need to value anything, for they will just get it, or that when a problem comes up I can get my adult to just fix it.
Then the next worry is, if I say no, what if my child gets angry and yells,cries or even worse in public, then what? Well, that’s life. Meltdowns in public happen, it is how you handle them. Do you allow your child to disrespect you by hitting you, giving in, and continuing the cycle, or do you immediately stop, discuss and firmly say no?
Life is full of tough choices, and being a parent is the hardest job in the world. Setting limits and being consistent is one of the tougher things we do. But setting those limits can make day to day life go a lot smoother, can help children learn appreciation, and can help children to control their emotions when things don’t go their way. Say “yes”to “no”!
Rosie Jane BrownAs a graduate of Cambridge University, Rosie embodies the IB lifelong learner profile. Her aim as a teacher is to instill this love of learning in her students, through inquiry and play based approaches, with an emphasis on music, drama and art. She firmly believes that learning should be fun, and that this encourages an intrinsic desire in children to learn more about the world around them.
作为剑桥大学的毕业生, Rosie的身上带着 IB 终身学习者的特质。作为一名教师, 她希望通过探究和以玩耍为基础的学习,培养学生对学习的热爱, 特别是对音乐、戏剧和艺术的喜爱。她坚信, 学习应该是有趣的, 因为它激发了孩子们内心中主动了解周围世界的渴望。
Learning English at Home在家学习英语的秘诀
Learning should be made fun, especially in Kindergarten. This is why we make the environment colourful and engaging, why we sings songs, play games and provide lots of opportunities to laugh and get messy! Learning at home should be the same. In regards to English learning, instead of ‘testing’ your child at home to see what they have learnt (with isolated questions to see if they elicit a response), why not set up a game? Or an English movie corner? Or sing songs at breakfast?
学习应该是有趣的, 尤其是学前教育阶段。这就是为什么我们让幼稚园的环境丰富多彩、引人入胜;为什么我们唱歌、玩游戏, 并创造机会让孩子开怀大笑、让环境变得乱糟糟。在家学习也应该是一样的。在英语学习方面, 除在家里"测试" 你的孩子, 看看他们学到了什么 (用单独的问题来看看他们是否能够回应)外,为什么不尝试一个游戏? 或创设英语电影角?又或者试试在早餐时唱歌?
Of course school and home are always going to be different places, but parents must remember that young children become familiar with producing English in a certain setting (in this case, at Golden Apple Kindergarten) and with certain people present (their classmates and teachers). When they are asked to produce English at home their effective filter is raised; it’s not a familiar English setting.
当然, 学校和家庭是不同的地方。但家长必须记住, 孩子能自如地说英文是需要一定背景(比如在自己的学校——金苹果国际美语幼稚园)和特定的人在场 (比如他们的同学和老师)的。当他们被要求在家里说英文的时候, 说英文的有效性就降低了——因为这并不是他熟悉的英文环境。
In order to help make home feel like a ‘safe’ and familiar place to produce English, why not play some English songs? Or re-create a craft activity from school? In this way parents can support their children’s learning without ‘pushing’ them or ‘testing’ them. Learning becomes familiar, natural and fun. Sitting down and playing a game which uses English words is usually much more fun (for everyone) than answering review questions, and also provides a great chance to spend time together. So I challenge you - can you think of any ways to make learning English at home fun?
为了让家的感觉像一个“安全的” 和熟悉的英语环境,我们可以播放一些英文歌曲或者模仿学校做一个手工活动。这样, 家长就可以支持孩子的学习, 而不是“强迫”他们, 也不用“测试 ”孩子。学习变得熟悉、自然和有趣。对每个人来说,坐下来玩一个用英语单词的游戏通常比回答问题有趣得多,同时游戏也提供了一个良好的亲子陪伴的机会。现在让我来考考大家——你还能想出什么让在家学习英语变得更有趣的方法吗?
Paul-Renier HattinghDevoted his life to early years education, he is a passionate, fun and ever-growing educator who enjoys spending time with his students. Paul- Reneir enjoys creating games, and materials in his classroom to encourage learning in an inquiry and play-based manner.
投身于幼儿早期教育中的他是一位喜欢花时间同自己的学生待在一起,充满激情、风趣幽默又不断提升自己的教育者。Paul- Renier热衷于在教室里创造不同的游戏和材料,以基于探究与玩耍的方式鼓励学生学习。
Helping Less Means Helping More帮助:少即是多
I as a Parent finds parenthood is one of the most pleasurable and challenging stages in one's life. It is an invigorating period where we want to do so many things with and for our children. This feeling is indescribable because it's something that comes from the bottom of our hearts. When those little eyes look up to us all dependent makes it even more unreal. This is when we as parents feel needed and jumps at every opportunity to help and assist because we love it. But there comes a time where we need to withdraw our help to ensure our children could grow up to be more independent.
As Teachers we are the first ones to remind parents of stepping back and allowing your children the space and room for growing independently, we remind you that your actions towards their dependence play a vital role in their development. Child development and skill set do not develop on equal levels, therefore, it's very important for parents to be extremely observant towards your child's needs and abilities because observation could inform you when and where to help. Your children need you to be persistent and principled so that they could start their journey into independence.
What support can be given? It will be the first question that comes to mind and you have every right to ask because information from an outsider’s perspective is always useful. Children learn the skills of independence when their daily routines are structured, for example, when they come to school, each class has a set of steps that children need to do before entering their classroom. It is these steps that form the basis of their independent development. Some household chores could also serve as an introduction to independence, from which your child will learn about responsibility.
Children's independence is the factor in their development that we can neither ignore nor procrastinate on. We, as parents, should take initiative and allow our children to develop independently. After all, the children will in good time be able to take ownership of their learning.
我们不能忽视也不能拖延对孩子独立性的培养,因为它决定了儿童的发展。作为父母,我们更应采取主动的措施去允许孩子独立发展。毕竟,孩子们迟早都要成为自己学习的主人。Ultimately, helping less means helping more.总之,越少的帮助意味着帮助得更多。
Next time, when you eagerly want to jump up and help your child, do consider whether your child is really in need of assistance or is it something you do because you find pleasure in it and/or it is just to your convenience?
下次,当你急切地想要跳起来帮助孩子时,一定要考虑你的孩子是否真的需要帮助。或许你这么做只是因为你从中得到了乐趣,又或者是为了你的便利? 图文来源:金苹果国际美语幼稚园
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