After a semester of learning and accumulation,the students welcomed the opportunity to share in a time of reflection.
先声夺人 乐团斗艳
First, the students of Middle Years Program Department opened the award ceremony with a cheerful performance, sending sincere wishes to the teachers and students of the Integrated department.
所谓长江后浪推前浪,在优秀榜样的示范下,融合部小学的孩子们又岂会落后,融小Stary Sky 童声合唱团的成员在包爽老师的指挥下,倾情演唱了《放牛班的春天》主题曲以及《I will follow him》,优美的旋律,华彩的前奏,美妙的和声,倏然间抓住了台下听众们的心,像一股甘泉,沁入心灵。
Next, the Starry Sky choir, conducted by Miss Christina Bao, sang, "Les Choristes" (in French) and then, ‘’I will follow him ", two beautiful melodies which enchanted the captive audience.
超学科探究 寓教于乐
G3 students brought us a short version of their UOI assembly, themed: "who we are”. They were followed by G2 students who performed a sketch all about: "sharing the earth". The students mixed subject knowledge with practical problems, so that learning activities extend out from the classroom into daily life.
社团show time 妙趣横添
姜校长曾经说过:“人的差异在课余时间。” 丰富多元的社团活动拓宽了孩子们的知识面,也为他们开启了生活中的另一扇窗。电影社团、新闻媒体社团和英文单词拼写社团就为我们完美诠释了这句话,他们利用业余时间不仅丰富了自己的生活,同时也提升了自己的各项能力 。
Principal Jiang once said:"how one spends their spare time is an important, life-affirming quality“. Aside regular class teaching students are exposed to a rich and diverse series of club activities, to broaden knowledge and help create more rounded individuals. The movie club, the newsletter club and the English spelling club, highlight this perfectly, by enriching lives and improving abilities.
颁奖时刻 榜样力量
At the end of a successful term, one group of children, who strive for self-improvement and all-round development, won the "Balanced" award – an learner profile. Principal Yao and Principal David presented these students with awards and certificates.
Our student leaders were also commended, with Lizzy Deng awarding certificates to these aspiring leaders.
The PTA were also recognized at this time. They cooperate with the school, to provide children with a comfortable learning and living environment, Vice-Principal Wang presented a, "special contribution award", to our lovely and honorable PTA.
回望成果 寄情未来
Principal Yao spoke during the ceremony to highlight the achievements of the semester, throughout the department, and not just in academia, students and teachers are devoted to good practice, and this in turn has achieved gratifying results.
An outstanding school keeps on striving for greatness and Principal Yao put forward new expectations and encouragement for us all, for next semester..
In the face of a new start, we hope the teachers and students will embrace the future welcome a beautiful New Year!