Overview of the Accelerated Program for Chemistry
The Accelerated Program for Chemistry, designed to be a two-year course, aims to help high achievingstudents further their studies in Chemistry and improve their grades in SACE Stage 2 Chemistry to amaximum extent. The course, designed to be a two-year program and delivered on a weekly basis,covers a range of topics that are critical to SACE Chemistry studies.
The Program features an intensivesyllabus, which offers an opportunity for Middle School students to start Chemistry as an individualsubject and to learn in depth in a comprehensive and systematic manner.The first year of the Program makes sure that learners will have: (1) flawless understanding of atomicstructures and properties of common elements and compounds; (2) an extensive knowledge of commonchemical reactions and how they play in real life; (3) excellent literacy skills in using academiclanguage to describe chemical changes and reflect on experiment results.
The second year of the Program makes sure that learners, apart from a successful completion of SACE Stage 1 Chemistry curriculum, will achieve equivalent to SACE Stage 2 level on the following topics:Elemental Chemistry, Stoichiometry, Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry. By the end of theAccelerated Program, students will be able to commence revision on the above topics and half examsto further prepare for SACE Stage 2 assessments.Through a variety of learning activities, including hands-on experiments, thinking challenges,productive discussions and prompt assessment tasks and so on, students are expected to becomesuccessful science learners, confident problem solvers and high-ATAR achievers.
Chemistryaccelerated program Phase 1
(Chinese&English versions)
1. 我们周围的空气(氧气、氮气、二氧化碳的基本性质、实验室制备氧气、检验二氧化碳)
2. 自然界的水(水的组成、分子和原子的概念)
3. 原子的构成(原子、元素、化学式、化合价)
4. 质量守恒定律(书写化学方程式、利用化学方程式进行简单的计算)
5. 金刚石和石墨
6. 燃烧和灭火(燃料和热量、石油和煤)
7. 金属和金属材料(金属的化学性质)
8. 溶液(溶液的形成、溶解度、浓度、溶质质量分数)
9. 酸和碱(常见的酸和碱、酸碱中和反应)
10. 盐和化肥(生活中常见的盐)
11. 化学元素和人体健康(常见的营养元素)
Chemistry acceleratedprogram Phase 2
(Chinese & Englishversions)
1. 从实验中学化学
2. 化学物质及其变化
3. 金属及其化合物
4. 非金属及其化合物
5. 物质结构和元素周期律
6. 化学反应与能量
7. 有机化合物
8. 化学与可持续发展
翰林课程体验,退费流程快速投诉邮箱: yuxi@linstitute.net 沪ICP备2023009024号-1