背景分析 | Timeline | 申请结果 |
网排20+ 资源管理专业 均分80 雅思6 无G无奖 有2年金融行业工作经验 |
2018年8-10月陆续完成递交,10-1月陆续获得结果。 | Offer
Loughborough University MSc Finance and Management 录取
University of Southampton MSc International Banking and Financial Studies 录取
University of Glasgow International Finance [MFin] 录取
拒 University of Bristol MSc Economics,Finance and Management 拒信
Durham University MSc Management (Finance) 拒信 |
非网排150+ 商务英语专业 均分85+ 雅思6.5 无G无奖 校内活动若干 一段商贸相关实习 |
2018年10月完成递交,11-1月陆续获得结果。 | Offer
University of Glasgow MSc International Business 录取
拒 University of Bristol MSc Management (International Business) 拒信
The University of Warwick MSc International Trade,Strategy and Operations 拒信
The University of Leeds MSc International Business 拒信 |
网排700+ 物理专业 均分80+ 无雅思 有2年多教师相关工作经验 |
2018年7-10月陆续完成递交,9-12月陆续获得结果。 | Offer
Newcastle University Education: International Perspectives (Teaching and Learning) MA 录取
The University of Nottingham Education MA 录取
The University of Leeds Education MA 录取
拒 Durham University Education MA 拒信
University of East Anglia MA Education: Learning, Pedagogy and Assessment 拒信 |
非网排180+ 工程专业 均分80+ 无雅思 无G无奖 一段投行实习 |
2018年10月完成递交,11-1月陆续获得结果。 | Offer
The University of Manchester MSc Real Estate Asset Management 录取
University of Southampton MSc Finance 录取
University of Liverpool Business Analytics and Big Data MSc 录取 拒 University of York MSc Management 拒信
The University of Manchester MSc Development Finance 拒信 |
网排50+ 计算机专业 均分88+ 雅思7 一段世界500强软件公司实习 |
2018年9-10月陆续完成递交,10-12月陆续获得结果。 | Offer
The University of Manchester MSc ACS Artificial Intelligence 录取
University of Bristol MSc Advanced Computing - Machine Learning, Data Mining and High-Performance Computing 录取
University of St Andrews Data-Intensive Analysis (MSc) 录取
拒 King's College London MSc Data Science 拒信 |
英本的2+2项目 会计专业 英本均分64+ 无雅思无奖无G 一段专业相关水实习 |
2018年10月完成递交,11-1月陆续获得结果。 | Offer
The University of Nottingham MSc Finance and Investment 录取
University of St Andrews Banking and Finance (MSc) 录取
The University of Leeds MSc Financial Risk Management 录取
University of Birmingham MSc Money, Banking and Finance 录取
Lancaster University MSc Accounting and Financial Management 录取
拒 The University of Leeds MSc Accounting and Finance 拒信 |
网排350+ 能源工程专业 均分80+ 无雅思 奖学金证书若干 两段专业相关实习 |
2018年8-10月陆续完成递交,10-11月陆续获得结果。 | Offer
The University of Sheffield MSc(Eng) Energy Engineering with Industrial Management 录取
Durham University MSc New and Renewable Energy 录取
拒 University of Glasgow Sustainable Energy [MSc] 拒信 |
网排20+ 英语专业 均分85+ 无雅思 奖学金若干 一段教育相关实习 |
2018年10月完成递交,12月陆续获得结果。 | Offer
King's College London Language and Cultural Diversity MA 录取
拒 The University of Edinburgh MSc Developmental Linguistics 拒信 |
网排350+ 能物流管理专业 均分83+ 无雅思 奖学金证书若干 校内活动若干 一段专业相关实习 |
2018年9-10月陆续完成递交,10-11月陆续获得结果。 | Offer
University of Glasgow MSc Urban Tranasport 录取
The University of Leeds Global Supply Chain Management MSc 录取
拒 The University of Nottingham MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management拒信
Durham University Business Analytics MSc 拒信
Cranfield University MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management 拒信 |
网排50+ 文秘专业 均分83+ 无雅思无实习无奖无活动 |
2018年9-10月陆续完成递交,10-12月陆续获得结果。 | Offer
Cardiff University International Public Relations and Global Communications Management MA 录取
Newcastle University Media and Public Relations MA 录取
The University of Leeds Corporate Communications, Marketing and Public Relations MA 录取
拒 King's College London MA Cultural&Creative Industries 拒信
The University of Sheffield MA Digital Media and Society 拒信 |
网排60左右 传媒专业 均分85+ 无雅思无奖 一段新媒体方向实习 |
