1月14日,七宝德怀特迎来了来自哈佛大学最负盛名的爵士乐无伴奏合唱团Din & Tonics。
It was an honor to host The Din & Tonics, Harvard's premiere Jazz A cappella troupe. Dressed to the nines in white tie and tails, accompanied by luminous lime green socks, "The Dins" filled the auditorium with sweet melodies and glorious wit.
主持人:钟昕晨 吴润东
Since 1979, The Dins have traveled the world every winter and every other summer, stopping in 15-20 countries and countless cities, from Strasbourg to Seoul, all in the name of sharing music, laughter, and most importantly, raising significant funds to support charities.
Everyone who knows The Dins is aware of their modesty, both in personality and purse. As an entirely student-run organization, The Dins do not receive funding from Harvard University, instead relying on small fees earned from their various performances, and their instinct to save money by taking the metro instead of hiring a taxi to and from venues. Although it could be assumed that the majority of their earnings goes towards the purchase of their key lime pie colored socks and overall dapper ensemble, the lion share is generously distributed to various charities.
When the last note was unfettered, The Dins received our student’s questions with the same wholeheartedness they exhibited when performing “All in Love is Fair.”No one Din was alike; most of the crew was studying a different major, including Computer Science, Music, Linguistics, Political Science, and history, while a few had not yet declared a major.To much of the audiences surprise, the majority of Dins had not considered Harvard as the main goal in their college application process and instead described their acceptance as a major stroke of luck.
Among the questions, a Qibao Dwight student asked, “how much sleep do you get on a nightly basis?” to which a Din responded, “more than I did in high school, which has made a very positive impact on my academic and personal life. I went from only 3 hours of sleep to 12-14 hours.” A Qibao Dwight senior followed up by asking, “What does Harvard’s motto, ‘Veritas’ [‘Truth’], mean to you?” The next Din to take the microphone explained that the motto represents his ambitions to always remain curious, and through his experiences, including his global travels with The Dins, find a clearer understanding of the world around him."
The Qibao Dwight crowd was amply inspired and entranced by The Dins accomplishments, philanthropy, and words wisdom. We hope to have The Din and Tonics back in the near future and wish them the best as they continue their travels!
by Mr. Peter Carlisle
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