1)分数,主要体现在高中GPA成绩、托福、 SAT;
3)学生参加的课外/课内活动。我个人的看法,招办希望通过这三项去考察学生的学业水平(intellectual ability)、学术好奇心(academic curiosity)以及潜在领导力(extracurricular leadership)。
多说两句“leadership”。美国其实是一个竞争非常激烈的社会,父母和老师在孩子很小的时候就会帮助孩子树立竞争的意识,去鼓励孩子参加各种有胜负之分的竞技比赛(足球、篮球等等等)。美国家长支持孩子参加团队活动(teamwork)的深层次目的是希望孩子通过teamwork去“stand out”,即美国父母内心的潜台词是“你们都看到了吗?我家娃才是这个team的灵魂人物。”“standout”的方式之一就是在团队活动中充当“leader”的角色。
再说回到面试的时候面试官考察层面,至少对于我来说,我希望通过短短20分钟的时间尽可能地发现学生在“intellectual ability”、“academic curiosity”、“extracurricular leadership”这三个层面上到底有没有货。
Question 1: Tell Me About Yourself
Why they're asking this: Colleges are asking you to do this because they really do want to know more about you. That's one of the primary purposes of the interview, after all!
What they're looking for: You need to paint a unique portrait of who you are to separate yourself from other applicants. Avoid clichés or descriptions that would be too common. For example, don’t just say you’re hardworking—explain what has driven you to become as diligent as you are and why you feel it is important.
Question 2: Why Are You Interested In This College?
Why they're asking this: This is an important question and one you should definitely prepare for, since colleges want to see that you’re taking the application process seriously and have a legitimate interest in attending the school.
通过这个问题,面试官希望听到:你对该校的某个专业/学术项目/校园文化/课外活动(比如美国大学常见的greek life)有着真正的兴趣。回答的时候,不仅要回答“是什么”,还要解释清楚“为什么”。
What they're looking for: Talk about your interest in a major or academic program, the cultural values of the school, or extracurricular activities that drew you to the college. Again, be thorough and specific. Don’t talk about prestige or rankings, and don't say you just want to go there because it’s close to home; none of this shows genuine interest in this specific college!
Question 3: What Are Your Academic Strengths?
Why they're asking this: In an effort to get to know you as a student, colleges are interested in getting your perspective on where you excel academically.
What they're looking for: Don’t make this answer too short. Don’t just say, "I’m good at science." When discussing your academic strengths, explain how you’ve capitalized on your strengths. If you’re an excellent writer, for example, how have you used your writing skills to excel in school? How do you plan on continuing to use your strengths?
Question 4: What Are Your Academic Weaknesses? How Have You Addressed Them?
Why they're asking this: Colleges want to admit good students, but they’re aware everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Colleges want to see that you have the persistence and work ethic to succeed despite your challenges.
What they're looking for: Schools want students who can demonstrate their ability to confront and overcome challenges. Try revealing strategies or specific approaches you’ve taken to improve your academic weaknesses. You could also tell a specific story about how you managed to do well in a subject that was especially difficult for you.
Question 5: What Do You Plan to Contribute to This School?
Why they're asking this: Colleges want to admit students who will make positive contributions to campus and academic life. Essentially, they’re looking for students who will make the school better.
What they're looking for: In short, specifics. Don’t limit your answer to vague positive traits. Don’t just say you’ll contribute a good work ethic and a regard for others. Is there specific research you wish to pursue? Do you want to have a leadership position in an extracurricular activity? Are there specific community service projects you want to do? How will your presence on campus and in the classroom make a difference?
Question 6: What Do You Expect to Be Doing 10 Years From Now?
Why they're asking this: Just to set the record straight, you don’t need to have your entire future figured out. Colleges understand that you probably won’t have everything decided and your plans are likely to change. What they do want is students with direction.
What they're looking for: Colleges want students who are motivated to achieve their goals. The bad, general answer is to only say you expect to have a fulfilling career and be making a positive impact on the world. What are some specific activities you’d like to do? How do you plan on impacting the world? You don’t have to limit your plans to professional goals. Do you want to take your mom on a vacation? Or have weekly gatherings with your best friends from high school?Question 7: What Would You Change About Your High School?
Why they're asking this: With this question, colleges are looking for your ability to identify problems and get a better understanding of what you’re looking for in a school. By learning what you’d change, they get a chance to learn more about what matters to you.
What they're looking for: Colleges want a thoughtful response. Be specific and respectful. Don’t say, "I’d get better teachers." Say that you’d allocate more resources to the music department so that more students can have the opportunity to learn how to play new instruments. Discuss how learning an instrument helped you, and describe the current state of the music department. Try to make it clear that you want to improve your school to benefit the personal and academic growth of all of its students.
Question 8: Whom Do You Most Admire?
Why they're asking this: From this question, colleges can get a sense of your values. If the person you most admire is Justin Bieber, for example, colleges might wonder about your priorities.
What they're looking for: Don’t limit your answer just to naming the person. Why do you admire that person? For instance, many people say that the person they most admire is a parent. But what specifically has that parent done that you admire so much? In short, don’t forget the details.
Question 9: What Is Your Favorite Book?
Why they're asking this: This question is designed to help schools learn more about your interests. Colleges also probably want to make sure that you actually read books.
What they're looking for: Don't limit your answer to the name of a book; think about why you like the book so much. How did it inspire you? Did a particular character resonate with you? Did you learn something from this book that influenced your opinions or behavior? Did this book help shape your perspective or values?
Question 10: What Is an Obstacle You've Faced and How Did You Get Through It?
Why they're asking this: Colleges want to know if you've faced (and overcome) any significant challenges in your life. They also want to see that you’re persistent and willing to work hard in order to overcome these obstacles.
What they're looking for: It’s fine if you haven’t had some awful, incredibly difficult obstacle in your life. Think of a time when you faced a problem that challenged you, and you put in a lot of effort to solve it. Your obstacle could be related to your home life, school, or an extracurricular activity. In your response, explain how the obstacle challenged you and emphasize what exactlyyou did to overcome it.
Question 11: What Makes You Unique?
Why they're asking this:This question is essentially what all the other questions above are meant to determine. It's another general question that's often difficult to answer. We are all unique, but it can be hard to put into words exactly what separates you from other people.
What they're looking for: Schools ask this question because they want to get to know you better. You can discuss a trait or multiple traits you possess. Give examples and stories that demonstrate these qualities. Do you have any uncommon interests or goals? Is your background very unique?
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