2018年9月完成递交,10-12月陆续获得结果,其中谢大9月就递交但是迟迟未有结果,19年2月被谢大通知推迟到3月底出结果的第二轮审核。 | Offer
The University of Leeds Advertising and Marketing MA 录取
Loughborough University Media and Creative Industries 录取
拒 The University of Edinburgh Design and Digital Media MSc 拒信
Pending The University of Sheffield MSc Creative and Cultural Industries Management 被推迟到第二轮 |
英本的2+2项目 会计专业 英本均分62左右 无雅思无奖无G 一段财务相关公司实习 |
2018年10月完成递交,11-12月陆续获得结果。 | Offer
Queen Mary University of London Investment and Finance MSc 录取
The University of Leeds MSc Financial Risk Management 录取
University of Bath Economics and Finance MSc 录取
Durham University Finance (Finance and Investment) MSc 录取
拒 Durham University MSc Business Analytics 拒信 |
英本的2+2项目 金融专业 英本均分48左右 无雅思无奖 无实习 |
2018年10月完成递交,11月获得结果。 | Offer
University of Surrey Strategic Tourism Management and Marketing MSc 录取
拒 Royal Holloway University of London International Management MSc 拒信 |
网排60+ 新闻专业 均分86+ 无雅思 奖学金若干 一段广播电台实习 |
2018年8月开始陆续投递,11月补申,10-12月陆续获得结果。 | Offer
The University of Leeds MA International Journalism 录取
University of Nottingham International Media and Communication Studies MA 录取
拒 The University of Warwick Creative and Media Enterprises 拒信
The University of Sheffield MA Magazine Journalism 要完成命题作文,且要求提供合格雅思出offer
King's College London Digital Asset and Media Management MA 拒信 |
网排50+ 播音主持专业 均分88 雅思6.5 无实习 |
2018年9-10月陆续完成递交,10-12月陆续获得结果。 | Offer
The University of Leeds Advertising and Marketing MA 录取
The University of Sheffield MSc Creative and Cultural Industries Management 录取
Cardiff University MBA Media Mangement 录取
拒 The University of Edinburgh Design and Digital Media MSc 拒信
The University of Leeds New Media MA 拒信
King's College London Arts and Cultural Management MA 拒信 |
网排60左右 新媒体专业 均分88+ 无雅思 奖学金若干 校园活动证书若干 比赛作品获奖若干 海外交换一学期 一段媒体方向实习 |
2018年9-11月陆续完成递交,10-12月陆续获得结果。 | Offer
The University of Leeds MSc International Marketing Management 录取
King's College London Digital Asset and Media Management 录取
University of Bristol Management(marketing) 录取
University of Birmingham MSc Marketing Communications 录取
拒 LSE MSc Media and Communications 拒信 |
网排350+ 机械工程专业 均分77 无雅思无奖 一段水实习 |
2018年9-10月陆续完成递交,10-12月陆续获得结果。 | Offer
The University of Leeds Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc (Eng) 录取
拒 The University of Manchester Advanced Manufacturing Technology&Systems Management MSc 拒信
The University of Manchester MSc Mechanical Engineering Design 拒信
The University of Sheffield MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering 拒信
The University of Nottingham Mechanical Engineering MSc 拒信 |
网排350+ 英语专业 均分86+ 雅思7 无奖无实习 |
2018年9-10月陆续完成递交,10-11月陆续获得结果。 | Offer
The University of Manchester Education (International) MA 录取
The University of Sheffield MA EDUCATION 录取
The University of Edinburgh Education MSc 录取
拒 Durham University Education MA 拒信 |
为双非大学下属独立学院 环境工程专业 均分89+ 无雅思 奖学金证书若干 有2段海外名校各为期一周的活动参加经历 |
2018年9-10月陆续完成递交,10-12月陆续获得结果。 | Offer
The University of Manchester pollution & environmental control MSc 录取
King's College London Water: science & governance MSc 录取
University of Birmingham MSc River Environments and their Management 录取
The University of Nottingham MSc Environmental Engineering 录取
拒 The University of Leeds Environmental engineering and project management 拒信 |
英本的3+1项目 机械工程专业 国内均分73左右 海外本科预计2:1 无雅思无奖无实习 |
2018年9月首批递交完成,12月补申Leeds、Baths,10-1月陆续获得结果。 | Offer
Newcastle University MSc Mechatronics 录取
Newcastle University MSc Mechanical Engineering 录取
University of Bath MSc Engineering Design 录取
拒 The University of Glasgow MSc Mechanical Engineering & Management 拒信
