2018年匆匆已逝,转身回眸之际,短暂又漫长的22周,154个日日夜夜,浸润着汗水的点滴片段在各学部的呈现下,恍如隔世却又历久弥新。2019年1月17日,融合部期末工作总结大会,四部的工作汇报以各自独特的方式为我们揭开了这一段属于尚德融合部人的独家记忆。The year 2018 has just passed. Looking back, a short and long 22 weeks, 154 days and nights witnessed the endeavor of all the teachers mentioned in the presentation of all the departments, which happened just in the last moment, but also in perpetuity. On January, 17, 2019, in the work summary meeting, the four departments reported in a unique way for us to review this exclusive memory of SSES Integrated Division members.
International Schools' Assessment:The average level of students is higher than 80% students of other international schools in mathematical literacy.Top students’ scores in Grade 5 are about 20% higher than other schools.
Primary Survival Trip:
G5 teachers and students went to Nanping Ancient Village in Anhui between 12 - 14 Oct.
MYPDP NB Field Trips & CAS Trips
融合部小学新春音乐会New Year Concert融合部小学学科学展
Science Fair
Maths Day
Science and Tech Exhibition
DP House Games
DP Theatre Collaborative Project
NB English drama COCO
融合部小学邓红喜老师继续被评为浦东新区骨干教师Lizzy has continuously been awarded as a key teacher in Pudong New Area融合部小学徐锐老师成2018年“浦东中外课程比较与借鉴研究”兼职教研员
Ray officially became a part-time teaching researcher of the
“Comparison and references of Chinese and Foreign Curricula” Project
Ye Qian won the first prize in the teaching design competition for trainee teachers 2017
DP 罗敏老师获得2017学年见习教师教学设计比赛获二等奖
Luo Min won the second prize in the teaching design competition for trainee teachers 2017
The establishment of four research subjects
of the Municipal level
The establishment of one research subjectof the District level
“The research on Promoting Program Design in Middle School InformationTechnology Courses”
融合部小学邓红喜老师的论文《以评估促进学生的全面发展》获得2018浦东新区教育学会论文优秀奖The essay “To promote the overall development of students throughassessment”by PYP Lizzy Deng won the Excellence Award in the district essay competition in 2018
Our Department selected and submitted 11 academic papersby our Chinese and foreign to participate in the 2018 school wide essay contest,8 won the Academy Awards.
Academic Influences
11月8日—9日IBO在广州举行了2018年中国IB教育峰会,David校长和邓红喜老师作精彩分享。2018 IB Chinese Educational Forum in Guangzhou on 8, 9 Nov. David and Lizzy made a wonderful sharing.11月18日60多名来自亚洲国际学校发展大会的董事、校长、外宾访问团莅临尚德访问交流。Jennifer校长作发言。
More than 60 directors, principals, Chinese and foreign guests from the Asian International School Development Conference visited Shangde. Jennifer gave a speech to introduce our school and share ideas.
融小中外老师们自编自演,以不同形式带大家回顾总结了本学期融小的精彩盛会,SpellingBee、三年级课程展、科技展、圣诞剧、新年音乐会……老师们为大家带来创意十足的表演,独具上海特色的舞蹈,也表现出融小本学期度过了一个充实而欢乐的一个学期。Primary presentation was composed and performed by teachers themselves in different forms, such as Spelling Bee, G3 curriculum exhibition, scientific show, Christmas drama and New Year Concert, etc. All the Primary teachers brought you the innovative shows filled with Shanghai stylish dance and a sense of fulfillment and joy of this term.
融中以视频的方式梳理一个学期的大事记,包括融合部星空合唱团、军训、Cultrue Moment、数学日、科技展、ATL培训等。新教师们以《穿越未来》穿越剧的方式轻松地演绎了ATL技能在当下及未来的重要性。Middle school event was shown in a video, including SSES Starlit Sky Chorus, Culture Moment, Math Day, Sci&Tech Exhibition, and ATL Training, etc. Then new teachers performed a short play named“Travel to the Future”, interpreting the importance of ATL skills in the present and the future.
本学期DP学部的关键词是“健康、向上”,例如打通年级和班级界限,促进任课老师和学生沟通的House学院制管理方式,五个以“风、雨、雷、电、火”命名的House预示着风雨兼程,一路向前的IB之路;每周三全员参与的体育社团,十几个校内校外的项目涉及轮滑、健身、骑行、瑜伽等;科研依然是我们的强项,从教师合作论文到学生EE收尾,都是硕果累累;最后个别学科如地理,努力扩展学科与核心课程,与区域教师,与公益项目的联系。“独乐乐,不如众乐乐。”在今天的学期总结会上,DP用拍卖宝贝的形式,把这些金点子分享给其他学部。”Health and Growth”, regarded as the key words of DP Division, such as combine classes regardless of the borders of grades and classes, promoting the house school administration methods of communication between teachers and students. The house named after ‘Five Elements’ indicates the road no matter what they met on the IB way forward. Students participate sports club every Wednesday, involving rollar skating, fitness, cycling, yoga, etc. Science research, still as our strength, including a lot of aspects like paper works made through teacher collaboration and EE closing-up, all of which were fruitful. Lastly, geography teachers also made every effort to relate core curriculums with regional teachers and public welfare projects. DP shared those incredible ideas mentioned above through auctions.
本学期美加学部的年度关键词是——GOOD,good news, good experience,good new vogage,good clubs,good teachers……紧接着科学组展示了他们项目式学习的成果,生动形象地为在场老师们展示了学生利用物理学原理亲手制作的LED圣诞树、利用工程力学知识制作的自重44克却承重84公斤的桥梁结构。一曲美加版光年之外大合唱,宛如美加日常点滴的情景剧,一个学期来的常规管理、学科探索,在动人的歌声中如画一般展现在老师眼前,最打动人心的便是真心、真情。‘GOOD, good news, good experience, good new voyage, good clubs, good teachers’ are thought as the key words of NB during this semester. Then, NB Science Group teachers showed the achievements of their project-based learning, vividly presenting some manual articles including a LED-light Christmas tree, a 44-gram bridge structure supporting the stuff about 84 kg. A chorus was presented as a stage show involving regular school management, science exploration, moving and impressing every one at present with several emotional moments.
年度工作总结会后,全体融合部中外籍教师云集美加校区一起参与了年味十足的大比拼,活动现场洋溢着欢乐、热烈的气氛。融合部大家庭团聚在一起迎接2019年的来临!After the annual work summary conference, all the teachers of Integrated Department took an active part in the annual competition in NB campus, which was filled with joy and warmth. The whole family was reunited to welcome the year 2019!
Gorgeous 2018,
What made us reluctant to leave are those exclusive memories,
To be specific, they are both busy and complete, solid but firm.
All the SSES Integrated Division members will keep bringing teaching characteristics into full play, striving to integrate the strengths of the East and the West in 2019.
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