关于SPS 有很多争议,甚至成为一个讳莫如深的东西。有不少学生对名校虎视眈眈,但又怕自己的申请背景能不能进入,这个时候 SPS 就成为一个选择。从这几年的情况看,SPS 的录取难度确实会更宽松一些。其实美国大学一直有继续教育学院,但以往国内学生选择美国大学的 SPS (Professional Studies, Extension School,Continuing Studies, Advancing Studies) 就读的学生比较罕见,但近年来,尤其是选择哥伦比亚大学和纽约大学SPS就读的学生非常多,一方面满足了学生进入名校的预期,同时课程的开设比较符合就业诉求,有不少课程设置非常丰富且很有特色。那么,其实对于国内学生而言,最为担心的一个事情便是:SPS 学位毕业后回国是不是会受到质疑,或不被认可。
今天,我特别联系了之前一位从哥伦比亚大学SPS 研究生毕业回国发展的同学。她之前申请了哥伦比亚大学两个不同学院的专业,同时被录取,按照常理,大多数人会选择非 SPS 选项,但是通过对课程设置的研究,她还是放弃了教育和经济专业,坚定选择了哥伦比亚大学SPS的她更感兴趣的专业。此外,她在对比两个学院的时候发现,SPS的学生和其他学院的学生所用的学籍和教务系统完全一致,TC(教育学院)有单独的教务系统。由此可见,SPS完全属于正常的学院管理系统。毕业前夕就落实了国内的工作,毕业后一星期已经顺利入职,单位领导非常器重。她自己承认,除了个人的努力,学历的加持在其中也起了不小的作用。
在收到电子毕业证后(纸质版她选择了邮寄回国),她也顺利完成了中国教育部留学服务中心的学位的认证证书,这个认证明晃晃地说明,该学位和其他学位毫无二致。这里,也希望选择 SPS 项目的各位也可以消除顾虑,尤其是家长同志们,也不要因此而忧心忡忡寝食难安。
据知乎上知友的反馈,哈佛 ExtensionSchool 跟其他学校的 SPS 还是略有区别的。哈佛大学 Extension Schoo 的学位证书会带有 “Masterof ... in Extension School” 字样。其他学校的 SPS 学院颁发的学位证书,均只显示硕士种类(“Master of ...”)。
这位学生就是一位对自己的规划十分明确的典型。本科成绩的劣势限制了她对名校的追求。虽然语言成绩中等,但是她的实习经历非常贴合哥伦比亚大学SPS和TC的两个专业。她的申请对于我们来说也非常有挑战:本科专业成绩很差,还要追求藤校,所以我们根据她的背景和综合考量,为她推荐了哥伦比亚大学的SPS学院。入学后通过亲身经历证明,SPS 的课业压力并不比其他学院小,日常泡图书馆到晚上十一二点是常事。SPS 的一个特点就是一些老师平时有自己的主业,且都是业界大拿(如投行合伙人等),从另一角度看这也是 SPS 难得的资源:学院领导和老师非常负责任,会为学生们推荐自己的人脉关系。不管是之后有留美计划的学生,还是为了追求名校头衔之后想要回国工作的学生,申请 SPS 可谓是捷径。
在之前,我们也针对这个问题,特意给一些设置 SPS 学院的大学去了邮件,以下是有回复的一些大学反馈,供大家参考。
Dear Susie,
Thank you for contacting Harvard Extension School!I want to know whether master degree programs are specially designed for working professionals who want to advance their careers through graduate study or undergraduate students currently studying in college?You have to have earned a bachelors degree before starting graduate level work here at the Harvard Extension School. Our graduate programs are typically geared toward working professionals but are open to anyone who has earned a bachelors degree.Are there some differences with course offerings between master programs offered at other schools and extension?I cannot speak to offerings at other universities but we have a unique process here that I have outlined below.
Harvard Extension School degree programsoffer students a flexible, affordable opportunity for academic and professional advancement. We have a non-traditional admissions process that varies slightly by program. Unlike other programs where students apply, are admitted, and then start taking courses, the basic admission requirement for all of our degree programs is that students take courses first. We care more about current academic performance than past academic performance.