The University of Manchester MSc Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Systems Management 拒信
The University of Leeds MSc(Eng) Engineering Project Management 拒信
University of Birmingham MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering 拒信 |
英本的2+2项目 营销专业 英本均分61+ 无雅思无奖 一段广播电视传媒公司实习 |
2018年10月完成递交,11月陆续获得结果。 | Offer
The University of Sheffield Global Journalism MA 录取
Newcastle University International Multimedia Journalism MA 录取
Cardiff University Journalism, Media and Communications MA 录取
The University of Southampton MA Global Advertising and Branding 录取
拒 University of Glasgow MSc Media Management |
网排350+ 项目管理专业 均分78左右 无雅思无奖 一段专业相关实习 |
2018年10月下旬完成递交,11-1月陆续获得结果。 | Offer
The University of Sheffield MA Commercial Real Estate 录取
University of Reading MSc Project Management 录取
Cardiff University Business Strategy&Entrepreneurship (MSc) 录取
拒 The University of Manchester Construction Project Management MSc 拒信
University of Reading MSc Real Estate Finance 拒信 |
英本3+1项目 物流管理专业 国内均分80+ 海外本科 预计2:1 无雅思无奖无实习 |
2018年10月上旬完成递交,11月陆续获得全部结果。 | Offer
Cardiff University Logistics and Operations Management 录取
The University of Leeds MSc Global Supply Chain Management 录取
Cranfield University Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc 录取
拒 University of Bath MSc Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management 拒信 |
网排50+ 播音主持专业 均分84左右 无雅思 课外活动证书若干 一段传媒方向实习 |
2018年8-10月陆续递交完成,10-11月陆续获得全部结果。 | Offer
The University of Nottingham International Media and Communication Studies MA 录取
Cardiff University Science Communication (MSc) 录取
The University of Nottingham International Security and Terrorism MA 录取
拒 King s College London MA Cultural & Creative Industries 拒信
University of Sheffield MA Digital Media and Society 拒信 |
网排50+ 新闻专业 均分86+ 无雅思 课外活动证书若干 一段新媒体公司实习 |
2018年9-10月陆续完成递交,10-12月陆续获得结果。 | Offer
The University of Leeds MA Film,Photography and Media 录取
拒 Goldsmiths, University of London MA Brands, Communication & Culture 拒信
University of Bristol MA Film & television 拒信
The University of Edinburgh Film, Exhibition and Curation MSc 拒信
King's College London Arts and cultural management MA 拒信 |
非网排150+ 会计专业 均分83+ 无雅思无G 无奖无实习 |
2018年9-10月陆续完成递交,10月内获得全部结果。 | Offer
University of Bath MSc Economics & Finance 录取
The University of Sydney Master of Professional Accounting 录取
拒 University of Glasgow International Accounting & Financial Management [MAcc] 拒信
The University of Leeds MSc Accounting and Finance 拒信 |
网排350+ 教育专业 均分88+ 雅思6.5 奖学金证书若干 课外活动证书若干 一段教师相关实习经历 |
2018年10月底递交申请,12月内获得全部结果。 | Offer
The University of Edinburgh MSc Language Education 录取
UCL Education MA 录取 |
非政法类大学 网排100+ 法学专业 均分85+ 雅思7分 校内奖学金证书若干 无实习 |
2018年10-11月陆续完成递交,12月-19年1月陆续获得全部offer。 | Offer
The University of Edinburgh Corporate Law LLM 录取
The University of Edinburgh International Economic Law LLM 录取
University of Durham LLM Corporate Law 录取
University of Durham LLM International Trade and Commercial Law 录取
The Chinese University of Hong Kong LLM in International Economic Law 录取 |
网排350+ 工程管理专业 均分80+ 无雅思无奖 一段项目管理相关实习 |
2018年8月初完成墨尔本申请,10月获得结果,无课描自动减免到2.5年。2018年9-10月完成英国投递,11月获得全部结果。 | Offer
The University of Leeds Engineering Project Management MSc (Eng) 录取
The University of Melbourne Master of Construction Management 录取
拒 University of Birmingham Advanced Engineering Management MSc: Project Management 拒信 |
网排200+ 投资专业 均分88+ 雅思7 无G无奖 一段证券公司实习 |
2018年10月全部完成投递,11月获得全部结果。 | Offer
The University of Edinburgh Statistics and Operational Research MSc 录取
The University of Manchester Financial Economics MSc 录取
Durham University Finance (Finance and Investment) MSc 录取
The University of St Andrews MSc Finance 录取
