LinkingIvy Independent Study Program (科研常青藤独立研究项目) ——2019普林斯顿教授招生 前言:近年来,中学生科研逐渐进入准留学生们的视野。科研能力是美国大学非常重视的一项能力,具有优秀科研能力的学生一直以来受到各个大学招生官的青睐。科研常青藤致力于为学术成就优异的高中生提供近距离接触高端科研的平台,本次的项目联合普林斯顿物理系教授,针对对于物理方向有兴趣的同学展开
Radio Pulsars A radio pulsar is formed when a massivestar collapses via a supernova process. The collapsed star is a neutron starand has the density of nuclear matter. A star the size of our Sun would resultin a neutron star the size of a large city. Electromagnetic energy (radiowaves) are emitted along the direction of the neutron star’s magnetic axis,creating a lighthouse effect that results in what appear to be pulses toobservers on Earth, as the beam of the pulsar sweeps by. Many aspects ofpulsars can be understood in terms of high school and freshman physics. Quarkonia Quarks are the fundamental buildingblocks of atomic nuclei. There are six known quark flavors: up, down, charm,strange, top, and bottom. The first two of these are light and stable and formthe main constituents of normal matter. The last four of these are massive butslightly unstable and thus are not found in regular matter. They can, however,be readily produced at particle accelerators. If one of these heavy quarks isbrought into contact with its anti-matter counterpart, it can form a type ofatom. Such atoms, known as quarkonia, are extremely short lived, but likenormal atoms, have well defined energy levels and are capable of absorbing andemitting light at certain wavelengths. By studying the energy levels and thetransitions between them, one can learn about quarks and the strong (nuclear)interaction that binds them together.
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