It is no secret or surprise that our alumni at SAS go on to be seriously awesome adults. Lucky for us, they often return to visit, and sometimes even come back to teach us a thing or two. Last week we welcomed Erin Lowry ’07, author of "Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping By and Get Your Financial Life Together".
上海美国学校的校友都是优秀的人才,这不是什么秘密,也不让人感到意外。幸运的是,他们常常会回到母校,有时候还会向我们传授一些经验。上周,我们迎来了上海美国学校2007届毕业生Erin Lowry,她也是《Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping By and Get Your Financial Life Together》一书的作者。
Erin’s first stop was to meet with some of her fellow millennials, students in the 12th grade at SAS. In an extensive question-and-answer session, she talked about her trajectory since graduation, and the linchpins to her success. Networking, budgeting, boundaries, and taking initiative were interwoven into her own personal story. And yet the content of her work as a full-time author and speaker was also a fascination unto itself: Erin helps her entire generation relate to and engage in the complicated world of finance. For students soon headed off on their own, into college and beyond, Erin gave a look at money management and investing through a fresh and relatable lens. This led into a session later in the day with fellow SAS alumni at the Hyatt on the Bund. In a millennial-focused finance workshop, Erin provided the opportunity to examine the emotions we all have attached to money, and provided some tools to be more confident in managing risks and talking about this (often taboo) subject as young adults.
In a final event downtown, Erin did a speech and book signing with a wide range of our SAS community from both campuses. For the parents in the room, Erin offered assurance that while careers and life paths might look different for young people today, not to fear—millennials are as capable of success and leadership as each generation before them. And as for the millennials present, her books and story provide a useful puzzle piece to help chart a path to that era of responsible adulthood, while still being true to oneself.
Onward, alumni, and thanks. You just never cease to make us proud.