Over the past few months, all Middle School students have been working hard on their projects for the Science Fair Exhibition, which was held by the Science Department for the purpose of developing students’ inquiry, investigation, communication and thinking skills.
On January 10th, 2019, the science teachers (excluding those who teach the middle school students) judged thecandidates’projects.
On January 11th, 2019, the parents and the whole school were invited to the Science Fair. The students stood beside their projects and explained them to parents, teachers and their peers. It was a good opportunity to demonstrate their communication skills and to share their achievements. They all did a fantastic job. Well done, students!
祝贺所有学生。他们都做得很棒。科学博览会奖项将在2019年3月左右的大会期间颁发。我们还想借此机会感谢所有家长鼓励和支持这一活动。特别感谢在这样一个寒冷的冬天来到学校图书馆参加科学博览会的家长们!您的支持对于提高孩子在学校的教育质量至关重要。此外,感谢所有的中学科学教师,Alba Torrent女士,阎宏女士,戴光义先生和丁洁英女士,他们努力指导学生参加他们的科学博览会项目。感谢所有评委,许彬女士,田雪娇女士和张墨谦女士,让所有候选人的工作顺利进行,并以公平和勤勉的态度对他们进行评判。
After discussion, finally, we have first, second, and third prize winners for each grade; one overall first prize winner; as well as achievement award recipients.
Congratulationsto all the students. They all did a fantastic job. The Science Fair awards will be bestowed during the assembly around March 2019.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents for encouraging and supporting the event. Special thanks to the parents who came to the school library to attend the Science Fair in such a cold winter! Your support is very essential for improving the quality of your child’s education in our school.
Moreover, thanks all the middle school science teachers, Ms. Alba Torrent, Ms. Hong Yan, Mr. Guangyi Dai, and Ms. Jieying Ding, for their hard working in guiding students in their Science Fair projects. Thanks all the judges, Ms. Bin Xu, Ms. Xuejiao Tian, and Ms. Moqian Zhang for going through all the candidates’ work and judging them with fairness and diligence.
文章由Ms.Jane (科学博览会协调员,科学HOD)撰写
Pictures are provided by Ms.Jane and Ms. Rose
Written by Ms. Jane (Science Fair coordinator, Head of Science Department)