考生1:在某航空工作7年,由于平时接触的是塞斯纳172和150等这些螺旋桨小飞机,因为在实操考试中遇到了涡扇发动机等方面的内容,导致考试没有通过(主要就是因为考生经历与实际实操考试中很多内容不符,平时工作没有接触过,这样的考生如何准备工作经历,进行申请和备考考试)!其就实际工作经历时长和实操考试的内容咨询考官 Denny
考生2:直升机航空维护工作10年,从事的螺旋桨飞机维护比较有经验,咨询关于实操考试中一些类似固定翼the dope and fabric projects-(涂料,织布或蒙皮等实操项目)知识点的备考方法,以及考试相关问题!
Thank you for the feedback. I think many ofthe issues and concern you noted are being address maybe not directly, butindirectly with the new DME procedures.
Applicants for a mechanic certificate mustmeet the requirements of part 65 subparts A and D. There are two ways to meetthe requirements of part 65 subparts A and D 1) work experience and 2) attend apart 147 aviation program.
Section 65.77 requires the applicant tohave documented practical experience in maintaining airframes and/orpowerplants. At least 18-months of practical experience appropriate to therating requested is required.
FAA的FAR 65部77章要求申请人具有可以证明的机身和(或)发动机的维修经历。每个评定要求最少18个月相关经历。
For a certificate with both ratings, therequirement is at least 30-months of experience concurrently performing theduties appropriate to both ratings.
If the applicant has not met the required30-months concurrently performing the duties appropriate to both ratings,calculate each rating separately using the 18-month requirement for each.
NOTE:Applying for ratings separately will result in no less than 36 months total requirement for both ratings.
局方Interview审核工作经历时,也会综合考虑“评定”的,举例你只做电子类维护工作的朋友,肯定在发动机方面有自己 的欠缺,但是通过维修经历明细综合看,是符合AP基础执照考试资格的!
Practical Experience. 实作经历
The practical experience must provide theapplicant with basic knowledge of and skills in the procedures, practices,materials, tools, machine tools, and equipment used in aircraft construction,alteration, maintenance, and inspection。
There is no expectation that an applicantbe highly proficient in overhauls, major repairs, or major alterations in theminimum 18 months of experience.
Powerplant Tests. 发动机测试
Powerplant tests will include questions andprojects on propellers that the applicant must successfully complete regardlessof his or her experience.
Part Time Practical Experience.
During the evaluation of part time practicalaviation maintenance experience, the applicant must document an equivalent of18 months for each rating individually, or 30 months of experience for bothratings. This is based on a standard work week that has 8 hours per day for 5days per week, or a 40 hour work week, or a total of approximately 160 hoursper month. The time is cumulative, but the days, weeks, and months are notrequired to be consecutive. The practical experience must be documented.
With the revised FAA Order 8900.2A now meetthe requirements to take the tests is one thing, but passing is somethingdifferent. Applicants can still purchase the written test questions and answer even if the FAA does not publish them anymore. Many applicants will study and pass the written tests.
Testing Periods. 考试时效
Once the tests have begun, applicants mustpass all the required tests within a 24 month period and this include the Oraland Practical tests.
With the new downloader planning sheet the DME will be using the FAA will pick all oral test questions as well as the practical projects. What has changed as well is if a applicant fail asubsection say on the Airframe section 1 then they fail the entire section 1and will have to retest the entire section again.
On all retest, the DME will download a newretest and again the FAA will pick the questions and them will be differentfrom the original test. The same thing for the practical skills test if you faila project you would have to repeat that project and a set of new practicalprojects the DME will download from the FAA database.
Make no mistake about the new O&P testing it random questions and projects and will be the luck of the draw what project an applicant will get. If an applicant only has turbine experience theymay get reciprocating engine projects the DME will have no say in the projects.
The new planning sheet the DMEs will beusing will level the playing field when it comes to testing applicants. The part 147 school applicant will be better prepared since their school programscover all of the subject area’s with class room study and hands on projects inthe lab. So for part 147 applicants I do not see any issues.
However, for military and mechanicauthorized to test on work experience I see the oral and practical being a verydifficult test to pass without formal part 147 school training.
This new downloader planning sheet doesserve a good purpose
1) it prevents a DME from only picking oraland practical projects based on an applicant’s background and
1)它避免了 DME通过考生的背景经历来选题(防止舞弊)
2) it requires all DMEs to have the sametype of tool and equipment leveling the testing playing field.
I will admit the new tool list the FAArequires all DMEs to have will force many private DMEs to retire, as it will benot be cost effective to purchase all the things that a part 147 school has. Asa result, for DMEs being affiliated with a part 147 school is a major plussince they all have the required tools and equipment to run their schools.
A lot of the issues you mentioned I agreewith. I just completed going through all of the 682 possible practical projectsin the NEW Practical Test Standard (PTS) and researching all the data for eachone.
The FAA had decided to put some of the dopeand fabric projects back because of the LSA category of aircraft and many usethis process.
根据研究梳理的结果看,FAA局方已经决定将涂料和织布项目重新放回实作,因为lsa(light sport aircraft)类型和很多其他飞机都有用到这些技能
All the FAA expects on the practical testsis the basic skills and nothing more.
However, going through all the possibleprojects is did find a few in the turbine section that I would consider morethan requiring basic skills.
Because of the new planning sheets thatwill have the 20 selected projects, I decided to look each and every one up andwrite down the reference from the NEW FAA AMT-Series(Dale Crane) or AC 43.13-1B where I found the reference for that project.
在新的实操考试操作办法中,我们知道需要全部随机抽调20个实操项目,因此,我们找出了每一个实操项目在新的教材(Dale Crane)和AC43.13-1B中对应的知识点参考,
The new FAA AMT-Series(Dale Crane) and for the General,Airframe and Engine do cover all the subject areas pretty well with illustrated by detailed diagrams and simple illustrations. All most all of the data is the same and some updated.
I really think any applicant can pass theoral and practical test if they take the NEW Practical Test Standard(PTS-testgiude) and do what I did as a DME and look up each section andelement. I realize this takes time and it took me three weeks straight to lookup and read all the reference material and make a project sheets for each one.
我坚信,只要考生像我一样,通过全新的NEW PTS-testguide认真研究复习了每章节理论知识点,他都能顺利通过OP考试;当然,复习是需要花时间的,比如我就花了三个星期去通读所有的考试项目,并找出对应的参考知识点,同时也为每个考试项目做了学习笔记!
However the practical test is at the basiclevel and I wrote all my projects to that level and I would expect everyapplicant that tests to use the PTS as a study guide regardless if they went to a part 147 or obtain work experience.
Lastly, my best applicants have been formerand current military applicants. If an applicant can read, follow directions(maintenance procedures) and not get hurt they will pass the practical tests.
Each project will have reference data toread and follow this is part of the test and not getting hurt is the safetyrelated part of the test.
All I ask applicants is come prepared andnot stress out. Stress is the biggest issue I see in all the applicants I havetested, but being prepared will certainly reduce the stress.
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