School Winner Pin, AMC 10 - Given to the top scoring student in your school for the AMC10 Contest
AMC10校内优胜者 - 给在AMC10比赛中在你们学校得分最高的学生
School Winner Pin, AMC 12 - Given to the top scoring student in your school for the AMC12 Contest
AMC12校内优胜者 - 在AMC12学术活动中,授予你们学校得分最高的学生
Honor Roll of Distinction Pin, AMC 10 - Given to the top 1% of AMC 10 participants
AMC 10 DHR - 给予1%的AMC 10名参与者
Honor Roll of Distinction Pin, AMC 12 - Given to the top 1% of AMC 12 participants
AMC 12 DHR - 给予1%的AMC 12名参与者
Special Achievement Pin - Purchased by the school to honor those students they feel deserve extra recognition
Gold Medal
Silver Medal
Bronze Medal
Certificate of Distinction - Awarded to all students who qualify for the AIME
School Certificate of Honor - Awarded to schools with a team score (AMC 12) of 400 or greater
学校荣誉证书-授予学校AMC 12团队得分超过400分的学校
School Certificate of Merit, AMC 12 - Awarded to schools with a team score (AMC 12) of at least 300
AMC 12学校优异证书 -授予团队AMC 12得分不低于300分的学校
Certificate of Achievement, AMC 10 - Awarded to students in 8th grade and below with a score of 90 or above on the AMC 10
AMC 10成就证书 -授予8年级及以下的学生,在AMC 10中得分90分或以上
Certificate of Achievement, AMC 12 - Awarded to students in 10th grade and below with a score of 90 or above on the AMC 12
AMC 12成绩证书-授予10年级及以下的学生,AMC 12成绩在90分或以上
Certificate of Participation, AIME - Given to students selected to participate in the American Invitational Mathematics Examination
AIME参与证书 -给选择参加AIME美国邀请赛数学考试的学生
Certificate of Excellence, USAMO - Awarded to students who participate in the United States of America Mathematical Olympiad
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