Computer Science
加威教育计算机科学(Computer Science)之“五问五答”(下)
1. Q: What is computer science?
A: The essence of computer science is to, with assistance of computer processor and software, solve real-world problems. Simply put, Computer Science is a school of study that makes the most of the knowledge from computer programming and software. In reality, computers view the world (or the world in theirs heads) as different types of data and then, manipulate and utilize these data. Basically, countless of real-world circumstances can be illustrated by programming, or coding. One suitable example will be the task of handling the busy traffic, where we should view each passing car, interp, and traffic light as a certain object. In the realm of computer science, an object is a thing that has its own attributes and behaviors. Handling each object separately will help us simplify the whole problem.
2. Q: What are some of the most popular programming languages?
A: For the time being, Java, C++, and Python are probably the three most popular programming languages globally. Each of them has some advantages and disadvantages. For instance, Java and Python are easier to learn, with simpler formats and syntax. Meanwhile, C++ is more time-efficient and closer to the operating system. Normally, it is highly advisable for starters to learn Java and Python first.
3. Q: What can you do with computer science/programming/coding?
A: Just like the essence of computer science, you can solve many real-world problems by means of coding. For example, you can design an APP to help you choose the most suitable career in the future, or you can write some code to solve a hard puzzle, or you can simply write some code to find out the shortest path out from a certain maze. Anyway, programming makes your life easier.
4. Q: What is programming language? What is machine language? How does it differ than the machine language?
A: Normally, when people are talking about programming language, they are referring to those HLLs, or High Level Languages. For instance, Java, Python, C++ are all high-level languages. Basically, high level languages are human-readable and human-understandable programming language. To be more specific, in Java, if you want to print something like “I love computer science!” out on the console, you will just need to type “System.out.println(“I love computer science!”)”. Then your computer will totally understand this in Java and print it out on the screen for you to see. Machine language, on the other hand, is literally made of ones and zeroes, such as “10101011” and “00001”. Your computer is able to directly understand the machine language. However, HLL will need to be compiled and converted to machine language in order for computers to work.
四答:通常来说,当人们讨论编程语言,他们往往指的是高级编程语言。Java、Python、C++都是高级编程语言。大体来说,高级编程语言是一种人类能看懂的,按照一定规则来执行的语句或段落。更具体来说,拿Java来举个例子,如果你想在屏幕上打出“我热爱计算机科学!”这行字,你只需要输入“System.out.println(“我热爱计算机科学!”);”. 这样,你的电脑就知道你是要用Java编程语言去打出这些字了。计算机语言,相较于高级编程语言,则完全是由0和1构成的,比如说“10101011”和“00001”. 你的计算机能够直接理解你写的任何计算机语言,然而,你的计算机并不能直接理解高级编程语言。这些高级编程语言往往需要被转化为计算机语言,才能被执行。
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