Contest Date and Time(比赛日期): The 2019 contest must be accomplished at a local facility, during the contest period 3:01 pm EST on Wednesday, November 6 and ending at 8:00 pm EST on Tuesday, November 19, 2019.Faculty advisors must ensure that no alterations of any form are made after the 8:00 pm cutoff. All papers must be emailed and received at COMAP by 9:00 pm EST on November 19, 2019.
The Contest Materials(比赛材料): The contest Website contains all the guidelines, requirements, registration, judging criteria, and suggested procedures for the submission of solution papers, including step-by-step instructions. No materials will be available in any other form. On Wednesday, November 6, 2019 at 3:00 pm EST, the contest problems will be posted on the contest Website.
The Role of Advisors(指导老师): The advisor informs students about this competition and encourages the formation of teams. Advisors guide and prepare the team(s) prior to the beginning of the competition. During the competition, students are expected to develop all of the substantive analysis without the help of others. Advisors ensure that students have access to computers and graphing calculators. Advisors distribute guardian consent forms and have them signed prior to the contest.
Registration of Teams(团队注册): All teams must register online on or before November 6, 2019 at 2:00 pm EST. Each team may consist of up to four students who are enrolled in the same school at the time of the contest. There is no limit to the number of teams an advisor can sponsor, or a school may enter Team members do not need to be named at the time of registration, but they must be determined prior to the start of the contest.
The Contest Problems(比赛问题): Teams will choose one of two modeling problems that will be posted on the Website at 3:00 pm EST on November 6, 2019. Data, if needed, will be attached to the problem, or available on the Website. Sample problems from other years are available online at: Unabridged versions of all the Outstanding papers, well HiMCM Consortium judges’ commentaries, are available to members.
The Report(比赛报告): Participants may use all the technology
available such computers, libraries, software packages, Internet, or any other inanimate sources. Problems are designed to be open-ended and are unlikely to have a unique solution. Attention must be focused on clarity, analysis, and design of the solution. The narrative section of the solution papers must be typed and in English. Partial solutions are acceptable. HiMCM is now all electronic submission! Send electronic copy of solution paper by email: Each team is required to submit an electronic copy of its solution paper by email to Any team member or the advisor may submit this email.
Your email MUST be received at COMAP on or before the email submission deadline of 9PM EST on November 19, 2019. Failure by a team to submit a solution via email by 9 pm EST on November 19, 2019 constitutes a violation of the contest rules and will result in that team's disqualification. Send signed contest forms by email to COMAP: After the signed contest forms are prepared, email them to:
The contest forms must be received by COMAP no later than 5:00 pm EST on Friday, November 29, 2019. COMAP is not responsible for contest forms received after that date. For detailed instructions please visit the HiMCM website at:
Results(比赛结果): Judging will be completed in January, 2020.
The solutions will be recognized as Outstanding, Finalist, Meritorious, Honorable Mention, Successful Participant, or Unsuccessful. The results will be posted on COMAP’s Website after February 1, 2020. Certificates and a press release will be mailed or emailed in February 2020. All successful participants will receive a certificate. Select, Outstanding teams will have their solution papers (or their solution abstracts) published in Consortium. For detailed information on all of the
above, please go to the HiMCM Website at:
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