1. 除夕夜庆祝是谁最先开始的?罗马人开创了除夕夜的传统。
1. Who first started New Year's celebration?
The Romans started this tradition.
2. 罗马哪个皇帝在什么时候创造了新年历?
2. Which Roman Emperor in what year created the Julian Calendar?
In Year 45 B.C. Julius Caesar added 90 days to the calendar thus made the first of January of 46 B.C. the beginning of the Year.
3. 1月英文这个字(January)是怎么来的?
January 这个字来自罗马神话中的双面神杰纳斯(Janus)的名字,他是变化和万物开始之神。
3. Where did the word "January" come from?
It is erived from Deity Janus in Roman mythology. He was god of change and beginnings.
4. 杰纳斯的特征是什么?
4. How did Janus appear?
He appeared two-faced.
5. 双面杰纳斯有什么含义?
5. What does a two-faced Janus mean?
Looking back at the past and at the same time looking ahead to the new.
6. 古埃及人在什么时候庆祝新年?
古埃及文化和尼罗河息息相关。古埃及的新年是尼罗河发洪水的那一天,这一天正与天狼星 (夜空中最亮的一颗星)的崛起同时发生。
6. When did ancient Egyptians celebrate the New Year?
Ancient Egyptian culture was closely tied to the Nile River. The Egyptian New Year occurred on the day of the annual inundation of the Nile River, the same day on which Sirius - the brightest star in the night sky - first became visible.
7. 中国农历新年是怎么计算的?
7. When does Chinese Luna Year start?
Determing the date of Chinese Luna Year requires some complicated calculations. In most cases, it falls on the new moon appearing between 21st of January and 20th of Febuary following Winter Solstice.
8. 西班牙语系国家在除夕夜有什么传统?
8. What tradition do the people in Spanish speaking countries do on New Year's Eve?
They tie one dozen of grapes together symbolizing hopes for the coming New Year.
9. 为什么在有些国家人们吃环形蛋糕?
9. Why do people eat round cakes in some countries?
In Holland, Mexico and Greece, people eat round cakes or desserts to round up the year.
10. 瑞典和挪威在除夕夜吃的甜点有什么特别?
10. What do people do in Sweden and Norway in their dessert for New Year's Eve?
People hide almonds in the rice pudding. Who ever finds them will encounter good luck in the coming year.
11. 新年决心(New Year's Resolution) 是来自于哪个民族?
古代的巴比伦人,他们在众神面前许诺还清债务,退还农耕用具。11. Where does New Year's Resolution come from?
In Ancient Babylon, people made New Year's resolution in front of their gods that they would pay off their debts and return borrowed farm equipement.
12. 美国人最具有标志性的新年传统是什么?
在离午夜1分钟时,从纽约时代广场1号的屋顶上掉下一个巨大的球, 在午夜12点整停在特别设计的旗杆上,新年开始。自1907年开始,球已经从700磅重的铁木球转换成直径12英尺近12,000磅重的光影设置。
12. What is the most iconic New Year's Eve traditon in the US?
Exactly one minute before midnight a giant ball will be dropped from the roof of One Times Square in Times Square New York and stops on a specially designed flagpole when clock stricks 12 midnight and New Year starts. Since this tradition started in 1907, the ball has changed from a 700 pound iron and wood ball to a 12 inch diametre 12,000 pound light installation.
13. 欧洲哪个城市有最大型的除夕夜庆典活动?
13. Which city in Europe hase the largest New Year's Eve celebration?
Every year Berlin hosts one of the largest New Year's Eve celebration in all of Europe, attended by over a million people.
14. 伦敦除夕夜烟火哪里最佳?
14. What are the best New Year's fireworks in London?
The celebration in London is centred around the Big Ben and its famous bongs. This year the fireworks will be displayed 135 metres high above the London Eye and will light the capital's s skyline in a array of colours.
15. 庆祝除夕夜,什么酒必不可缺?
15. Which drink is indispensible for New Year's celebration?
16. 香槟的瓶盖平均需要转多少下才能取下?
16. How many twists on the average will it need in order to remove the cork cage of a champagne bottle?
6 twists.
17. 香槟瓶盖喷出的速度每小时可达多少公里?
17. At what speed does the champagne pops?
65 km per hour.
18. 一瓶香槟中大概有多少个气泡?
18. How many bubbles does one bottle of champagne have?
49 million.
19. 香槟只能是法国的香槟区出产地(法国东北部)酿出。法国一共有几个香槟区出产地?
19. The wine can only be named champagne if it is produced in Champagne (the northeastern region of France). How many villages are there in Champagne?
357 villages.
20. 香槟的葡萄品种只能选用哪几种?香槟特定的发酵流程是什么?
黑比诺、莫尼耶皮诺和莎当妮(Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay),葡萄汁取出之后进行二次发酵, 第一次在木桶箱内,第二次在装香槟的酒瓶里。
20. Only what types of grapes can be used to make champagne? What kind of special fermentation process does it require?
Only grapes that can be used are Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay grapes where juice is exacted and undergo double fermentation, once in the barrels and the second time in the bottles it is stored in.
21. 香槟应该怎么倒?
21. How do you serve champagne?
When serving champagne, fill the glass, coupe or flute to 3/4. The prevent drips, end your pur by twising the bottle upwards.
22. 喝香槟的时候,怎么拿香槟杯?
22. How do you hold your champagne glass when you are drinking?
You hold the glass by the glass by its stem.
23. 就餐的时候,喝了香槟,香槟酒杯应放哪里?
23. Where do you place your champagne glass at a sitter-down dinner after drinking?
You place it to the right of your water goblet.
24. 碟形香槟杯的设计据说是以什么为模型的?
法国18世纪皇后玛丽安托瓦内特(Marie-Antoinette) 的胸部。
24. What was used as a model for the design of the champagne coupe?
The breat of Marie-Antoionette, the French queen of the 18th Century.
25. 玛丽莲·梦露(Marilyn Monroe)曾洗过香槟浴,她用了多少瓶香槟才填满浴缸。
25. Marilyn Monroe took a champagne bath. How many bottles of chamgpagne did she use to fill her tub?
350 bottles.
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