Barnas Monteith
Barnas Monteith 马萨诸塞州科学与工程节(MSSEF) 主席。该机构是美国最早的科技教育组织,也是美国麻州最早的基于探究学习的科学教育非营利组织,由麻省理工学院和美国科学与艺术学会(美国中科院)创办,迄今已有70年历史。早在高中时,他就在MIT学习人工智能,他的研究在MIT多媒体实验室获得了MIT 50k及哈佛商学院的商业计划学术活动等多个最高奖项。此外,Barnas 13次获得各类国际科学工程大赛冠军,其中包括2次获得国际科学工程大赛( ISEF) 一等奖特等奖, 欧洲青年科学交流奖、Nynex 科技奖、爱迪生奖、海军科学研究奖等等…… 他还是 MSSEF 历史上最成功的科学节参加者,其中4次斩获 MSSEF 第1名,4次获得区域胜利第1名……
他和他的团队率先推出了科技教师培训项目 Curious Mind,他们的教程在各个学区包括大学推行,并在美国科学艺术协会支持下举办专项工作室,培训老师及学生,以及波士顿科学博物馆、图书馆相关人员。
What is science fair?
A science fair experiment is generally a competition where contestants present their science project, results in the form of a report, display board, and/or models that they have created. In USA, science fairs allow students in elementary, middle and high schools to compete in science and technology activities. The main motive of a science fair is for students to answer a question or task, not from a textbook but found out themselves by conducting a range of experiments and ongoing research in the short amount of time allocated to them.
I recently gave a talk at the Massachusetts STEM Summit, held at the Foxboro MA Patriots stadium, focused on STEM and innovation/entrepreneurship.One of the key focuses of the talk was the upcoming Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), following the US-wide adoption of the Common Core Math and English standards. 26 of the 50 states have agreed to be part in the drafting and adoption of these standards, and more are expected to participate as well.
我最近在麻州Foxboro Patriots体育场举行的马萨诸塞州STEM峰会上发表了演讲,重点关注STEM教育、创新与创业。在美国范围采用了共同核心数学和英语标准之后,下一个重点是下一代科学标准(NGSS)。50个州中有26个同意参与这些标准的起草和通过,估计有更多的州将会参与进来。
So, in the coming years, science departments across the US will be looking to find new ways to align their curriculum with these new standards, which include more rigorous and deep science content as well as logic processes/methods. One such method we all know very well in the science fair community is the scientific method.
However, the term “scientific method” appears to have been replaced by the term “practices”, which encompass the very same processes promoted widely by science fairs for the past nearly 70 years. However, by incorporating the “practices” more concretely into a national set of science standards, we may soon begin to see science fairs institutionalized in the American educational landscape. Half a century ago, science fairs were ingrained in the US formal school culture, but due to a variety of factors (decreased funding in education across the board, more focus on a smaller subset of frameworks to improve standardized testing scores nationally, fewer school hours and less lab time, etc…) science fairs have become less of a national priority, despite the best efforts of the current administration to highlight the very best STEM students in the US.
Currently, it is thought that less than a quarter of all US students participate in a science fair of one kind or another — however, thanks to NGSS, this number may soon be on the rise as science departments grapple with a way to fulfill the practice standard requirements.The science fair, was once seen as an innovative way to offer real world experiences to students in the sciences, and perhaps inspire them to become scientists or engineers. Now, the science fair has re-emerged as an innovative way to educate.
目前,据估计不到四分之一的美国学生参加了这样或那样的科学大赛 — 但是,由于NGSS,随着科学部门努力实现“实践”这一目标,这个数字可能会很快上升。科学大赛曾被视为向喜欢科学的学生提供现实世界体验的创新途径,也许可以激励他们成为科学家或工程师。现在,科学大赛已经重新成为一种创新科学教育方式。
Looks like for US science teachers and public school students alike, the next few years will be the time to pick up their old science fair curriculum resources and practice, practice, practice!
Getting Started
Here’s the first tip: Start early.