Students will need to complete two or three Harvard Extension School courses towards admission, and meet the GPA requirement for the degree program before applying. The degree courses vary by program and count toward the completion of a degree.On the website, students will find detailed application and admission requirementsfor each field of study.
Are there any requirements for applicants' education background?
The only requirements are that students must have earned their bachelor's degree prior to enrolling in graduate courses towards their degree.
Additionally, students whose native language is not English must provide proof of English proficiency. For a complete list of appropriate ways to fulfill this requirement, please see English Proficiency. Please note, this requirement must be met regardless of educational or professional background.Every student is required to meet enrollment policiesand consult individual course descriptions for prerequisites or placement tests. Is GRE or GMAT score required or recommended?No tests are required to be eligible for admission to the Harvard Extension School. If I am currently an undergraduate student in the United States, will I have to take the TOEFL test or waive it? You would not have to take a TOEFL test to prove English proficiency if you submit an official transcript showing completion of a four-year bachelor’s degree from a college or university in the United States at which English is the sole language of instruction.
I hope you found this information helpful. If you have any other questions please feel free to reach out!
Walter Wrigley
Enrollment Services
Harvard Division of Continuing Education
51 Brattle Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 495-4024
Dear Susie,
Thank you for your email and interest in our program.
We have multiple formats for the MS program with slightly different application requirements and delivery formats, depending on the candidates experience and needs.
• The Full-Time cohort, typically have 0-10 years of experience (can have more). If a senior in undergrad, needs to have 2 years of experience.
• Part-Time: typically have 3-8 years of experience. Flexible evening courses for people working full-time. Some online options may be offered, but majority will be on-campus.
• Executive: typically have 6+ years of communication experience in a leadership role (typically director level or above)
• SF (San Francisco): typically have 3-8 years of experience
About Full Time MS in Strategic Communication
The M.S. in Strategic Communicationis a full-time program intended to prepare students with 1-5 years of professional experience for a career-track job in communications. The curriculum includes courses to provide you with a foundation of analytical skills, storytelling know-how, audience understanding, and an internship. The optional internship will provide you with invaluable real-world professional experience as a member of a communications firm in New York City. The courses will give you a solid grounding in the philosophies, practices, and skills necessary to be successful at every level of your future career. Additionally, this is a full-time program that meets the eligibility requirements for an F-1 student visa. You can read more about the M.S. in Strategic Communication curriculum here.
The application consists of the following:
1. The online application
2. Application fee
3. Official transcripts
4. Three letters of recommendation
5. A professional resume
6. Statement of academic purpose
7. Supplemental essay
8. GRE scores
9. Admissions Interview
10. If English is not your native language, you will need to submit an official TOEFL or IELTS score
You can review these application materials here. Please let me know if you have any additional inquiries.
About Executive MS in Strategic Communication
The Executive M.S. in Strategic Communicationis a part-time, 16-month program that focuses on the critical thinking, analysis, and practical skills essential to developing and implementing communications strategies that advance an organization’s goals and mission. Most applicants are currently in a communications role, and a minimum of six years of experience is required. The Executive Master of Science in Strategic Communications is an intensive, accelerated, graduate-level education program for motivated individuals who have already demonstrated professional leadership. The program seeks high-potential applicants who have demonstrated substantial accomplishment and professional achievement in his or her field.
The program has a combination of on-campus and online instruction. The on-campus instruction includes 3 residencies, weekend sessions and summer electives. Between residencies, students attend on-campus courses on Saturday sessions during each term. As mentioned, on-campus attendance is mandatory for all residencies, as well as on-site Saturday and Sunday sessions. When not meeting on campus, students are required to be active through our online platform. They should be prepared to spend 20-25 hours outside of class every week to complete assigned readings, work on projects, and participate with work groups.
The application for this program consists of the following:
1. The online application
2. $95 application fee
3. Official transcripts
4. Two letters of recommendation
5. Professional resume
6. Statement of academic purpose (750 words max.)
7. Supplemental Essay (250 words max.)
8. Students whose native language is not English must include proof of English proficiency.
For more information regarding the application instructions and requirements, please visit our website.
