Max/min price
Frequently asked topicsExplain effective maximum/minimum priceExplain consequence of maximum/minimum priceDiscuss whether maximum/minimum price could help consumer/producer 大家都知道Maximum price会造成shortage,然而在短缺之后资源是怎么分配的呢?答案是黑市,先到先得,或者按生产者的喜好来分配。这也是为什么最高价往往并不能保护穷人的原因。Minimum price经常被设置在农产品上,这样能保证食物供给,减少对进口的依赖。surplus的部分可以用来出口,或者被政府买下作为粮食的储备。
Sample essays
13W2 With the help of a diagram(s), contrast the impact of a maximum price fixed below equilibrium market price with one that is fixed above it. [8]09S2 Explain, with the help of an example, the effects when a government introduces a maximum price for a good or service. [8]16S1 Discuss whether attempts to help poorer consumers through the introduction of a maximum price for necessities can ever be successful. [12] 12S3 (b) Discuss the effectiveness of government use of maximum and minimum prices to help consumers and producers. [12]
Tax and Subsidy
Frequently asked topicsExplain impact of indirect taxExplain impact of subsidyDiscuss methods to improve provision of merit/demerit goods Tax包括direct tax和indirect tax. Income tax是一种direct progressive tax; VAT 是一种indirect progressive tax.Tax可以用来解决demerit goods的问题,subsidy可以用来解决merit goods的问题。无论是税收还是补贴,效果都取决于PED。政府还可以通过nudge (persuasion)来提高消费者的认知。到底哪种干预更好是本章的常见考题。
Sample essays
09W2 With the aid of a diagram, explain how a government subsidy to producers of fuel will affect the producers and government expenditure. [8]18S2 With the use of diagrams, explain how the price elasticity of demand for a product influences the incidence of an indirect tax on that product. [8]16W2 Discuss whether it is better to introduce an indirect tax or to adopt policies to improve consumers’ knowledge and understanding to deal with the problem of demerit goods. [12] 11S3 Discuss whether the payment of government subsidies to farmers is a beneficial policy.
Transfer payments and Privatisation
Frequently asked topicsExplain benefits and drawbacks of privatisation同学们需要掌握私有化的好处和坏处,作为A2下移的知识点去年的澳洲卷在data的最后一问出现了这个考题。
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