By starting your project early (maybe even during the summer), you will have time to really examine your topic and know your information Inside & Out. By starting early, you will have time to decide whether or not your topic is too broad or too narrow and adjust your topic accordingly. By starting early, you will have time to recover from mistakes, adjust your procedure, if necessary, or get advice from a mentor or additional equipment, if needed. So start early. Do a little each day. If you start early, time is on your side.
I will provide you with lots of information about “Getting Started.”Step 1: Pick a topic: this is always the most difficult.
Step 2: Figure out if your science project will use the “Scientific Method” or the “Engineering Method.” Unless you’re in elementary school and have specifically been assigned to do a demonstration project, you won’t bring home a prize if you do a demonstration project. Learn the difference below.
Step 3: Time to start to do research. Whether you’re doing an experiment or creating a design, you need to research your topic to find out more about it and other experiments that may have been done on the subject.
The second tip: Pick a topic that interests you.Unless your teacher insists that you do a science fair project about a particular topic or subject matter, you’re going to have more fun, do a better job and get a better grade if you select a topic that interests you.
Let’s say you’re interested in the space program and the Curiosity Rover that’s on Mars. This topic can involve many subjects including Astronomy, Physics, Math, Geology and Earth Science, Engineering, Chemistry and more.
If you’re interested in the ocean, ponds or lakes you can do a project about Botany which is the study of plant life or about Marine Biology and learn about the animals and fish that live in various bodies of water. If you’re interested in hockey, you can do a Physics or Materials Science experiment about the various materials and construction of a hockey puck which might affect a player’s ability to control it.
There are three types of science projects: Demonstration, Science Fair, and Engineering.
Demonstration Project: Students in the lower elementary grades are the only ones who are usually allowed do a demonstration project. They’re typically not allowed at middle school or high school science fairs. While they’re fun, you don’t learn about “real science” by doing a demonstration. For instance, you can demonstrate how a volcano works, or can build your own planetarium. Or, you can explain static electricity through several activities such as making an aluminum foil ball.
Science Fair Project: This is a traditional project in which you describe a problem or come up with a question just like a real scientist, and then design research and perform an experiment using The Scientific Method to answer the question or to solve the problem in an organized way. There are endless possibilities in Biology, Chemistry, Medicine & Health, Microbiology, Bio-Chemistry and other subjects. Do you sing in a chorus? You could do a science fair project to determine if cold water or warm water has a better affect on your voice and ability to reach high notes or low notes. If your parents enjoy drinking tea, you can do an experiment to determine how the brewing time of tea affects the strength of the tea using a device that measures light absorption; is tea that’s brewed for four minutes twice as strong as tea that’s brewed for 2 minutes?
科学大赛项目:这是一个传统项目,你可以在其中描述问题或像真正的科学家一样提出问题,然后使用科学方法设计研究并进行实验,最终回答或解决问题。生物学,化学,医学与健康,微生物学,生物化学和其他学科都有无限的可能性。你是合唱队的一员吗?你可以做一个科学大赛的项目来确定冷水或温水对你的声音达到高音或低音的能力有何影响。如果你的父母喜欢喝茶,你可以使用测量光吸收的装置进行实验,以确定茶的泡制时间如何影响茶的浓度; 煮了4分钟的茶比煮2分钟的茶要浓两倍吗?
Engineering Project: The objective of an engineering project is to apply The Engineering Method with science and math to identify a need and to determine how you will solve that need by producing useful devices for people. You’re still trying to solve a problem, but you do it by building and testing prototypes and by working on various design processes. For instance, if you’re in a band, you could do an engineering project on the effects of dry wall thickness or various sound-absorption materials on sound transmission in your basement or garage so your neighbors won’t complain about the noise when you practice. Or, if you run track, you can build a working model of a body temperature monitor to see how much your temperature increases after running for 20, 30 or 40 minutes, or at various speeds.