这里也给大家把热门的几个大学SPS 相关硕士项目给大家列出来,大家根据自己的背景情况各取所需。
School Name | 专业 |
哈佛大学 (Extension School) |
International Relations |
Finance | |
Management | |
Psychology | |
Data Science | |
Information Management Systems | |
Software Engineering | |
(School of Professional Studies) |
Actuarial Science |
Applied Analytics | |
Bioethics | |
Construction Administration | |
Enterprise Risk Management | |
Human Capital Management | |
Information and Knowledge Strategy | |
Narrative Medicine | |
Negotiation and Conflict Resolution | |
Nonprofit Management | |
Sports Management | |
Strategic Communication | |
Sustainability Management | |
Sustainability Science | |
Technology Management | |
(Graham School of Continuing Liberal and Professional Studies) |
Master of Science in Analytics |
Master of Science in Biomedical Informatics | |
Master of Liberal Arts | |
Master of Science in Threat and Response Management | |
(School of Professional Studies) |
Executive MBA |
Executive Master in Cybersecurity | |
Executive Master Healthcare | |
Executive Master Science and Technology | |
Executive Master Leadership Coaching | |
赖斯大学 (Susanne M. Glasscock School of Continuing Studies) | Master of Arts in Teaching |
Undergraduate 5-year Master of Arts in Teaching | |
Master of Liberal Studies | |
(School of Continuing Studies) |
Master's in Global Hospitality Leadership |
Master's in Higher Education Administration | |
Master's in Human Resources Management | |
Master's in Project Management | |
Master's in Sports Industry Management | |
Master of Arts in Liberal Studies | |
Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies | |
Doctor of Liberal Studies | |
(School of Continuing and Professional Studies) |
Master of Public Safety |
(School of Professional Studies) |
MS in Translation |
MS in Tourism Management | |
MS in Sports Business | |
MS in Real Estate Development | |
MS in Real Estate | |
MS in Publishing: Digital and Print Media | |
MS in Public Relations and Corporate Communication | |
MS in Project Management | |
MS in Professional Writing | |
MS in Management and Systems | |
MS in Integrated Marketing | |
MS in Human Resource Management and Development | |
MS in Human Capital Analytics and Technology | |
MS in Hospitality Industry Studies | |
MS in Global Sport | |
MS in Global Security, Conflict, and Cybercrime | |
MS in Global Affairs | |
MS in Event Management | |
MS in Construction Management | |
(Graduate Professional Studies) |
Bioinformatics (MS) |
Digital Marketing and Design (MS) | |
Digital Innovation for FinTech (MS) | |
Health and Medical Informatics (MS) | |
Information Security Leadership (MS) | |
Instructional Design and Technology (MS) | |
Project and Program Management (MS) | |
Robotic Software Engineering (MS) | |
Software Engineering (MSE) | |
Strategic Analytics (MS) | |
Technology Management (MS) | |
User-Centered Design (MS) | |
(Woods College of Advancing Studies) |
Bachelor's Degree |
M.S. in Applied Economics | |
M.S. in Cybersecurity Policy and Governance | |
Master of Healthcare Administration | |
M.S. in Leadership & Administration | |
M.S. in Sports Administration | |
(College of Professional Studies) |
Analytics - Boston |
Project Management - Boston | |
Digital Media - Boston | |
Strategic Intelligence & Analysis - Boston | |
Human Resources Management - Boston | |
Bachelor's Completion Degrees | |
(School of Professional Advancement) |
Master of Liberal Arts |
MPS in Cybersecurity Management | |
MPS in Emergency Management | |
MPS in Information Technology Management | |
MPS in Security Management | |
Master of Professional Studies in Health & Wellness Management (MPS) | |
Master of Professional Studies in Homeland Security Studies (MPS) | |
BS in Applied Computing | |
BA in Digital Design | |
BA in Public Relations | |
BA in Homeland Security Studies | |
BA in Social Sciences | |
BA in Health & Wellness | |
BA in Humanities | |
BS in Exercise Science | |
BA in General Legal Studies | |
(College of Professional Studies) |
Cybersecurity |
Integrated Information Science & Technology | |
Police & Security Studies | |
Cybersecurity Strategy & Information Management | |
Homeland Security | |
Law Firm Management | |
Paralegal Studies | |
Publishing | |
Sustainable Urban Planning |
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