在海枫的校园中有这样一位老师,一副正统的中国人面孔,一米七多一点的个子,平时不苟言笑。似乎任何时候你遇到他,他都带着一顶颜色灰暗的帽子,穿着整齐的西服,那必定是我们的科学和数学老师---Mr.Liu。不过当他碰见自己认识的学生或老师时,他会面带微笑的对他们说一声 “你好”。但是他上课的风格跟平时看到的完全不一样,丝毫也不古板无趣,反而很幽默。虽然第一节课的时候我还因为他严肃的外表而格外担心,害怕之后的课程会很无聊。谁料他上课的方式很有意思,总能把很晦涩难懂的知识解读得很简单。这使得我越发喜欢科学课,而这也是我选择采访他的原因。
从这次的采访中可以看出Mr. Liu是一位很尽职尽责的老师,除了一些特别私人的问题,他都会尽量让答案和学生们的学习挂钩。例如我们能问到,相比较科学和数学你更喜欢哪门学科?他的首先是谈及这两门课有什么不同的学习方法,之后才说到他个人对于这两门课的看法。在他的回答中他一直在鼓励学生,在课堂上也是如此,不管学生做的好与差他都会用鼓励的方式提升学生对这门学科的兴趣,在这个方面我是真的很敬佩他!
采访结束后我有些小小的伤感,因为这个学期我不再有Mr. Liu的课了。但我会一直记得他给我的支持和鼓励,认真对待今后的每一堂课,每一门课。
Part 1: Major questions
Wilma: Where is your hometown?
Mr. Liu:My hometown is He Nan, that would be between Hu Bei and He Nan province. May be near Wu Han.
Mr. Liu: 我的家乡是河南那边,湖南和湖北的交界处,离武汉也很近。
Wilma:Which university did you graduate from?
Mr. Liu:I finished my teaching education in China, and worked as a teacher in a public school. After 7 years I went to Shanghai University, I studied again for master, after master degree, I worked in Shanghai for 7 years. Then I removed to Canada, I studied Concordia first for MBA, after that I learned information study for another 2 years. Then I went to the University of Wins and for teaching educations. That’s good.
Mr. Liu: 在中国我完成了师范课程并且在公立学校任职教师。7年之后我去到了上海大学念教育学硕士并在上海工作了7年。之后我移居去加拿大并在康考迪亚大学拿到了管理学硕士,接下来两年2年我学习了信息学,然后又在温莎大学完成了教师教育课程,这让我感觉很好。
Wilma: In your opinion, what is the biggest problem during the Chinese students study in the foreign school? And how can we solve it?
Mr. Liu:I don’t think Chinese students have such big problem in Canada. The only problem they met is academic learning but it from social. You know, we have lots of teamwork it is important to find a correct friend to help you to finish the work.
Mr. Liu: 我并不觉得中国学生会遇到一些很大的问题。在我看来唯一存在的问题就是在社交上。你也知道我们课上会有很多团队活动这个对于未来找到一群正确的朋友是有很大的帮助的。
Part2: Quick Ask & Quick Answer
The blue one is the answer Mr. Liu chosen
蓝色字体的是Mr. Liu所选择的答案
Part3: Question time for students
Wilma:Can you give students who will have science this term some suggestion?
Mr. Liu:Students need spend time to memorize the vocabularies, and try your best. As
You know that Science10 is not very difficult, for most of you just need to translate mandarin to the English, so the only thing need to pay attention is the vocabularies.
Mr. Liu: 学生们应该在认识新单词和记单词上多花时间和多花精力,然后尽最大的努力学去好科学这门学科。这你肯定知道Science10并不是很难,对于大多数学生来说只需要把中文的知识翻译成英语罢了,所以最重要的就在于科学的专有名词。
Wilma: Why do you set up the Mandarin club?
Mr. Liu: Mandarin club is for BC teacher, it can help them commutate and live. Some teachers are inuring on Chinese culture and they really want to know. Our duty is to teacher them. You know that the teachers can’t speak Chinese but they live in China, commutate will be a difficult thing to let them live here more comfortable. So set up Mandarin Club can help them commutate and more loving China and live here longer.
Mr. Liu: 中文社是为了BC老师所开设的,这可以帮助他们在中国的交流和生活。有些老师对中文和中国文化很感兴趣,我们的职责是教会他们。你知道加方老师在中国但怎么会说中文,交流会成为他们生活在这里的一个难题。所以建立Mandarin Club可以让他们解决这一难题然后在中国待更久的时间。
Wilma: What is the difference between you and the teacher who don’t know Chinese? What can you help students?
Mr. Liu: I did everything in Chinese. For me it is easier to teach every unit, because I know what Chinese students understand and what they can’t understand. So that can let me make the class which is easy and teach quickly. And I will try to make the class as easy as possible.
Mr. Liu: 我之前所学的都是中文的知识。这对于我来说可以更好地教授每个单元的知识,毕竟我知道中国学生能理解什么,以及中国学生无法理解什么。因此我可以更好的掌控授课的速度,在难的地方讲的慢一点。让我的课做到能简单就简单。
Wilma:Do you have some suggestions want to ten your students about how to learn BC courses won?
Mr. Liu: I think the students will be ok for the BC courses if they want it. If I make one suggestion maybe is try to participate in the activity in the school, try your best. Is not for the courses but it can improve your socially, for me I think that’s more important than the courses.
Mr. Liu:我觉得对于加方课学生是不会有太大的问题的。如果说要我真的给一个建议的话,我希望是大家可以多参加一些学校的活动,这并不是在课程上的建议,但这可以提高你的社交能力,在我看来这个比学习课程更重要。
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