一年级,是孩子人生中的一个新阶段,告别幼儿园的无忧无虑,成为一名小学生。本次一年级课程展,6个班级的孩子们以所学过的不同UOI单元主题向大家展现了他们是如何完成从幼儿园到小学生的华丽蜕变,开启他们小学生活的第一阶段。First grade is a new stage in a child's life, become a student in primary school. In G1’s assembly, G1 students showed how they completed their identity transformation and started their school life by divided into 5 UOI units they have learned in the past 10 months.
我们是谁Who we are
通过“我们是谁”这个单元,一年级的孩子们完成了自己人生中的一次身份转变:从幼儿园的小朋友到一名小学生。在这个单元中,孩子们对学校这个“系统”有了一个认识,同时对自己的身份有了新的了解。通过制定各种契约,孩子们知道了不同的场合有不同的规则需要遵守,还了解了如何与他人交朋友,如何更好地控制自己的情绪。在行动实践的过程中,孩子们将过去的自己同现在的自己作对比,感受到了自己的变化和成长。In the unit "Who we are", G1 students finished an identity transformation in their life, from a kindergarten child to a primary school student. In this unit, they got the idea of a school system and learned about their new identity. Through making different agreements, they knew that there are different rules on different occasions. They also learned how to make friends with others, how to control their temper. In the process of taking action, they naturally found their change from the past.
我们身处什么时空Where we are in place and time
“我们身处什么时空”这个单元研究的是家族的变迁史。在完成了对自己新身份的认知之后,孩子们对自己的家族进行了解。孩子们不仅仅了解了自己家族的组成和变迁、自己家乡的特色以及文化,与此同时还了解了自己所处的城市——上海的前世今生。In the unit "Where we are in place and time", students deal with the history of the family. After finishing learn their new identity, G1 students followed to know their family, In this unit, the children not only learn about the composition and changes of their families, the characteristics and culture of their hometown, but also about the past and present life of their city, Shanghai.
我们如何组织自己How we organize ourselves
在这个单元介绍了各种各样的交通工具。除了常见的交通工具外,还包括一些在现代社会已经消失的交通工具。这让孩子们了解到了交通工具的历史是根据人们日常生活的需求所推动的。在交通工具的选择上,孩子们第一次接触到了“成本”这个概念。孩子们第一次发现,选择交通工具不仅仅只凭借快捷、方便这两个原因,还要考虑时间成本、运输成本和运货量。这让他们明白了每一个交通工具存在的价值。在学习了交通工具的过去和现在后,孩子们也展望了交通工具的未来,通过自己的想象设计了适合未来日常生活所使用的交通工具。This unit introduced different transportation to the student. Expect the common kinds of transport we can see in our daily life, students also knew some kinds of transport that have disappeared in modern society. This taught the children that the history of transportation was driven by the needs of people’s daily life.
世界如何运作How the world works
“世界如何运作”这个单元孩子们探究了生物的变化过程。在这个单元中,孩子们见到了泥土里慢慢钻出绿苗,木桩上渐渐爬满蘑菇,小蝌蚪悄悄长出后腿,蚕宝宝静静吐丝结茧,小鸡一点点破壳而出。每一次变化都鲜活得展现在了孩子的眼前,在感受变化的同时也让孩子们见识到了生命的奇妙。“How the world works”, explores the process changing of a living thing. In this unit children saw the soil drill out green seedlings, stakes gradually covered with mushrooms, tadpoles have their legs to become frogs, silkworms growing bigger and bigger than turns to cocoons, chicks born by breaking their egg shells. Every change is vividly displayed in front of children's eyes. While experiencing the change, children can also experience a wonderful life.
共享地球Sharing the planet
最新学习的“共享地球”,让孩子们意识到我们所居住的星球的宝贵,孩子们也体会到了人类的每个选择,都会对我们的地球带来不可或缺的影响。一个小小的行动,可以给地球的环境带来不可挽回的打击,也可以给地球带来可持续的发展。保护地球,与每个人息息相关。In the lasted learning unit “Sharing the planet”, students learned that the planet we inhabit is precious and that every human choice has an indispensable impact on our planet. A small action can bring irreparable damage to the earth's environment, it can also bring sustainable development to the earth. Protecting the earth is closely related to everyone.
课程展虽然已经落幕,但是孩子们对世界的探究、对自我的认知依然还在继续......Although the assembly has come to an end, out students’ exploration of the world and elf-cognition are still continuing.
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