So, what’s your topic going to be? One way to figure it out is to make a list of ten activities or topics that most interest you. Then, write up a question about each of these that you’ve always wondered about, and narrow the list down to the top two or three that seem the most interesting. Then you might want to talk the list over with your parents or a teacher to have them help you make your final choice based on material needs and costs, and the length of time it might take you to complete your project.
Research and Experimentation/Design
With this step in the science fair project process, it really doesn’t matter whether you’re doing a science project and are applying the Scientific Method with an experiment, or an engineering project and are applying the Engineering Method to create a design, you still have to start with research.
Research is all about finding out more about your topic. To conduct research, you need to go to the library and read books and magazines, browse the internet, visit locations that might have background material like a zoo or museum or lab, and talk with your teachers, scientists and/or professionals. The more you learn about your topic, the better your project will come out and the better prepared you’ll be to answer the questions by the judges.
Let’s see what happens when you put the following phrase into an internet search engine: “compare natural sponges and synthetic sponges.” Here are some of the results:
With just a little bit of research you realize that there are different types of uses for sponges. Were you surprised to see that window cleaners really care about this topic?
So, this means you would need to narrow down your search – will you do your project on using different types of sponges for cleaning the house, or for cleaning your body? Make sure you use your science journal to record your background research and any books or internet sites you have visited. You may end up realizing that you can use the information in your report or on your display board.
因此,这意味着你需要缩小搜索范围 – 你做这个项目是为了使用不同类型的海绵清洁房屋还是清洁身体?确保使用科学笔记本记录你的背景研究,以及你访问过的任何书籍或网站。你可能最终意识到你可以使用它们做为报告或展示板上的信息。
Can you think of other people who might think sponge absorption is an important topic? How about restaurants or hotels? Maybe you can talk with window cleaners, or restaurant owners or hotel managers in your neighborhood about this subject. Maybe after a few conversations or more research, you might decide to alter the project to determine which types of sponges hold more germs or less germs.
After researching your topic, you should now be ready to come up with your Hypothesis. The hypothesis is an “educated guess” about the question you’re trying to answer. The hypothesis is presented as a statement – it’s not a question. To prove or disprove your hypothesis, you conduct an Experiment. There are many ways to test your hypothesis, there is no one right way to do this. Your hypothesis for the sponge test might read, “If I test artificial and natural sponges, I believe natural sponges will hold more water.”
Now it’s time to plan your procedures and conduct your Experiment. What are you going to do to test your hypothesis? What materials are needed, and is the cost of buying materials a factor in your decision? What exactly is being tested? What parts of your experiment will stay the same? What data are you going to collect?
There are two parts to an experiment: the controls and the variables. A control is the part of the experiment that stays constant so your experiment can be repeated with the same results. If your experiment involves testing sponges, a control would be to always use the same bowl. Also make sure the same amount of water is used in each trial.
Variables are the parts of the experiment you change to test specific conditions. Using the same sponge example, a variable may be to use three types of synthetic and three types of natural sponges to see which holds the largest amount of water.
In the experiment with the sponge, here are some materials you might need:
The experiment itself should be simple and repeatable. It’s very important that the experiment be repeatable. Also, remember that judges like lots and lots of data and charts and graphs, so design your experiment with lots of repetitions. You can’t run an experiment once and use that data; run a simple experiment 10-15 times and take an average (the sum of the experimental data divided by the number of trials).
Experiments should always have at least three trials. It’s important to conduct your experiment several times because if you get different results on one of the three times, maybe it’s because an error was made. Or, if you’re doing a plant experiment and are using seeds to grow something, maybe one of the seeds was bad.
Make observations frequently and consistently. If your cat knocks over the original bowl of water, make sure you note this and that as a result you had to start over. In your science journal, make sure you not only record the details of your procedure, but also your observations.
When you present your science fair project to judges, they might ask you about other applications for your research. They’ll also ask you what you’ve done in your experiment that’s different from other similar experiments, so you should plan to refer to the results of other experiments you’ve learned or read about.
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