伯 科 曼 中 学
Perkiomen School
寄宿中学,Niche 等级A+
招生年级7-PG,TOEFL 60
30门课程、11门荣誉课程、非常强大的ESL课程,1:1 iPad教学
Sapphire Y.
Sapphire是一个学术极为优异的学生。她拥有AP学者称号,并于去年被评选进入我校优秀学生协会(cum laude society)。她在西班牙语、数学这两科赢得无数荣誉:全国西班牙语考试一级,宾州数学联盟优异成就称号、美国数学学术活动(AMC 12)第三名、MathCon 2018在线测试的成就证书等。
Sapphire被提名为我校医学研究所的第一届杰出学生,并在夏天前往宾夕法尼亚州多伊尔斯敦进行医学研究。她的领导能力使其被选举为寝室长,并担任大西洋中部地区多样性(MARD)会议的推广者。她是我校STEM项目研究员、演示站研究员。去年,她是我校文学杂志The Palantir的编辑。 此外,Sapphire还是Techub的创始成员,Techub是一个校园组织,专注于修复各种电子设备,类似于百思买的极客团队。
附:推荐信原文: Sapphire is truly an academic. She is an AP scholar with distinction and was inducted into our cum laude society chapter last year. She has won numerous awards for different liberal arts disciplines in Spanish and mathematics: Level 1 in the National Spanish Exam; The PA Mathematics League Certificate of Merit for Superior Achievement; American Invitational Mathematics Competition Award for 3rd place on the AMC 12; and the National MathCon Completion Award for a Certificate of Achievement for Honorable Mention on the MathCon 2018 online test. She is a candidate for medical distinction our inaugural year of our Medical Institute and conducted research over the summer in Doylestown, Pa. Her leadership skills have led her to serve as a proctor in our dorm and serve as a facilitator in the Mid-Atlantic Regional Diversity (MARD) conference. She is a STEM Fellow and a Presentation Station Fellow. Last year, she was a member of the Editorial Staff on our school's literary magazine, The Palantir. Sapphire is a founding member of Techub, a campus organization designed to repair various electronic devices, similar to Geek Squad at Best Buy.
Sapphire has also stepped out of her comfort zone and has participated in different athletic activities on campus. She played basketball for the first time last year and has participated in track and field.Sapphire serves as a tour guide in the admissions office and has done so for the past three years. I will certainly miss her next year!
Nikki Misevicius
Associate Director of Admissions and Financial Aid
Head Coach, Varsity Girls Basketball
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