Language learning has an appalling abandonment rate. A mere 4% of students embarking on language courses in schools achieve a basic level of fluency after three years. 96% fail to achieve fluency and/or abandon courses completely!外语学习的放弃率是非常惊人的。在学习外语的学生中,只有4%的人在3年后达到了基本程度的流利,96%的学生达不到流利的程度,或者完全放弃了学习。
This is a double-whammy:在语言学习中有个“双重极端”:1) Immersing yourself as deeply as possible in the subject allows you to rack up the hours as quickly as possible.
1. 最大限度地使自己沉浸在一门语言中可以让你尽可能快提升语言的水平;
2) Memory fades unless it's used. Low-intensity studies (i.e. school French) are ineffective because their intensity is so low that you end up forgetting a large percentage of what you learn. So, try to learn as intensely as time will permit you to.
2. 如果你不使用,记忆就会消除。低强度的学习是无效的,因为强度过低的话,你会遗忘大部分学到的内容。所以,试着以最大的强度进行语言学习。
I've used sunlight in this mountain metaphor to give you an indication of how it feels to be at these levels. It's not until B1/B2 that the light comes out and it starts to feel really good speaking French. That happens around the 350-400 hours mark if you've never learned a second language before.在这个登山比喻中,我用阳光来比喻当你到达这个阶段后的感受,到达B1/B2阶段的时候,就可以看到阳光了。如果你之前没有学过一门外语,这个阶段将在学习时间达到350至400小时后发生。
Expect a lot of fog and confusion for the first few hundred hours. It's completely normal and you're not stupid.everyone feels this way, even the people who seem really gifted at languages. The difference is, anyone who's already been through that and reached the sunlight expects this stage, and it doesn't phase them because they know they'll get there eventually.在第一阶段的百余个小时的学习时间中,要对可能遇到的迷雾和不解有充分地预期。这个很正常,而且并不是你笨,每个人都会有这样的经历,即使是那些在语言上有天赋的人。不同的是,那些成功克服这个阶段的人提前预料到了这个阶段,而且他们没有停步不前,因为他们知道自己终将到达阳光地带。
If you're a complete beginner I find it's really important to absorb the sounds of the language before beginning serious study. I listen to hours of audio (audio books are great for this) without trying to understand the content, but still actively listening to the sounds of the language to embed them. I usually find after a while I end up babbling them a little like a baby which can feel a bit silly . Which brings me my next piece of advice.如果你是一个初学者,我觉得,在真正开始学习前,让自己先熟悉这门外语的声音非常重要。我会听好几个小时的音频,不去试图理解内容,但仍然主动去听取语言的声音。通常,在一段时间后,我发现自己会像婴儿一样布鲁布鲁地发声,让人感觉有点傻乎乎的。但这也是我要给你的下一条建议。
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