The spy who hired me
When employer health programmes go too far
THE NEW YEAR is the moment when people vow to improve their fitness. They join gyms, swear off alcohol and adopt detox diets. These resolutions usually do not last beyond January.
swear off sth
if you swear off a particular habit or pleasure, such as cigarettes or alcohol, you decide to stop it because it is bad for you:
Froggy discovered religion, and swore off alcohol, sex, and even gambling.
Jay had sworn off love. "Too painful, darling."
when you do not eat solid food or only drink special liquids for a period of time, which is thought to remove harmful substances from your body 解毒疗法,清毒疗法〔一段时间内不吃固体食物或只喝特别的流质,据认为可以将体内的有害物质排出〕
But some employers try to help their workers stick to their goals by offering “wellness” programmes. One of the longest-running examples began in 1979 at Johnson & Johnson (J&J), an American health-care company. The plan promotes weight loss, smoking cessation and efforts to reduce blood pressure. The firm claims it reduced medical costs by $400 an employee per year, and resulted in fewer workers suffering from heart disease or high blood pressure.
the state of being healthy 【美】健康:
The college has established a wellness program for its students. 学院为本院学生制定了一套保健方案。
cessation /se'seɪʃ(ə)n/ n. (暂时)停止,休止,中断
Yet an examination of the data by Martin Cherniack of the University of Connecticut* found that in 2005-08, a sharp jump in alcohol use, depression and stress among J&J employees occurred. This coincided with a period when the firm had a target of lifting productivity by 9% a year. So the employees may have been leaner and fitter, but it is possible that workplace pressure to produce more meant greater stress.
不过,康涅狄格大学的马丁·切尼克(Martin Cherniack)分析相关数据*后发现,2005年至2008年,强生员工饮酒、抑郁和精神紧张的情形激增。而正是在这一时期,公司制定生产率年增幅9%的目标。因此,员工们可能变得更精瘦、更健康了,但提高生产率的职场压力也可能让员工更加紧张。
paternalistic /pə,tə:nəl'istik/ adj. 家长式作风的
make the grade phrase
to succeed in doing something because you are good enough
It’s good to see a young person making the grade in their chosen sport.
The modern equivalent of those practices revolves around technology. Some companies persuade their workers to wear a Fitbit or other device to monitor things such as their level of exercise, heart rate and sleep patterns. BP America introduced Fitbits in 2013. Those who reach certain goals, such as walking 1m steps a year, qualify for extra health benefits.
In a health system dependent on private insurance, there may be a case for giving workers such incentives, provided take-up is voluntary. There is a parallel with car insurance, where vehicle owners pay lower premiums if they are willing to have their driving monitored.
provided conj. 如果, 假如
the acceptance of something offered 接受:
education is aiding the take-up of birth control.
a person or thing that is similar or analogous to another
a challenge which has no parallel in peacetime this century.
premium /'priːmɪəm/ n. 保险费
But there is less excuse in a country like Britain, which has a public health service. Nevertheless, research published in 2017 showed there had been a 37% leap in the share of British workers who had been offered a wearable device by their employer. Many people, however, will regard these as a spy on their wrists, transmitting information back to the boss. A PwC survey in 2016 found that 38% of British employees did not trust their firms to use the data collected in a way that workers would benefit.
普华永道(英文:Pricewaterhouse Coopers;简称:PwC)是一间提供专业服务公司。普华永道是四大国际会计师事务所之一,其他三大事务所是毕马威、德勤和安永。
At least you can take a Fitbit off (and some workers have reportedly strapped them to their dogs to boost their activity scores). A few firms, such as Mindshare, a media agency in Sweden, and Three Square Market, a tech firm in Wisconsin, have already moved on to the next stage: implanting a chip under a worker’s skin. Employees gain a way to open doors and pay for meals in the canteen, but what do they lose in return? There is nothing wrong with employers offering a bit of fitness coaching. But nobody wants their boss to turn into a stalker.
至少你还能摘下Fitbit(据说有的员工为了提高运动评分,把它绑在自己的狗身上)。一些公司,如瑞典的媒体公司传立媒体(Mindshare)和威斯康辛州的科技公司Three Square Market,已经进入了下一个阶段:在员工的皮肤下植入芯片。员工多了一种开门和在餐厅里付饭钱的方式,但他们为此失去了什么?雇主提供一些健康指导没有错,但没人会希望自己的老板变成跟踪狂。
fasten or secure in a specified place or position with a strap or seat belt 用带捆, 用带扣住; 用带固定:
I had to strap the bag to my bicycle
原文选自 2019/1/5 Business - Bartleby
lean /liːn/
(of a person or animal) thin, especially healthily so; having no superfluous fat(人, 动物)瘦的(尤指健康的表征); 无赘肉的:
his lean, muscular body.
All this suggests that employee well-being is a rather more complex topic than can be tackled by a programme devoted to exercise and healthy living. A study by RAND Europe, a research institute, found that obvious bad habits such as smoking and high alcohol use were in fact not associated with lower productivity, while obese workers were no more likely to take time off than anyone else. The biggest productivity problems were associated with lack of sleep, financial concerns and mental-health issues—factors that may well be directly linked to work-related stress.
所有这些都表明,员工福祉是个相当复杂的话题,不是一个注重锻炼和健康生活方式的项目就能解决的。研究机构兰德欧洲(RAND Europe)的一项研究发现,吸烟和酗酒等明显的坏习惯实际上与工作效率低下并无关联,而肥胖的员工请假的可能性也并不比其他人高。影响工作效率的最大因素与睡眠不足、财务方面的担忧和心理健康问题有关,而这些因素很可能与工作压力直接相关。
It seems reasonable for companies to expect some level of economic return on any wellness programme that they provide. But the trade-off should not be too blatant. Making employees fitter so you can work them a lot harder seems rather like drilling your infantry on an assault course before sending them to face the machine guns. A better impact on morale (and thus productivity) might occur if workers felt that their managers had a genuine interest in their welfare.
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