Shanghai American School first opened its doors more than 100 years ago, and as the most storied international school in Shanghai, it’s no surprise that we have an alma mater – one that dates back to 1948. And if you know anything about SAS, it will also be no surprise that the song was originally written by our students. While it hasn’t been sung consistently through the varied waves of history, we’ve recently unearthed this proud song and are giving it a new lease on life. A bit old-fashioned? Of course. But maybe this just means it is time to pass it over to our innovative students of today and invite them to make it their own. In the meantime, we caught up at the Pudong campus with the original songwriter and former student, Ted Stannard ’48 who left his mark on SAS through school spirit and songwriting.
上海美国学校创立于100多年前。作为上海最具传奇色彩的国际学校,我们当然拥有自己的校歌,并且这首校歌的历史可以追溯至1948年。如果你对上海美国学校有所了解的话,那你也一定不会对我们的校歌最初是由学生谱写一事感到吃惊。尽管在历史的长河中,我们并没有一直吟唱校歌,但最近我们把它翻了出来并为其赋予了新生命。有点老套?是有一些。但或许这意味着是时候将其交到我们现在极富创新思维的学生手中,让他们将其改造成属于他们自己的校歌。此外,我们还在浦东校区见到了这首校歌最初的创作者Ted Stannard。作为上海美国学校1948届毕业生,Ted Stannard遵循了学校精神,通过写歌在上海美国学校留下了自己的印记。
Watch students and alumni perform the Alma Mater here, or click the “read more” button at the bottom of this article.