上午,同学们体验了数学、心理、经济、生物等课程,并在生物课堂上,完成了一次校内field trip。
Journal Excerpts
沈至成 2班
Charlie from Class 2
Sooooo busy! But I liked it!
It’ll be the last day at the camp, but I hope it’s not the last day in Weiyu School!
Elaine from Class 2
The next class was a psychology class. We learned that we couldn’t judge whether a people was good or bad just by seeing one thing. The best class I had today was economy. I didn't have economy class before so it really attracted me a lot. I knew that economy was not just about how to get money, it was to use a method like Math and got scientific conclusions.
何泽誉 2班
Blake from Class 2
Biology teacher is a kind lady who prefer to integrate theory with practice. We went to the garden to do research on a special effect called lotus effect. It means that some plants have a kind of thing on their leaves so that the water drops can not stay on them, surprising, isn’t it?
And sadly this night is perhaps the last night I have in such a good school, with such creative and intelligent teachers and partners. Whatever, I believe this experience of IBDP will be an unforgettable memory in my heart forever.
Bella from Class 2
杨海月 1班
Abby from Class 1
所以,上IB课的同学应具有较强大的Time Manage能力,high-efficient and well-quality,同时它也注重学生的team-work,从制作poster上,我学到有效分工在corporation中的重要性。也让我学到how to be a better leader. 所以在以后准备上IB课中,我要学会制作有效的time tabe,并严格遵守。多向成功长辈、学长学姐请教学习,提高办事效率及其质量,争取less time, more work。IB课充实丰富,它使我不断move forward,提高自身能力,相信在冬令营切身体会及日后自我培养后,我进入位育IB接受better and more advanced education, 成为有贡献力的人,为自己热爱的事业、祖国、世界尽薄弱却不可忽视的一份力量。冬令营是寒假中最有意义的事,我交了很多朋友,也学到了国际化开放多元的思维。相信位育IB一定能激发出我最大的潜能。
李如昊 2班
Steven from Class 2
Through CAS after dinner, I think I understand why IB is such a “picky” program. It requires students to have excellent academic grade while having lots of other hobbies. They need to balance their attention, because both are equally important when being evaluated by the future admission officers in universities.
卢以钧 2班
Eric from Class 2
I was interested in the second one ——drama. The high school students in there was kind, friendly and also funny. I felt like I had already entered a film when I stepped into the classroom. The high school students then gave us some clues to figure out the solution to a problem. Then they asked us to perform a little bit with some sentences with no consequence. Both of the activities were very enjoyable.
戴怡然 1班
Sophie from Class 1
Alen from Class 1
王露晓 2班
Jessica from Class 2
I had a great experience of the IB courses and I found myself very interested in the program. IB helps me to learn how to manage my time wisely.
Therefore, I am really thankful to have such opportunity to be selected in this Weiyu Winter Camp. I hope I could join Weiyu and study with the lovely teachers and students here at Weiyu school!
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