在学习中,不仅仅要学习学科内容,而且要学会如何学习,特别是复习环节,时间和方法都很重要。在地理学习课堂,Miss Dobson老师给同学们介绍了多种行之有效的复习方法。这些方法同样适用于其他科目。
Learning is not just what to learn, but also how to learn, particularly in revision, both time and methods are very important. During Geography classes, Miss Dobson instructed various and effective ways on how to revise, which are for use in all subjects.
--- 什么时候开始复习?
--- 为什么要复习?
--- 如何复习?
--- 复习真的有帮助吗?
Firstly, question-oriented to guide the students to be aware of the importance and necessity of revision, to get better understanding of timing and frequencies of revision, so as to be well prepared to learn how to revise effectively. Refer to the following questions:
--- When should you revise?
--- Why do we need revise?
--- How should you revise?
--- Does revision actually help?
在如何复习方面,Miss Dobson老师介绍了以下复习方法:
The following methods are introduced by Miss Dobson on how to revise.
1. 闪卡 Flash Cards
Have the information you want to revise to hand. On one side of the flashcard write a question to ask about the information. On the other side write the answer. They are a good way to learn the meaning of new terminology. Put a word on one side and the definition on the other. See example below.
2. 思维导图 Mind Map
Have the information you want to revise to hand. Put the central topic in the center of your mind map. Create branches with key words, information and pictures to help you remember key themes.
Tip: Don’t try to include loads of information. See example below.
3. 相互提问 Teach each other
Have the information you want to revise to hand. Turn your information into pictures and keywords ONLY. Then remove the information and use the pictures and keywords to teach someone about what you have just learnt.
4. 历年真题 Past paper
How to use the past paper questions? At IGCSE and A-level you can get past papers from the exam board website. Use one of the other techniques to learn the information first. Then try and do a past paper question. Use the mark scheme to see what you got correct. Then try to improve your answer.
来自Miss Dobson老师的温馨提示,以下误区莫入:
There are three DON’Ts kindly reminded by Miss Dobson:
1. 单一看书复习Just reading
Don’t just reading during revision. Some students spent more time in reading as a way to revise, but memorize less, even less than 20%. It is advisable to take the above revision methods so as to drive the brain think actively instead of passively.
2. 长时间复习 Long-hour revision
Don’t take a long hour revision. When doing the revision schedule, it is recommended to divide the time into chunks, such as 20 minutes for the information to hand, followed by a break of 5 to 10 minutes so that the brain could get time to reflect what has just revised and well absorb relevant content, and then moving to the next 20 minutes of review section, and then another of 5-10 minutes break to do reflection and absorption, instead of lasting for 1 hour, let the brain fight fatigue, get no time for reflection and active thinking.
3. 复制粘贴 Just copy and paste
Don’t just copy and paste. Rewrite what have read so as to achieve better understanding of key words and topics.
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