拒 University of Bristol MSc Finance and Investment 拒信 |
网排70+ 社会学专业 均分85+ 雅思7 无奖 一段社工类实习 |
2018年9-10月陆续全部完成递交,11月获得全部结果。 | Offer
The University of Edinburgh MSc Sociology and Global Change 录取
The University of Manchester Sociology MA 录取
King's College London MA Education,Policy & Society 录取
University of Bristol MSc Sociology 录取 |
非网排350+ 英语专业 均分90+ 雅思6.5 校内奖学金证书若干 国家奖学金 课外活动以及比赛证书若干 一段教师相关实习经历 |
2018年10月全部完成投递,11月-19年1月获得全部结果。 | Offer
The University of Manchester Education (International) MA 录取
The University of Edinburgh Education MSc 录取
拒 University of Birmingham MA Education 拒信
Durham University Education MA 拒信 |
英本2+2项目 金融专业 英本均分62+ 无雅思无奖无G 一段银行水实习 |
2018年10月全部完成投递,11-12月获得全部结果。 | Offer
Queen Mary University of London MSc Business Finance 录取
University of St Andrews MSc Finance and Management 录取
Durham University MSC Management (Finance) 录取
The University of Glasgow Investment Banking & Finance, MSc 录取
The University of Nottingham MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management 录取
University of Birmingham MSc Financial Economics 录取 |
网排70+ 文化产业管理专业 均分87+ 雅思7 奖学金证书若干 无实习 一段海外夏校学习经历 |
2018年9-10月陆续全部完成递交,12月获得大部分结果,其中谢大9月就递交但是迟迟未有结果,19年2月被谢大通知推迟到3月底出结果的第二轮审核。 | Offer
King's College London Arts& cultural management MA 录取
The University of Nottingham MSc Marketing 录取
The University of Leeds MA Culture Creativity and Entrepreneurship 录取
拒 LSE MSc in Gender, Media and Culture 拒信
Pending University of Sheffield MSC Creative and Cultural Industries Management 被推迟到第二轮 |
网排360+ 园林景观专业 均分85+ 无雅思 奖学金证书若干 一段设计类相关实习 |
2018年10月全部完成投递,12月获得全部结果。 | Offer
Manchester Metropolitan University Landscape Architecture MLA 录取
拒 The University of Edinburgh Landscape Architecture MLA 拒信
University of Sheffield MA Landscape Architecture 拒信 |
网排80+ 财政学专业 均分86+ 无雅思无G 校内奖学金若干 无实习 |
2018年9-10月赶首开递交,10-11月获得大部分结果,杜伦最晚,在1月获得结果。 | Offer
The University of Manchester Economics MA 调剂录取
The University of Nottingham Finance and Investment 录取
University of Bristol MSc Economics and Finance 录取
University of Birmingham Investments MSc 录取
Durham University MSc Finance(Corporate and International Finance) 录取
拒 The University of Manchester MSc Economics 拒信 |
非网排360+ 城市规划专业 均分85+ 无雅思 奖学金证书若干 一段urban planner实习 |
2018年10月全部完成递交,谢大11月拒信,曼大19年1月出offer,爱大19年2月拒信。 | Offer
The University of Manchester Urban Design and International Planning MSc 录取
拒 The University of Edinburgh Architectural & Urban Design MSc 拒信
The University of Sheffield MA Urban Design 拒信 |
非网排350+ 能源工程专业 均分76左右 无雅思无奖 一段海外夏校经历 无实习 |
2018年9月全部完成递交,10月获得全部结果。 | Offer
The University of Leeds Energy and Environment MSc 录取
拒 The University of Manchester Renewable Energy and Clean Technology MSc 拒信 |
英本2+2项目 会计专业 英本均分72+ 无雅思无G 一段银行实习 |
2018年10月递交大部分申请,12月递交ICL申请,11月-19年2月陆续获得全部结果。 | Offer
University of Glasgow International Accounting & Financial Management [MAcc] 录取
King's College London Finance (Asset Pricing) MSc 录取
Durham University MSC Finance (Accounting and Finance) 录取
拒 University of Edinburgh Operational Research with Risk MSc 拒信
Imperial College London MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management 拒信
The University of Warwick Business Analytics 拒信 |
网排50+ 金融专业 均分88+ 雅思7.5 GMAT 700+ 奖学金证书若干 社会活动证书若干 一段基金公司实习 一段银行实习 |
2018年10-11月陆续完成递交,11月-12月陆续获得全部结果。 | Offer
The University of Edinburgh MSc Economics (Finance) 录取
University of Bristol MSc Finance and Investment 录取
King s College London Banking and Finance MSc 录取
拒 University of Edinburgh MSc Banking and Risk 拒信
The University of Manchester Accounting and Finance MSc 拒信
LSE MSc in Management 拒信
