雅思写作大作文(Task2)四项评分细则(Task Response, Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range and Accuracy)中第一项是对作文思路和内容的打分,这一项的分数也基本奠定了文章整体的分数走向,因为逻辑和语言的展现都基于内容的扣题有效。
When new towns are planned, it is important to build more public parks or sports facilities than shopping centers for people to spend their free time. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
我们在这里分析的这道题目难度系数适中,在A和G类考试中都不止一次出现。这道题目是城市类问题中出现比较频繁的建设、规划布局类问题,属于多讨论对象题目:“public parks or sports facilities”,“shopping centers”。
建设新的城市,修建不同的基础设施和建筑物功能目的不同;所以这道题可以侧重某一个方面论证或走中立结构。修建“public parks or sports facilities”对人们的健康有益,并且可以美化城市环境;建设“shopping centers”可以满足人们对现代生活的需求,并有助于促进城市经济发展。G类作文能写明白这些内容就棒棒了!
1. 首先需要明确一点:雅思作文考题几乎全部关乎社会现象和社会问题,尤其是A类作文的出题一定是反映当下实际生活,所以在构思时要尽量客观、思考全面,提出的观点不要过于personal 。比如,审题时想想大多数人生活中的选择会怎样,写作的方向是否和现实生活统一。举例说明:谈及到国际旅游业,无论题目涉及到何种消极影响的讨论,不要忘记旅游产业作为全球最大的产业之一整体是积极的发展;再比如,科技在日常生活中的应用,无论题目出现针对何种隐患的讨论,在大多数情况下科技对现代生活的积极作用是不可取代的。
2. 其次,在第一点的基础上,尤其是在写议论文的时候,审题一定要结合相关的社会热点问题,这样文章观点的鲜明度和论证的力度都会大大提升。比如我们分析的这道题目,建造更多的“public parks or sports facilities”可以给人们提供更多的健身、锻炼的机会,可以借此推广健康的生活方式,毕竟“The health level of the general public is declining and most people are leading a sedentary lifestyle”。侧重这个角度写作正好可以结合健康这个高频出题的话题:现代城市人们健康问题有隐患,加上人口老龄化,医疗服务对政府的财政压力很大… … 这一系列严肃问题的解决可直接通过预防,即建造更多的“public parks or sports facilities”得以缓解。如此论证,还缺可写的内容么?当然,并不是说不需要建设“shopping centers”,可以将这部分的讨论放在让步段。
3. 最后,基本但却极其重要的一点要提醒大家:议论文无论用什么结构展开,一定要体现辩证思想,切忌单一论证一面;就算力度很大的支持一个观点,让步段也需要提及注意的地方。
When new towns are planned, it is important to build more public parks or sports facilities than shopping centers for people to spend their free time. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
When there is a town development initiative under way, the improvement of community facilities is considered in the development plan. While some are in favor of the construction of shopping centers, I would argue that more public parks and sports facilities should be built.
Initially, well-designed public parks and sports facilities can make a place more attractive physically. They can provide gathering spots that improve the social character of community life and serve to increase residents’ interaction with one another; therefore, they create a greater sense of community that reaches across different community sectors.
Secondly, well-equipped public parks and sports facilities offer exposure to and opportunities for a wide variety of physical activities. It is evident that the health level of the general publicis declining rapidly now and that most people are leading a sedentary lifestyle. For many citizens, affordable and accessible community facilities have been their introduction to sports activities and a more active lifestyle. People with low income, particularly the youth, may have very limited chances for regular exercise. Thus, the investment in more public parks and sports facilities is crucial in encouraging a healthier lifestyle.
Undoubtedly, shopping centers today are necessary not only because of their roles as places for purchasing products for daily consumption but also due to their recreational functions to meet the need of urban lifestyle. But given the fact real estate developers have already given more than enough attention to their importance when planning a new place, we need to consider previously ignored aspects .
To conclude, I believe that public parks and sports facilities contribute to the general quality of life in the community and that there should be more of them than places such as shopping centers.
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