ShanghaiAmerican School, in partnership withthe American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, presentsAdam Ingersoll,a 25-year veteran of the college admission testing arena. Join us for an evening of insight from a leading voice in the field of college testing:Tuesday, February 26 @ 7:00 p.m. at the Grand Kempinski Hotel in Lujiazui. RSVP is required (click "read more" to sign up).
上海美国学校携手上海美国商会邀请到了Adam Ingersoll。Adam在大学入学考试领域积累了二十五年的经验。2月26日星期二晚上7点,Adam将会在位于陆家嘴的上海凯宾斯基大酒店分享自己针对大学入学考试的专业见解。欢迎大家报名参加。点击阅读更多报名。
“No one is more knowledgeable and up-to-date on the test prep industry and the most effective ways to prepare for SAT and ACT than Adam,” says Mark Moody, Director of College Counseling at SAS Puxi campus. “His presentations are full of surprising, insightful data and the latest trends within the testing industry, including creation and scoring of the tests.”
上海美国学校浦西校区大学升学指导主任Mark Moody表示:“再没有谁比Adam更了解备考行业的最新动态以及为学术能力评估测试(SAT)和美国大学入学考试(ACT)做准备的最有效方法了。他的演讲充满了令人惊讶且富有洞察的数据以及考试行业的最新趋势,其中包括了出题和考试评分趋势。”
A frequently requested guestspeakerat schools and conferences around the world, Adam provides trainings on test interpretation for the Admission teams at leading universities, most recently USC and Caltech. He is also the Founder and Principal of Compass Education, widely respected as one of the highest quality, best informed, and most ethical test preparation companies in the US. Adam will provide guidance to students and parents on how to successfully navigate the testing requirements of American universities. The concerns that he will address include:
Adam经常受邀前往世界各地的学校和会议发表演讲,为知名高校的招生团队提供考试结果分析培训,最近刚刚为南加利福尼亚大学和加州理工学院的招生团队提供了培训。同时他还是Compass Education的创始人兼负责人。Compass Education被广泛认为是美国质量最高、消息最灵通、最有道德的备考公司之一。Adam将为学生和家长提供指导,介绍如何成功满足美国高校的考试要求。他将谈到的内容包括:
Mindy Rose, Director of College Counseling at SAS Pudong campus says, “With wit and skill, and a mix of data and context, Adam rises above the noise and anxiety to educate families on the intricacies of standardized testing in a way that opens the way to a sane approach to test preparation.”
上海美国学校浦东校区大学升学指导主任Mindy Rose表示:“凭借机智和技巧,在数据和情境的帮助下,Adam能够屏蔽纷繁嘈杂的声音,向学生及其家人介绍标准化考试的错综复杂之处,让他们以明智的方式备考。”
For our SAS community, Adam will also visit both campuses to host parent coffees, with these times focused on personal Question and Answer sessions.
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