Imperial College London Finance and Accounting MSc 拒信 |
网排10+ 广播电视专业 均分88+ 雅思7 有多个作品获奖证书三段传媒方向的实习 |
2018年10-11月陆续完成递交,12月-19年2月陆续获得全部结果。 | Offer
The University of Manchester MA Digital Technologies, Communication and Education 录取
King's College London Cultural & Creative Industries MA 录取
拒 LSE MSc in Gender, Media and Culture 拒信
The University of Manchester Arts Management, Policy and Practice MA 要求带合格雅思审理 |
非网排360+ 土木工程专业 均分85左右 无雅思 校内奖学金证书若干 无实习 |
2018年10月全部完成递交,10-12月陆续获得全部结果。 | Offer
The University of Manchester MSc Structural Engineering 录取
The University of Sheffield MSc Structural Engineering 录取
The University of Nottingham Civil Engineering MSc 录取 |
非网排350+ 工程管理专业 均分81+ 无雅思 奖学金证书2个 无实习 |
2018年10月全部完成递交,11-12月陆续获得全部结果。 | Offer
University of Birmingham MSc Advanced Engineering Management (Project Management pathway) 录取
The University of Leeds Engineering Project Management MSc (Eng) 录取
The University of Leeds International Construction Management and Engineering MSc (Eng) 录取
拒 The University of Manchester MSc Construction Project Management 拒信
King's College London MSc Engineering with Management 拒信 |
网排60+ 法学专业 均分83+ 雅思7.5 无奖 一段法院实习 |
2018年10月全部完成递交,11月获得全部结果。 | Offer
The University of Edinburgh Intellectual Property Law LLM 录取
The University of Manchester Intellectual Property Law LLM 录取
University of Bristol LLM Commercial Law 录取
拒 King's College London LLM (Master of Laws) 拒信 |
网排150+ 自动化专业 均分85+ 无雅思无实习 奖学金证书若干 建模比赛获奖证书 社会志愿者活动证书 |
2018年8-10月赶各校首开陆续完成递交,10-11月陆续获得全部结果。 | Offer
The University of Manchester MSc Renewable Energy and Clean Technology 录取
The University of Sheffield MSc in Robotics 录取
University of Birmingham Robotics MSc 录取
University of Bristol MSc Robotics 录取
Durham University New and Renewable Energy MSc 录取 |
网排60+ 国贸专业 均分75+ 无雅思 无奖 无实习 |
2018年10月全部递交完成,11-12月陆续获得全部结果。 | Offer
The University of Sydney Master of Commerce(Finance)录取
拒 The University of Sheffield MSc International Finance and Economics 拒信
University of York Economics and Finance MSc 拒信
The University of Leeds MSc Business Analytics and Decision Sciences 拒信
University of Southampton MSc Business Analytics and Finance 拒信 |
英本2+2项 目金融专业 英本均分54+ 无雅思无奖 无实习 |
2018年10月全部递交完成,11月获得全部结果。 | Offer
Queen Mary University of London Business Finance MSc 录取
Royal Holloway University of London MSc Finance 录取
University of Surrey Accounting and Finance MSc 录取 |
网排50+ 播音主持专业 均分85+ 无雅思 无奖 一段传媒公司实习 |
2018年9-10月赶各校首开陆续完成全部递交,12月之前获得全部结果。 | Offer
University of Durham MSc Management (International Business) 录取
University of Bristol MSc East Asian Development and the Global Economy 录取
The University of St Andrews MLitt Management 录取
拒 University of Bath MSc International Management 拒信
King's College London Emerging Economies and International Development MSc 拒信
The University of Manchester MSc International Fashion Retailing 拒信 |
英本2+2项 目会计专业 英本均分60+ 无雅思无G 一段银行实习 |
2018年10月全部递交完成,11月获得全部结果。 | Offer
University of Glasgow Investment Banking & Finance, MSc 录取
Queen Mary University of London MSc Investment and Finance 录取
The University of Nottingham Finance and Investment MSc 录取
University of St Andrews Banking and Finance (MSc) 录取
University of Birmingham Investment 录取
拒 Lancaster University Finance MSc 拒信 |
非网排360+ 工程管理专业 均分80+ 无雅思 无奖 一段项目监理助理实习经历 |
2018年9-10月全部完成递交,11月获得全部结果。 | Offer
University of Leeds International Construction Management and Engineering MSc (Eng) 录取
University of Birmingham MSc Advanced Engineering Management (Project Management pathway) 录取
拒 The University of Manchester MSc Construction Project Management 拒信
翰林课程体验,退费流程快速投诉邮箱: yuxi@linstitute.net 沪ICP备2023009024号-1